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Finding and Loosing {Attn: Arcon}

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Alliveer stumbled through the fortress in the early hours of the morning. He wanted to get a feel for the place and see if it held any secrets, that haven’t been revealed yet. That was one thing Alliveer could not stand, and that was not knowing. It was too easy to fall into a trap if you did not know what was under your own to feet. 


The task seemed easy at first, yet the hallways never seemed quit the same, it was unnerving at first, but it was amazing what one could get used to. Alliveer mentally shook himself, he would adapt to this place but he would not let it change him. He would leave this fortress one day the same Alliveer that entered, only with more power, ability, command, and control.


Alliveer kept looking, always turning down this corner, or opening that door but it was to no avail yet. He would keep searching as long as there was another door that had not been entered. Tap-Tap-Tap-Tap. Alliveer turned around and saw a short figure garbed in black approaching.



  • 3 weeks later...

Shadar silently slid down the dark corridors of the Fortress, following Alliveer. Arcon had asked him to help this Initiate learn the value of humility. He was far too arrogant, too confident. The Shadow held no mercy for those who stepped beyond their bounds, and this Initiate was too powerful a tool to loose in simple foolishness.


He was covered in his black robe, the hood well up to hide his face as he had been the day he had participated in the man's training. Alliveer was foolishly poking his nose into random doors, apparently unaware that while he currently was in a fairly unoccupied area, there were dangers. Most that Shadar knew, like himself, had set weaves to protect their quarters. The last initiate to poke his nose into Shadar's quarters had been severely burned in the resulting flash of flame in his face. He was left to heal naturally and forbidden to have it done so with the Power as a lesson on caution.


Pulling one of his daggers from the wide cuff of his robe he tapped it slowly on the wall to get the man's attention. Tap-Tap-Tap-Tap. Alliveer whirled and Shadar wove a trickle of Saidin. The weave was inverted and merely changed his voice so that the man could not recognize it. Shadar chose the voice that he had heard not long ago, the Fadeling's rasp like a snake in dead leaves.


"Alliveer, for too long you have been blind. Oblivious to the world around you, it is time your eyes were opened by the Shadow.."


Stepping back slowly into a pool of shadows he held perfectly still. He knew that Arcon was concealed nearby and was going to weave Folded Light and invert the weave. The whole effect would be utterly terrifying, Arcon's brilliant orchestrating would look to the Initiate as if Shadar had simply melted into the shadows to disappear, creating a disorienting, confusing atmosphere.


OOC: Kura asked me to step in, i'm not sure if this is what he wanted exactly but...Hi!  :D good to get a chance to RP with you again.


Arcon wove, masking his own ability to channel. An inverted weave of folded light hid his favored student, and a hint of illusion gave the appearance that the man had disappeared into shadows that literally reached for him. He was proud of his work. He stepped out from behind his own wall of folded light, only a couple feet behind Alliveer. "Hello Alliveer." His was was low, cold. It was aimed to startle the almost certainly edgy initiate.


"The Myrddraal was correct, Alliveer. There are paths in the shadow that you are yet blind too, dangers you are not aware of. Any one of these doors could have exploded, eliminating a valuable resource to the Great Lord of the Dark." Though his words were stern in the patriarch sense, his tone made it clear that he held no fatherly affection for Alliveer. No, he kept him what he was for now, a resource, not even fit for the human verb of lose 'to kill.' He would have to earn that right.


He wove gusts of air, inverting them, blowing out the torches. He wove a strong shield, slamming it into place, yet strong enough to do so even if the man had seized Saidin, the male half of the power. "This exercise will teach you to be aware of your surroundings. It will teach you to be prepared for anything, at any time. But most of all, it will teach you how far you've come in your education." He drained any compliment from the last words by switching to an almost mocking tone.


He made the darkness complete with an illusion weave, and wove a ward of silence, to mask his steps as he retreated into deeper, nautural shadow, before lifting both weaves. For now it was enough to watch Alliveer, test his reactions, Shad would know how to startle him when the time came...

Guest dragonsworn1991

"Alliveer, for too long you have been blind. Oblivious to the world around you, it is time your eyes were opened by the Shadow.." Alliveer listened to the dry voice. It sounded like a snake crawling over leaves an stone. Alliveer looked out into the shadow at the source of the voice. The black cloaked figure was gone, all that was left was black, complete and utter blackness, it stretched down the corridor, and the mysterious man, was gone, as if he had melted into the shadows.


Alliveer looked around, and was just about to move on, but when he turned around, there was Arcon standing before him.


The Myrddraal was correct, Alliveer. There are paths in the shadow that you are yet blind too, dangers you are not aware of. Any one of these doors could have exploded, eliminating a valuable resource to the Great Lord of the Dark." Recovering from his shock, Alliveer cursed at himself mentally. This pompous fool thought he knew everything, and he was in control, we will see who has the upper hand. This act of subservience, and meekness was just that, an act. Let these fools think him cowed and weak, let them think that until the day Alliveer seized power for himself, and carved his own place in the world. 


"This exercise will teach you to be aware of your surroundings. It will teach you to be prepared for anything, at any time. But most of all, it will teach you how far you've come in your education."


Another lesson, another weapon in his arsenal, this encounter was proving to work more and more valuable. Alliveer thought. He tried very hard to hate Arcon but tiny bubbles of respect always came to the surface. Arcon disappeared into the shadow, and Alliveer made a move as to follow. Alliveer caught himself, this is an ideal example of a situation not to be in. He looked around and just stood there. Alliveer tried to seize the source and push against the shield. All Alliveer's efforts were to no avail. Alliveer stood there in the darkness and fear danced at the edge of his mind.


One thought was running around Alliveer's mind, I can beat this, I will not be weak.




  • 2 weeks later...

Arcon Dadread stood, watching the initiate from the shadows, reading his reactions. He knew he was being watched, and Arcon used that fact, using prepared weaves that were inverted, making ghost sounds; creaks, groans, the occasional foot step. It was all a carefully constructed den of paranoia, even the edges of the hall in either direction gradually dimmed, forming the illusion that he was in some segmented part of the Fortress.


He had to say he was almost impressed with Alliveer's endurance. Though Arcon knew at least a portion of it was due more to arrogance than any real control. No matter the source though, control was control, and Arcon could use it, shape it to fit his desires. It didn't matter that the man knew he was being shaped, he'd still think he would have the upper hand, that he was using Arcon...


It was a laughable notion.


Arcon wove again, illuminating his spot with a globe of light. "Alright Alliveer, let us begin your lessons. I have a very simple task set out for you. Make it to your rooms, and you will be done. If you can do this, then you will proved yourself in my eyes and the Great Lord's." It was a subtle thing, using both of their names in the same sentence. Though Arcon had no illusions of approaching his lord's grandeur and power, he did want the association there. He wanted to be seen as a path to power, a power born of the Great Lord, at least to this man. He had simple, naked ambition, and Arcon would twist it.


It was what he did. What he was born to do...


"Alright Alliveer, get walking..." With that he let the globe fall, breathing hard, silent breaths. He had already channeled a great deal today, to set all this up. He was never the strongest in the power, and this lesson would have tested his limits as well as his students. Which of course, is why he had Shadar to help him... He knew his assigned task.


These thoughts bringing forth that ghastly grin, invisible due to the darkness he surrounded himself in, Arcon Dadread settled down to wait. A spider, comfortable in his web...

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest dragonsworn1991

"Alright Alliveer, get walking..."


Alliveer did just that, cursing Arcon mentally as he did. Alliveer was not going to let some over pompous carhienin lout best him. Holding his head up high, Alliveer began to walk. He banished the fear he felt creeping through his bones by assuming the void. Everything Alliveer had been feeling, fear, contempt for Arcon with his nose in the air,disgust with himself for letting himself fall into Arcon's trap, all of those emotions were pushed away and Alliveer became devoid of feeling.


Alliveer was brazen but he was not stupid by no means. Alliveer started to walk backwards, facing the direction he had last seen Arcon. "I don't trust this peace at the fortress, anybody sworn to the great lord would sell their mother for a favorable position." Alliveer grummbled softly to himself.


"Whatever you are planning Arcon, I am ready." Alliveer said in a metallic voice.


Shadar practically radiated pleasure as the man crept backward towards him. Arcon's plan to frighten the man seemed to be working perfectly. He waited for the man to creep further and wove Saidin. Inverted weaves were prepared and Shadar crept soundlessly up behind the man.


He was feet away from the nearest wall, and Alliveer would know this. Shadar planned to use this to his advantage. Making use of the inverted weaves, the torches exploded with a roar and huge gouts of flame. At the same moment, his Power amplified voice boomed just behind the man's ear "ALLIVEER!"


He slid back to the safety of the shadows as the man whirled. Shadar knew the man would have been frightened enough to lose the Void and it gave him great pleasure...

Guest dragonsworn1991

Creeping backwards Alliveer had a strange sense that this was going to easy. Alliveer was rite. A torch exploded sending embers scattering through the too black corridor. Just like the flames, the void shook for a moment and then exploded, all of the emotions that had been kept at bay flooded into Alliveer, he wanted to weep but he would not give Arcon the pleasure.


"ALLIVEER!" A voice boomed beside Alliveer's ear driving him to near deafness. Deafness that was the key, if Alliveer could not hear anything, than he could not be frightened of what approached. Alliveer cupped is hands over his ears, and he made his way to a wall to give him some cover. Once along the wall, Alliveer continued his walk. He tried to achieve the void again, but the fear he was feeling kept the void slightly out of reach.


Alliveer's teeth started to chatter, This is going to be a long night. Alliveer thought to himself.

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