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CoTS Members needed for Bowl of Winds RP!


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Hello bad boys and girls!


The Bowl of Winds RP is almost ready to kick off, and we need Dreadlords/ladies to play in the battle sequence against the Aes Sedai/Kin/SeaFolk after the Bowl is used.



So far, Tigara and Jehaine have signed their dreadies up, is anybody else game?  If you don't have a dreadlord character currently please post if you are interested in playing an NSW or TTPC for the RP.


Liitha, I also am curious about the high ranking DF you said you had (NSW?) that could meet with the Black Sisters.  Can you link a bio for me and let me know who will be playing the DF.



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in consideration (its not a rule its a posibility for an exception of rules)...remember this is retro before nae'blis and whatnot too...around the same time as the borderland war, though dont think many of you were involved in the battle with wt or the take over of the countries there, where loyalties was overall to chosen direct if serving one, as the decrees made by nae'blis later in timeline was not in effect


regardless its also posible to lend a NSW or write one of the ttpc's that are to die


nsw wise we need someone to play a df nsw in one of the stages, and we have 4 dreadlord nsw that can potentialy be used if someone want too



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Yeah, this RP is biting the ass of current time.  It's like.. MAYBE a week or two in retro, if that. :)  However, our Dready training is in retro, ne pas?  So that would mean, with your blessings, that we could feasibly take our PC Dreadies into the mix if you thought it was all good and shiny.  Which is part of why I'm trying to push my training through to get it down with.  *lol*

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it is in retro to our timeline, this event happened in our timeline during the borderland wars which is before naeblis and before the bt rp we had which was placed and rped after the naeblis release ;)



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how much are lacking...we are working on trying to fix this by raising atm...and there is a class up that you can join and just catch up if you just lack one class


i also know the intiates themself are working on some alternatives but if we need more classes we will try to suply


so atm still on the fence, as i hope this could provide the motiviation for our dearest intiates to finish geting raised (so we can get more full dreads in here)

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Mine aren't even close. :P I need my adept Test for Terra, then she's  up to the mid rank, and I haven't done a thing with Raven beyond the Sheinar RP.


*can hopefully start RPing more by stalking the library I just discovered*

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well the test you dont need internett to write, and there is also the posibility of alternative ooc work to cover some req's (i talked to kura and there migth be some up soonish)


i'll be willing to ignore the tests for this (as long as you get it done after) as they mainly are npc pieces, and easily done on your parts, what i want to get you all through is the other req's which you cant do on your own, so you basicaly more or less ready at least for raising


if you need help to solve things talk to me or kura and we will figure it out, and yes making the acolytes raise is a long streach but the adepts are very realistic and doable, and will give most of the members in here a chanse to partisipate

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Bahaha, I'll take that challange Lii! IF anyone else has an acolyte out there, send me a PM or IM! I'll slip my wide hips into a dress if thats what it takes. ;)


Get on it, then. ;)


Just as soon as I figure out if I look better in satin or velvet.  ;)

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Bahaha, I'll take that challange Lii! IF anyone else has an acolyte out there, send me a PM or IM! I'll slip my wide hips into a dress if thats what it takes. ;)


Newsflash! The library has free wireless internet! I have 2 and a half hours of extra web time per work day! Yay!!!!!!!!!


*does a super happpy dance*

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I feel soo dumb.... >.> I just remembered...Tig is a full dread....Terra and Raven are 2nd and 3rd chars...I only NEED the mandatory reqs to have them raised... *facepalms and goes to write 2 sets of adept/dreadlord tests*

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