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One Fun Night in Tar Valon(ATTN:Maldrin and Sana)

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ooc: It's time for the fun to begin!



Maldrin, Rodrik, and Sana walked cheerfully through the streets of the greatest city on the mainland, heading towards the Golden Harp, and a night of drinking, gambling and carousing women. It was going to be fun. "So," Rodrik said as they approached the inn. "are we gonna stay here for a few drinks, and then go home? Or do you guys want to go someplace a little more ... what's the word? Exciting! I know a place where ou can get some and I haven't gotten any in a while. You guys game?" He waited for their answeres, and entered the inn.


It was a half decent inn, complete with several round tables, surrounded by stiff-backed chairs, a roaring hearth, and a fat innkeeper. He knew the name of the fellow quite well, as he came here often enough. "Ah," the innkeeper's eyes lit up as he saw Rodrik enter. He knew that he liked his ale very much. "Master Hellok. What can I do for you this fine night?" Rodrik got the same question every time he enetered and it was always the same reply. "Call me Rodrik, Lou. And it'll be a pint for each of us this time." Lou Harlem nodded and went to the kitchen to go get a serving maid to fetch their drinks. The three friends took a seat at a table and waited until their drinks came back. Then he asked to Maldrin and Sana." So, what do you want to do first. Drink, or gamble?"They smiled.

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Lounging in his chair, Maldrin's eyes followed an especially lovely barmaid. "It's always better to have a drink before you start losing your money. Then it won't bother you so much. You know this place better than me, what's especially good for staving off hunger?"

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" The pork chops are especially good. They have some seasoning that comes from the Domani that just makes them taste so good. They comewith some begetables too. It's actually really tasty. If you're eating anything I would get that. Actually I think I'll have some." He waved one of the barmaids over, it was the one that Maldrin had been eyeing earlier. Unbeknownst to his friend, Rodrik had slept with her a couple of times. He wondered how his friend would do with Melissa. He looked up at her and ordered his meal. He looked at Sana, and spoke,"You going to get anything?"

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"You going to get anything?"


Ursana had followed his roommates quietly through the streets, listening to the two od them goin back and forth. It was entertaining and he had felt no need to intercede. He certainly didn't have many tales to include. All the fights he'd been in had been to protect his family and their goods. He'd never gone looking for a fight and was happy to keep it that way.


The Inn was pretty clean and the girls were nice to look at so he was quite happy to sit next to the other trainees. His eye strayed to a game of dice and he almost lost what Rodrik was saying.


"Oh, the pork chops sound good to me also." He told the barmaid. "And strong ale all the way around." He added with a wink.



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