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Stripes and a Shawl (Gianna's Oaths)


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Gianna sat somewhat gingerly on the edge of her bed.  She wondered if she was the only woman to be given a shawl while the stripes of the Mistress of Novice's punishment still decorated her backside.  At least she could feel fairly confident that Larindhra wouldn't tell anyone about their meeting last night.  She was very closemouthed about the punishments she doled out, and for good reason.  A punishment was supposed to be private.


A knock sounded at her door and Gianna stood and went to answer it.  Her jaws creaked and she yawned widely before opening the door; she would have to hold all her yawns in until this was over.


Beyond the door were seven sisters; one from each Ajah.  She was pleased to see Elyssa for the Blues and Zeveria from the Greens among them.  Gianna cast a look back at the room she would never return to, and quietly shut the door.  The sisters formed a circle around her, pulling their shawls tight around their shoulders.


Silence held sway as they passed through corridors where nothing stirred in the pre-dawn stillness.  They began to travel down into the passages under the Tower, where Larindhra had led Gianna yesterday for her testing.  She fought the urge to yawn again and kept her eyes on the passage in front of them.  At the end of the passage stood the gigantic double doors; they stood wide open and Gianna could see the flickering of lamplight beyond.


The circle of women stopped in the corridor before the doors, and the Aes Sedai broke the figure to form a line behind Gianna.  She suddenly heard the voice of the Amyrlin from inside the room, amplified as if by the Power, though Gianna knew it was only the acoustics of the domed room that made it seem so.


"Who comes here?" The voice demanded.


"Gianna su Riatin," Gianna replied around a lump in her throat.


"For what reason do you come?"


"To swear the Three Oaths and thereby claim the shawl of an Aes Sedai."


This is really happening...I can't believe it!


"By what right do you claim this burden?"


"By right of having made the passage, submitting myself to the will of the White Tower."  She wanted to grip her skirts, and by sheer will managed to keep her hands still at her sides.


"Then enter, if you dare, and bind yourself to the White Tower."


Gianna moved forward into the room.  The Amyrlin stood opposite her, framed by the oval ter'angreal, its colors still shifting through their slow pattern.  The Keeper stood at her side, holding a black velvet cushion with the Oath Rod upon it.  Along the circular wall of the room were all of the Sitters in the Hall of the Tower.  They were grouped by Ajah, and in front of the Sitters stood another sister of that Ajah, with a vine-covered shawl folded over her arm.  The Aes Sedai who had escorted her to the chamber broke apart and moved to their individual Ajah's group within the room.


She moved forward steadily and gathered her skirts to step through the oval ter'angreal.  There was no blinding flash of white this time, just the Amyrlin watching her from the other side.  Gianna dropped her skirts and walked until she was directly in front of the Amyrlin, then smoothly knelt in front of her.  She held her hands up in front of her and the Keeper placed the Oath Rod in them. 


The rod felt like smooth and cool glass in her hands.  She had little time to speculate further, because the Amyrlin embraced Saidar and wove a thin strand of Spirit that lightly touched one end of the Rod.  Gianna swallowed her fears and spoke the ancient rite.


"Under the Light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, I vow that I will speak no word that is not true."  The Oath settled into her; it felt like an unpleasant stretching of her skin.


The Amyrlin is dancing in her underwear, and all of Tar Valon is watching.


She could still think a lie, but her mouth would twist and block any attempt to say one.


"Under the Light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, I vow that I will make no weapon for one man to kill another."  The stretching became worse, like she was an overstuffed sausage in a too-tight casing.


"Under the Light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, I vow that I will never use the One Power as a weapon except against Shadowspawn, or in the last extreme of defending my life or that of my Warder or another sister."  The sausage casing grew even tighter, if it was possible, and she had to control her breathing lest it become a wheeze under the strain.


"It is half done, and the White Tower is graven on your bones."  The Amyrlin plucked the Oath Rod from Gianna's fingers, and replaced it carefully on the cushion the Keeper held.  She placed a hand on Gianna's head, and finished the rite.


"Rise now, Aes Sedai, and choose your Ajah, and all will be done that may be done under the Light."


She stood slowly and gave a formal curtsy to the Amyrlin, kissing the woman's Great Serpent ring on an outstretched hand.  Gianna tried to hide her stiffness as she straightened and turned to face the arrayed women in front of her and make her choice.



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Veria heard a knock at her door so she put down her tea cup. She was relaxing after a hard day of training with Kopair in the warders training yards. He was an amazing athlete and very good with his sword. His hands where not that bad either. She blushed at that thought. What a time to be blushing!! She could not answer her door with her face red like that. With a rueful shake of her head she patted her cheeks and took a few breaths to calm herself.


Standing up she walked to the door and opened it. Jade and the other two sitters where standing there. what could they...Oh Yes. This must be concerning the raising from last night 


"There was a raising last night. As the newest raised you need to accompany us to the Oaths ceremony. You will be going with the group that lead the new sister to her oaths."


Veria nodded "I'll just get my shawl."


She walked quickly to gather her shawl and place on her shoulders. One look in the mirror and she was ready.


A little while later Veria found herself following other sister into the accepteds gallery. She knew how it was that had been raised. I felt only like yesterday they where sharing a room as novices. Now after only a few months as a sister..Her novicehood friend was raised as well. Veria never doubted the woman would make it. She was smart and strong in spirit. That new sister was going places...Veria was sure the woman had no idea. Veria fought a grin and kept walking at a steady pace. She wanted to walk faster but that would not be dignified.


They reached the right door and one of the other sister knocked three times. A few seconds later Gianna opened her door. Veria smiled when she saw her but said nothing. This was to be done in silence. Gianna closed the door behind her and Veria and the others formed a small circle around the woman and they started off. Other Accepted saw the procession and made their curtsies. Some look wide eyed and some with jealousy. It reminded Veria of her walk. Life changed dramatically for Veria as it would for Gianna. Veria has suspicions as to what ajah Gianna would choose...but she never spoke them out loud. Veria knew that Gianna would not pick Green...


They made it to chamber where the Oaths where to be spoken and they all went through the customary words. Once they where spoken the sisters and Veria broke off into the ajahs. Rasheta was there as a sitter and handed Veria the shawl she held. As the newest Sister to the ajah she would be placing the shawl on the new sisters shoulder. But that would not be happening today.


Veria watched as the flows of spirit where woven and the words where spoken. It was a wonderful thing to see a new sister born. Gianna stood and turned...

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Gianna watched the faces on the women arrayed around the chamber.  She had all but chosen her Ajah, but still looked at each group in turn one last time to be sure nothing stirred within her that was different.


Sure of her choice, she walked as gracefully as the binding of the oaths allowed towards the Blues.




OOC: Sorry so short, wanted to keep this going though and open it up for the Blues to get in line for kisses and pie ;)



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Ooc: I believe shawls are usually given in the Ajah Halls... traditionally. Been a while since i read New Spring.




If there was reason to believe that this woman was unfit for the Shawl, to speak forth that doubt now would not only be inappropriate, but it would also do very little to settle her own temper. There were far more demanding things for her to address than a poorly behaved woman who was to take on the honor of the Shawl. Nastascia Romanovni shifted the shawl on her shoulders as the woman spoke her oaths. Most woman still flinch with the weight of the oaths, thick upon the skin and tight to the bone. Gianna will have to suffer the weight of the Oaths of a week before given the grace of healing; a week, unless she proves herself to a sister and is offered before the week plays out. Nastascia did no such thing, firmly believing in the justice of the Oaths. If this woman claimed she could be Aes Sedai and started to whinge about how difficult the Oaths are then she was never meant to be part of the shawl. A more physical presence of the responsibility weighing on the woman's shoulders, Gianna had no idea the favor she had done for her during her testing.


Nastascia Romanovni believed there was no such thing as a too hard test. Had she failed then she would not be worth. And as the girl approached Elyssa and herself, there was a small quip of a smile to her lips. One that satisfied a curiosity that for years echoed the Halls of the Blue Ajah. They were welcoming a new Sister to their ranks, and Gianna had proven herself to be worthy of Aes Sedai. The question Nastascia was curious to have answered was, is she worthy of the Blue Shawl?. Her face a mask, they waited until the Aes Sedai in the room exited before either of the Blue Aes Sedai spoke.


"It is not yet done, but if you feel worthy follow us and let all that is done be done in the Light."





Nastascia Romanovni Sedai

Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah

Sitter and NSW

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  • 3 weeks later...

The raising of a new Sister was supposed to be a joyous occasion whatever her Ajah, though especially if it was rumoured the new Aes Sedai was considering one’s own Ajah.  Despite the cool faces of the women in the room, it took only a marginal ability for discerning facial expressions to recognise the excitement in the room.  So few new girls made it to this room, this ceremony and fewer chose Blue.  The last Blue to be raised would have been... Aeveryn – or had Estel missed a few while out of the Tower these last few years?


Unlike the women around her, joy was not Estel’s predominant emotion.  Sure, she wondered what this girl’s future would be like.  Would she rise to Sitter, Ajah Head, Light bless them, even Amyrlin?  Mostly, though, she wondered if maybe this one might be a kindred spirit – another puppy for the Ajah to kick.  As Sareine draped a blue shawl around their newest sister’s shoulders, Estel was reminded of her own ceremony and being somewhat surprised by the lightness of the cloth despite its figurative yoke of responsibility.  It wasn’t until years later that the weight had begun to affect her.  Would this girl begin to resent that scrap of cloth once the sacrifices started to pile up?  Estel remembered ranting at a similarly young Aes Sedai about the changes about to happen in the woman’s life.  Would she look in the mirror ten years from now and no longer see the woman standing here today?


Estel tried to shake away the dark mood as the woman received her kisses from each of the Blue Sisters present.  The girl...  Bloody hell, what was her name?  Someone had mentioned it, Elyssa probably.  Jillian?  That wasn’t it but it started with a “J”... or a “G”...  Gina?  Gianna!  She remembered the name just in time to kiss each of the woman’s cheeks and whisper “Welcome home, Gianna, We have waited long for you.”

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OOC: I will change the order of events around a bit, so that Nasty addresses Gianna last.



As Gianna moved towards her chosen Ajah, it became evident what her direction was and the other Ajahs murmured their respects to the Amyrlin and began to file out.  By time Gianna's slightly painful steps had brought her to face the Blues, the Amyrlin and Keeper had also left, channeling the door shut behind them.  What transpired here was for the Blue Ajah only.


Unable to speak, Gianna smiled at the women facing her, even that sour Nastascia.  Some of the women had smiles that reflected her own, particularly her mentor, Elyssa.  Before she knew what was happening, a shawl was being draped around her shoulders by one of the sisters.  Gianna gently stroked the long blue fringe and pulled it close around her. 


I'll never take it off!


One by one, the sisters present all kissed her on each cheek, repeating the phrase "Welcome home Gianna, we have waited long for you."


Estel, Elyssa, Diona, Sareine, and Nastascia, they all repeated the tradition.  Nastascia's kisses were so light, Gianna couldn't be sure the other Blue had even touched her cheeks!


The other Blue...that is right, Gianna, you are a Blue now.


Nastascia cleared her throat, and Gianna looked at her questioningly. 


"It is not yet done, but if you feel worthy follow us and let all that is done be done in the Light."


Gianna raised her eyebrows in confusion.  "Pardon, Nastascia, but what exactly do you mean by that?"


The Blue's smile was malevolent as it turned on the newest sister.  "It means that traditionally, the new sister will return to her Ajah halls clad only in the Light and her Shawl, signifying that she needs no other protection."


Gianna held back a grimace, because she knew very well that her hips were covered with the welts of her punishment from last night.  "Very well, Nastascia."  It would not do for Nastascia to see those bruises and wonder at the reason for them.  Perhaps there was a way around it.  She was still facing the Blues, and so she quickly took off her clothes and managed to not turn her backside to face them while doing this.  She handed her clothes to Estel, who had held her arm out for them.


Gianna nodded to Nastascia.  "Lead the way, Nastascia, and I shall follow in the Light."  The haughty Blue eyed her a moment, then strode purposefully to the double doors and channeled them open.  She didn't wait to see if the rest of the Blues were following, but they did file out behind Nastascia, until just Gianna and Elyssa remained.  It was obvious that Elyssa was waiting for her to go first, so Gianna resigned herself to the inevitable and followed the line of Blues leaving the domed room.  She clutched her Shawl tightly about her, but she heard Elyssa's quick intake of breath as she caught sight of the new Blue's hips, decorated with stripes.  Gianna threw a quick look over her shoulder at her Mentor, and put all the pleading that she could manage into her eyes.  Elyssa still had a look of faint shock on her face, but she seemed to understand that Gianna didn't want attention drawn to them.


They wandered slowly up through the bowels of the Tower, and as they got nearer to the main and frequently used corridors, Gianna wondered what other embarrassments she would have to face this day.

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Laughter rang in the echoing stone passages and chambers.  Upon seeing the welts covering the newest Blue’s backside, Estel was reminded of her own Oaths, again.  The image of Carise’s and Serena’s faces as they stared at her blue hair had been priceless, though likely not as amusing as the flustered expression on her own.  An entire population of Aes Sedai had been treated to a bare-naked, blue-haired, bruised-bottomed Blue.  Estel had hardly been the first Accepted to misuse her “Night of Reflection” for one last hurrah and Gianna was proof that she certainly wasn’t the last.


“Well, Nastascia, it seemed we’ve found your culprit!”  She was still laughing.  The woman’s screams hadn’t exactly been quiet and Estel lived only a few apartments down the hall.  “It seems Nastascia has a score to settle – if only someone got to parade the poor girl naked around the Tower.  Shall we?  I can’t wait to hear what the Greens come up with when they see those bruises.”  Light, it had been a long time since she’d laughed so hard.

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The indignant Blue gave the other woman an icy Aes Sedai stare, disapproval written all over her face. "Unless you wish to join our new sister in her walk through the Halls I suggest you keep that flap of a mouth shut." Nastascia spoke with a quieter tone than the situation allowed. "This is a joyous occasion, it would be best if one did not ruin it." Pulling her shawl tighter around her shoulders, she turned to the newly raised Aes Sedai and did something few ever saw of the woman. She smiled.


There were depths to her character, lessons to which many could have little understanding. Nastascia glanced the woman up and down with little scorn, but of a measuring, judging her worth as not a Child, but as a Sister. The Blues had little room for failure -Estel already taking her fill. "Come, Aes Sedai do not tear up at such pains, they wear them like armor with pride. Regret the physical pain and you will soon find yourself regretting much more than aspiring to be a Blue Sister. So I will ask this once, and only once, Gianna Sedai. Will you accept my offer of Healing, or carry your marks?"




Nastascia Romanovni Sedai

Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah

Sitter and NSW


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  • 2 weeks later...

Gianna stood flabbergasted.  She forgot about the shawl for a moment and then hastily pulled it around her naked body.


Healing?  Is this some kind of trick?  Why would she offer me Healing if she knows what I did last night?


She drew herself up, wary of Nastascia's smile, though it seemed genuine enough.  She cleared her throat softly, and decided.


"Thank you, Nastascia, but I will keep my bruises.  I earned them, just as I earned the shawl and the tightness of the Oaths upon me now.  Healing would remove the bruises and ease the tightness, but I feel I should keep the reminders of what I did to earn both of them.  At least for now."


Gianna smiled then, with a hint of embarrassment in her cheeks. "However, if you could Heal me of the shame I feel at strutting around the Tower in dishabille, I would thank you greatly.  But since that is impossible, I suppose I will survive.  After all, I can just think about all the other Blues who have paraded through the Tower, naked as their nameday, and it gives me a bit of pride to be following in their footsteps."


She turned back to the other Blues.  "Lead on, sisters!  Let us visit the Greens last, so I can save all of my best insults for them."


Gianna strode ahead proudly, not moving to hide herself with the shawl anymore.  She was Blue Ajah, and she would be Blue Ajah til the day she died.



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  • 2 weeks later...

There was a hint of a smile that touched Nastascia's eyes as their newest sister turned away. Perhaps there was hope for the girl yet. Logic dictated that there was still a great deal of things yet left for the woman, but so long as she turned up that chin in pride then she would do just fine in their Halls. For the first time in a long while, the old Blue sister was pleased with the product in front of them. Her features schooled and her shawl pridefully slipped around her shoulders, Nastascia moved forward to start the procession.


"Very good." She proclaimed. "Estel, see that the others follow the procession and that the First Selector will be ready to greet us at the end." Sending the troublesome Blue away like a novice. At the very least, it would serve a warning to them both. Failure was unacceptable. "Let us start with the Red Ajah Halls as is tradition. Carry on, Gianna."




Nastascia Romanovni Sedai

Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah

Sitter and NSW


Ooc: Nice and short to keep this going.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nastascia seemed pleased with her reply. 


"Very good." She proclaimed. "Estel, see that the others follow the procession and that the First Selector will be ready to greet us at the end."


Gianna was a bit confused by this exchange; why Estel was sent off like a servant was beyond her. 


The First Selector...that must be the name of the Ajah Head...


There were many currents in the waters now to catch her and drag her down; she would have to be careful where she swam until she knew them all.  She couldn't dwell on it long for now anyway; Nastascia was ready to proceed.


"Let us start with the Red Ajah Halls as is tradition. Carry on, Gianna."


The newest Blue nodded and strode forward as proudly as she could; vines and the flame covering her back while fringe dangled almost to her hips.  They passed no one in the halls as they had been cleared before the ceremony.  When they reached the quarters of the Reds, Nastascia called out loudly, "Come out! Come out and see a Sister of the Blue!"


Gianna stifled a groan and stood her ground as Reds began to poke their heads out of doorways and stare at the spectacle.


Let the fun begin...


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The sounds of a commotion outside reached Larindhra even through the thick walls of her rooms. She cocked an ear, but all she could hear was a rather screechie voice shouting something. She had been looking forward to a day of rest and relaxation, so it was with a rather sour expression that she yanked open her door and stuck her head out.


Her expression was not improved when she saw who it was who was disturbing her peace. She'd has about enough as she could take from Nasty. In fact, she was contemplating a serious breach of etiquette in actually going so far as to report the woman to the Mother. Try to interfere with her Novices and Accepted, indeed! Larindhra sniffed pointedly and opened her mouth to lambaste the Blue, when the sounds of chuckles penetrated her ire.


Surveying the scene outside her door more thoroughly, realization dawned. She had forgotten about this particular custom of the Blue Ajah. Drat ... I really should have Healed her before the ceremony!" Larindhra noticed that Gianna's head was held high, though, and a pleased smile formed on her face. She even forgot herself so far as to grin at Nastascia.


"I see you lot are still fond of naked parading and caterwauling, then. Going to try it at the Warders Yard next?" Her grin softened as her gaze turned to Gianna. "Congratulations, Sister." She broke the normal protocol slightly by giving the young woman a quick hug and a whispered "you will do well, my dear ... welcome home."


She tugged her dress straight and patted her hair, trying to hide her emotions. She was always gratified when one of her charges gained the Shawl, but it wouldn't do to let everyone see this softer side of her. Especially not the Blues.


"Well, go on, you lot, so we can get some peace and quiet around here again!"

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When she noticed Gianna standing outside their door in the nude as though she were posing for a painting, Saline blinked-once. Twice. Three times.


"You do be staring."


Saline's eyes danced as Rory Sedai, her best friend, companion, and love, strode forward. Wearing only their sheet since she could not find her robe, Rory had followed her lover to the door from whence all the commotion came.


Knowing how modest the other was (Rory had protested the Tower's choice of underthings!) Saline leaned into Rory, her breath tickling the other as she tiptoed to whisper in her ear. "You're blushing 'dear.' Wonder what's going on . . ."


They peered together at the newly raised Blue, unmoving. "Remember when Rossa be . . .?"


"Ahh." It dawned on Saline, who turned her attention. "You're soooo pretty." Her own face burnt.


"Come to bed, you charmer," Rory replied smilingly, then hissed when Saline almost forgot to close the door "it be cold!"

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It was not *quite* as bad as Gianna had feared.  The Reds had some cat calls and joking insults, of course, but there was definitely not the ire she had been expecting.  She spied a couple of Reds peeking out from a door behind a bedsheet; it seemed she was not the only naked one this morning.  But the biggest surprise of all came when Larindhra herself came out to congratulate her.


"Congratulations, Sister."  The Mistress of Novices shocked Gianna even further by pulling her close for a quick hug and a whispered, "you will do well, my dear ... welcome home."


Gianna grinned fit to split for a moment at the woman who had bruised her bottom just the night before.  Then she pulled away, and Lar called out, "Well, go on, you lot, so we can get some peace and quiet around here again!"


The new Blue cast a look at her companions and asked, "Shall we?"


OOC: short to keep it going; where to next?  Probably no point doing Gray/Brown/White in the actual thread and just assume we went to see them.


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  • 5 months later...

(( oc:  Claire I hope you don't mine me jumping in on this one but Miya was screaming in my head for pie LOL!  Additionally, do you have something written up for your staff?  If so, pm me with it and I'll give it to Gianna otherwise I'd be honored to write up something. ))


A pleasant-faced, plump, gray-haired sister of the blue ajah carefully watched and waited for the fifth person of her ajah to congratulate their newest sister.  It was only then that Miya Kiyoshi stepped as fast as her old bones would allow, tiny bells tinkling on the ends of each of her braids with each step, in order to be the sixth... pie sounds so good, I do hope the girl can bake.


"Under the Light, welcome home Sister."  Miya gave the girl a quick kiss on each cheek... a tradition of her own, and smiled softly while some other young blue whispered quietly to Gianna that she would now owe Miya a pie as well as any other sixth blue to welcome her home.  It was, after all, a long standing tradition among their ajah.  Miya didn't know why the blues baked each other pies in this manner but, it was as it had always been and likely always would be. Maybe its a tradition created by some old goat like myself who also didn't like to bake for herself?


However, it was now time for another tradition... with a nod to the First Selector - Miya made off to the Blue Ajah Quarters in order to retrieve a very sacred object. It would be given to the new girl at the small celebration they'd be having at the end of the girl's walk through of the Tower. Light send that I choose the staff best suited to her as someone chose for me long ago.


One by one she looked through the storage area, carefully considering the appearance of the child, her refusal to be healed of her markings and what it might mean.  It was then that she found what she hoped would be the perfect staff and made her way to the room designated for the party and waited calmly for the ceremony to begin.





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With one small hand placed on the stone mantle of her fireplace, Serena looked into a mirror across the room from her. She had on her best long blue coat and breeches, for today was a momentous occasion and one for all of the Blue Ajah to celebrate. A new Sister was being Raised to the Shawl, and with either great persuasion from the Blue’s through her years of traing, or by sheer luck, the woman had chosen the Blue Ajah.


Gianna Riatin…Serena went over the young woman ‘s name in her mind. It would be a pleasure to welcome her home, the Saldaean nodded to herself.


Gliding towards the door to her rooms, Serena reached out quickly, grabbed her shawl, and wrapped it around her shoulders. Granted, her blue coat with the embroidered flame of Tar Valon on the breast and back of it would regularly have proven enough; she could not go without formalities today. Momentarily her dark eyebrows furrowed, and she wondered if the other Heads of their Ajah’s physically went out and greeted their new Ajah Sister, or did they wait for the new woman to come to them?


Tousling her short raven coloured hair, she shrugged and headed out into the hallway. It would only be moments before Gianna would be entering the Blue Quarters.


Stepping out into the corridor, Serena walked purposefully towards the gathering crowd of her Ajah Sisters and waited patiently. One could almost feel the excitement build right there in the hallway as they waited to welcome Gianna Riatin home, and when she came through those doors wearing not a stitch and clothed only in the Light, Serena nodded and smiled with pride. Yes, she would witness the growth of her Ajah, and it was happening before her very eyes.


The diminutive Saldaean Aes Sedai had stood amongst her Ajah and greeted their newer Sisters plenty of times before; however, before she was voted into her position as the First Selector, she would have let her emerald eyes take in every curve, every freckle, and every goosebump that graced their new Sisters’ bare flesh. Now, she simply couldn’t. Yes, she prided herself on being unconventional at times, but not when it came to her new position and respecting the new Blues. She couldn’t ogle them all, for the sake of the Creator!


Smirking at her thoughts, she watched as Gianna made her way through the crowd and noticed that the woman’s skin had been marred with marks of a penance. Serena’s eyes went to Estel’s and she could see the amusement in the Domani’s eyes, and remembered a certain Raising of a particular blue haired and bruised novice. The familiar spark of mischief lit within the Saldaean and she grinned to herself, Yes, she will make a wonderful addition to the Blue. Miya seemed to be the one that would receive the blueberry pie this time. Was that a hint of pleasure in the elder Aes Sedai’s eyes?


At last, Gianna was led to Serena. An odd feeling of overwhelming emotion swept over Serena, and she felt as if she might shed a tear. Light, she had become too bloody emotional since arriving back at the White  Tower. Serena took Gianna’s head in both of her hands and kissed her on both cheeks before pulling back and looking the woman directly in her eyes. A smile graced the Saldaean Blue’s lips and she let it touch her eyes, “Welcome home, Gianna Riatin Aes Sedai, Sister of the Blue Ajah. We have waited long for you.” As she spoke, she put emphasis on the word “sister”. More likely than not, the fact that Gianna was Aes Sedai would not have sunken in with her just yet, and Serena remembered just how wonderful and astonishing the words had actually sounded.  Raising her voice, she announced to her Ajah. “Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah, please welcome Gianna Riatin as your Ajah Sister.”


As Serena released Gianna, she and Miya shared a glance and the elder Aes Sedai was off down the corridors to grab an age old tradition of the Blue’s. The staff. She wondered which Miya would choose, and what Gianna would think.


“Now, while we wait for Miya to return, I am guessing  you might want to obtain some clothing.” Smiling in her mischievous way, Serena led Gianna to a door, and opened it for her. “These will be your rooms, Sister. As much as we enjoy the view, please take the time to dress  yourself. Only if you wish, that is.” She added the last with a wink. “Miya will meet you out side of your rooms as soon as you are ready."



Serena Morrigan

Blue Ajah


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