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<Shayol Ghul>


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I only have one character in SG thus far. And she is a LF because I accidentally quit the guild, and when LDD added me back in, it dropped my rank.


I know this is weird, and I'm totally cool with you saying no, but if you need me to empty your mailbox or something so you don't lose the stuff after 30 days or whatever, I don't mind doing it. You know I'll leave your stuff alone.

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Sooo....how many people are in this guild?  I'm feeling the twitch to play WoW.  I was gonna wait until my new baby boy was sleeping more through the night, but what the heck - sleep is overrated anyway.


I was going to transfer a character, but I don't want to pay for it, so maybe I'll just roll a new one.....


there's Far, Canuki, me, LordDaemonDracos, Ferathil, Azreal, and Carywn II on the Sen'jin Realm, but on Eitrigg it's just me and Ferathil unless you want to create a human on Eitrigg, too, and help me level up, lol.

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If I have time, I'll do both, but perhaps I'll start with Sen'jin.  I've been wanting to create a human....only alliance race I haven't tried out.


What classes do you have in SG right now?  I like picking the classes that are in demand for the most part.


I'm stuck between leveling up Myra some more on Sen'jin, leveling up Radek or my undead on Eitrigg, or leveling up my undead on Perenolde as Elyssa gave me 50g O_O woot! I can train now! lol

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Doh!  I'm online now, but Sen'jin is down.  I had a few minutes and was going to create a shiny new human....bummer.


Go figure, lol.


For those of you on Sen'Jin or looking to play on Sen'jin:


I need money to buy my new computer so i can play wow.  for every donation of $20 you'll get 1000g when i get back online. 


Yes, sadly that will mean you'll have to wait for me to get back online before you can get your gold.  Maybe sooner, Azrael/Khanrhyd was saying something about reactivating my account before i get a new computer and i can play on his computer when it gets fixed.


FDM and I have sorted out how to use Paypal to donate to my New Computer So I Can Play WoW Again fund.

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I'd be happy to help out a fellow DMer....besides, 1k gold is huge for a low level player like myself.  ;)


PM me whatever I need to know.


well, as for classes in SG, we have like 4 paladins and 4 druids.




Feel free to play what ever class/race you want as long as you're alliance.  LDD is the only one playing in the dwarf land atm.


I'm a hunter and I also have a dwarf rogue i think that is level 1, so LDD isn't the only one in dwarf lands. Also, i don't think I have a paly and I've only got one druid, another is a mage and a warlock. and I'm not much liking warriors and rogues...


Doh!  I'm online now, but Sen'jin is down.  I had a few minutes and was going to create a shiny new human....bummer.


Go figure, lol.


and I forgot they would be doing maintenance to all realms starting at 3 a.m. until 11 a.m.


For those of you on Sen'Jin or looking to play on Sen'jin:


I need money to buy my new computer so i can play wow.  for every donation of $20 you'll get 1000g when i get back online. 


Tomorrow I am opening a new bank accunt and will work on transferring my money from Arkansas to here in Utah. I will be buying BC and haircuts, but other than that I've nothing to spend it on that is pressing so I might be able to spare 20 bucks :P Fera can't, but I can.


how far away are you from getting it fixed btw? I was wondering if it'd be possible for all three of us (fera, you, and I) to play together sometime.


i have to buy a whole new comp for $400.  but before that i need to spend about $200 on a dental hygiene appt.  that 200$ is my month budget for things not rent/bills/groceries.  i hope to get my tax refund for the past many years in the next 2 months and i'll use it to buy my new computer and help pay for dentures.  it was all going towards my dentures but i need a new computer first.



Oh, and Sen'Jin is up and running.  i'm on Canukistani


YAY!!  My account lives!!  Az bought me a game card for 2 months.  So if you want 1000g it might take up to 1 week to get the gold to you.  depends on when Az's wife lets me over to their house where i can use his computer.


woohoo! but it's also illegal to buy gold, lol. shoot, at my level I'd be happy with 20-50g, though, if you're just giving it away ::)


but I found a most epic guild name that ranks right up there with Canuki's idea of <Demented Toasters>! <Fat People Win at Seesaw> XD it made me lol when I was pissed off at dying so much. people respawn too fast >.<


it's against the wow eula but that's okay.  as long as we're careful we won't get banned.  the cops aren't going to show up at your house for buying gold.  it's not a crime.  once the money transfer is in the works we both meet up in wow and i trade you the gold and blizzard never knows.  they flag large ammounts of gold being sent by mail is how they get the gold sellers and buyers.


I know, but I just felt like saying that, lol. kicks and giggle?


but hey, if anyone has any tigerseye, shadowgems, or malachite they're gonna sell, send them to Rikara instead >.> actually, the correct character would be Äeva, but if you can't write the name, best send it to Rikara then. or even Edarra and anything enchanted so I can disenchant. woot! and copper and tin so I can make this bronze jewelry, too?


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