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Approved WT Bio - Nesyer Yoshan - CC'd by Lord of the Grave

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Character Information 3


Handle : Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai


Contact : nathanaelwongzhixin@gmail.com

Basic Information


Name: Nesyer Yoshan


Age: 15


Nationality: Saldaean-Andoran



Hair: Blackish-Silver (she greyed early due to shock)


Eyes: Storm Gray


Skin: Coppery


Height: 5’8


Voice: High Alto


Other: Birthmark, a circle around her left eye.


Nesyer is taller than her cousins Wilemi and Nenen, but shorter than her grandmother Estean. Saldaean blood is more evident in her than in her cousins Wilemi and Nenen, and almost as evident as in her brother Seyneru.


She resembles Estean in the sense that she has black hair, raven as the night, and absorbs all light, especially in night, and her face shape is exactly the same, oval and pale. Her eyes however, are the blue of the sea, with a tinge of green. This is the only Andoran feature that she has. She has a slight build. Less than Nenen, but much more than Wilemi



Nesyer smiles often, but it can vanish abruptly when something irritates her, whether immensely or little. She usually has good self control over her emotions. However, when the error is immense, she gives the person what for with the full range of her temper, which can be frightening.


She has good self control over the One Power, refusing to be overly reliant, always doing things as much as possible without it. This thus means that her will is very strong. It is not as prominent as Nenen's, but in her own quieter way, she is more resilant and less likely to give in to emotion.


Nesyer is a girl with talent for trouble, especially when she gets into some serious scheming to achieve her aims, and can get into deep water, sometimes too deep for her to escape without her siblings.



Special Skills: She loves healing, whether it be traditional or power wrought.  Well, she can’t channel, but she loves seeing her grandmother heal using the power.





In 850 NE, a daughter of a minor noble in Saldaea, Estean Aravell, whom had great potential for channeling was accepted into the Tower to become Aes Sedai.  However, she broke down during her testing to become Aes Sedai, and was thus put out of the Tower with enough silver to last her for 2 years.  She then settled down in a tiny village in Kandor.


50 years later, the village was attacked by Trollocs in the remainder of a large borderland raid that somehow managed to get past the border defenses.  One of the few survivors, she fled again, southwards this time into Andor, where channellers were honoured.


Strange though it was, Estean fell in love with Namell Yoshan in the city of Caemlyn.  They married, and bought a cosy house near the capital of Andor, where they lived happily for a long time, and had many children.   


Nesyer was the cousin of Wilemi and Nenen, and the sister of Seyneru.  Showing a skill of traditional medicinal and herbal healing, she was selected to be the wise woman’s apprentice when she was no more than 10 years of age. One of the best apprentices that the wise woman had ever seen, where the herbs and medicines under her care seemed to work miracles, it stood to reason that her grandmother, Estean, was naturally suspicious of her being able to channel.  Though Estean hid herself around corners, bushes, and other objects, and monitored Nesyer from afar, she was never able to spot Nesyer channeling.  Reasoning to herself that Nesyer probably did have an inherent talent after all, for healing, she simply decided to wait and test Nesyer herself when she was 15 years of age onwards.


The chance never came


The whole family was attacked by Namell before Estean could even get a chance to try and test Nesyer.  Nesyer was out fortunately.  But when she arrived back home, her old life was in shambles.  Her parents were dead, her remaining family was in the palace, and when she arrived, only Estean, Wilemi, Nenen, and her brother Seyneru had survived..  Tested for the ability to channel, she tested true, and she, Wilemi, Nenen, Estean and Seyneru travel to the White Tower to learn how to channel.  Seyneru travels with them in hope that he will be able to become a Warder at Tar Valon.


In that time, it was also revealed to Nesyer that Estean had found out that Namell was a dreadlord in the Shadow, and a darkfriend of high rank, and the Namell had attacked the family because Estean had exposed him and confronted him.


The whole group was attacked on the way to Tar Valon, where Estean and Nenen defended the group successfully.  Nesyer did not ask for Estean to teach her to channel, preferring to order about her healing kit as best she could, throwing away old herbs that would expire during the long stay in Tar Valon.  Then, she gave everything to Estean, who did something, and preserved the kit such that it would expire, but would take many years to do so.  Nesyer thanked Estean profusely, but still refused to learn how to channel until she reached the city of Tar Valon.

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