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<Shayol Ghul>


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for triple experience or for the achievements I got on a diff realm? lol. but I did Spring Fling on perenolde and Blushing Bride and Noble Garden. still haven't gotten Sunday's Finest (messed up achievement name earlier) so I've like... 190-200 achievement points on my lvl 14 XD


awww... well, I've recently discovered my level of addiction is unhealthy and I might take some time off next week after Noblegarden (don't want to wait a year for the achievements)


so think of this as a healthy "diet" XD


ah, but again, children's week starts tomorrow...


so yeah, i got up at 8am, got to Az's at 9:30am, spend 2hrs doing auctions, spent until 3:45pm doing my Noblegarden achievements...i got my last 50eggs in 20mins and i have to scoot out the backdoor before i could go to dalaran and give out flowers to pretty ladies.  hopefully Az will leave the backdoor unlocked tomorrow so i could be Xexah the Noble.


Khanrhyd got his nobility yesterday the bastard


man, I still haven't made it to Noble even on my undead... I just have to finish Shake Your Bunny Maker and Desert Rose thent he only one I have left is Sunday's Finest which I don't think it required. but I'm gonna beg Fera to play our Sen'jin characters tonight all night and try to get it on at least one character (prefferably Rikara and Elbaal) or maybe a second, too.


grrr. 10 day. 10 bloody days of fishing for that fish. 10 days of being ganked by various horde and still I havnt gotten him. But have I given up yet? no not at all. I shall catch that fish, if it takes me the rest of my characters life.... even if i dont have any armor or potions, or bandages or anything else left.. I vow I shall catch that fish and he will be tasty.


well, i got 3 more screen shots in today.


while showing my little orphan boy the bank in darnassus i finished my 3000th quest.

And what is soo big about that?  Simple.  I can now call myself Xexah the Seeker if i wanted to. 


i'm trying to be Matron Xexah this next week.




I choose Willy over the baby elekk and the Eggbert

width=640 height=480http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v730/Canukistani/WoW/XexahandWilly.jpg[/img]


And cause Azrael was talking about getting the white rat this year...so did i.  instead he got the turtle, Speedy.  My first time doing it i got the piggy

width=640 height=480http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v730/Canukistani/WoW/XexahandWhiskers.jpg[/img]


What are all these events? How do I get these titles? I'm so confused, and all I keep doing is questing in Booty Bay and Gadgetzeran.


On the plus side, I'm 43 now. :D


you need to go to stormwind's cathedral square and talk to the orphanage matron there. 


Some achievements give you titles when you finish them.  if you do all the achievements for Noblegarden you're called 'the Noble'.  when you do your 3000th quest you get 'the Seeker'.  when you're exalted with Stormwind, Ironforge, Gnomergean Exiles, Darnassus and Exodar you get 'Ambassador'.  hit your Y key and check out what there is to do.


I prefer Floobland, but I disagree entirely about the, like, Uber Double Smelted Wheeselgee Plate +42.5. :P Okay, this bamboozles me. How can a single person find the time to do 3000 quests?


This is why you lot should stop running around on alts and get a character to level 80 and earn yourself 20000gold.




<Shayol Ghul> the biker gang..


Saw a tauren riding by on one of those earlier. so sweet. im tempted to force my pally to just run through the levels as fast as possible and ignore the achievements for now....we shall see though.  crafty remains elusive after another 300 fish caught tonight.


whom are you speaking to?


I don't...only used it for like the last few months.  don't know if i'm going to reinstall it on my new computer

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