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Please welcome three members!!


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I am so excited to announce that we have two more returning members. Eladari and Ladria of the Green Ajah have decided to come back to DM. In addition we have a new novice with the username Opera. Welcome to the WT division everyone. If you have any questions I am here for you and so is all of the staff.

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ELDRI!!!! *glomps happily* I read your bio and our characters are about the same age! We should plot!!


Ladria, I'm very excited to have you back and hope we can plot too. It's been a while since I've seen you post and I can't wait to see more!



Welcome Opera! It's a vast place here, but thus far people seem pretty friendly. ;) Any questions my PM box is always open.

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yay!! more oldies to throw pies at!!!


*grabs the 'real' newbie and gives her a ribbon and a pokey thing* Welcome!!! Join us! We're making fun of the OLD people! *nudges head towards Jayde and Co.*

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*grabs Cleo and slaps NEWBIE on her forehead* You're ours! now here's your pokey thingy and your ribbon and there's the pies. Don't forget to yell something like Geronimoooooooooo or Leatherfaaaaaaaace or something.


oh yum... *eats the brownies and the cherries* thanks! ;D


Opera.. *shakes head* Girl, if you eat the MON's cookies and actually swallow them.... you have my sympathy. No really. you do.


*flops a pie at Elgee* BULZAAAAAAAAAAI!

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