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I think its good time that I post in and say Hi.

And wow, look at all the crazy new faces!! I don't even really recognize half of you!


So, I'm a bit of a returning member under a new handle. Been lurking about for the past 3-4 months along with hiding in the Community Green Ajah. Bored, I need a challenge. There is just something about the DM Rps that somehow it still keeps ticking regardless of what time brings it. (And I've seen my fair share.. )


For those that know, Hi. For those that don't know who I am, Hi!


Yup, I think that's about it. I'm excited. I'll leave the Character secret til its posted via the Bio board. :)


*Does the trademark salute


You suckered in before me. I don't feel nearly so bad for it.


*rattles the shackles*


You know, they do have a sort of familiar ring to them ....


Thank you Sieve!! :) Always good to be back.



And Addi? Give up while you are behind. :P


*bleeds to death*


*sigh*  why exactly did you bother to raise me only to kill me now?


though the real question is whether that falls under sadism or masochism :P




I'm sure you will figure out.. but i always wanted a zombie for a pet... maybe not for a daughter....


That and light forbid you ever go away.... (although in this case I came back then the other way around.... )


People tried. they got hurt... We were the only ones left.....


*cries* they left me alone with HER!!!!!




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