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Congrats to the new ADL


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Now you can self-approve stuff for the Bowl of Winds RP!



Ok, to start I grant Gianna the ability to read minds, plus an angreal that gives her plus 5 to all elements.


Cetaile will steal the oath rod, remove her oaths, and run back to the sea folk to be a Windfinder.


Claire is going to die, then her twin sister dreadlady Arden is going to take her place at the tower pretending to be Claire.  She will murder Shevara and take control of the Black Ajah, then make all the other sisters run through the halls naked.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Congrats Claire!


*brides her with cookies* ;)


I don't think her hubby figure would appreciate it if someone snatched her away with cookies, Nephi. ;)  Though it would be interesting to see if it actually worked...

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