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Welcome Pol and Tai


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Ok gang, two welcomes needed, if a little belatedly, for which my apologies.  :D


Welcome to the Wolfkin Pol and Tai, look forward to RPing with each of you. Help yourself to the chili and tequila, try not to set fire to your tails and play nice with the other pups.


My personal foot locker is over there *points in general direction* and is for your protection so don't fight it when I hide you inside.  ;)  ;D


Have fun.

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Yay! *does a little dance*


Haven't gotten my bio up via my signature so HERE is a link in case you wolfies wanna check it out ;)


Can't wait to get to know all of you, be warned i am one of the more active ppl posting at least every couple of days on the low end, multiple times a day on the high end ;)


WELCOME POL! Good to know i'm not alone  ;D

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WELCOME POL! Good to know i'm not alone  ;D


OMG I just read your bio cuz I saw it was for another WK member and was like "SQUEE!!!! I'm not the only newbie here anymore! YES!" ;D


and I'm here when the WoW monster isn't eating me, which is about 5 hours day at least, lol. and I can see childboards now! woot!

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lol which doesn't matter since Wanderers can't leave the Stedding on their own anyway so it's not an immediate issue. We can manage for full rank characters, that's what NSWs are for.  ;)

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