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A Recruiting We Will Go! (Open Band RP)


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Miria burrowed into the hood of her cloak as far as she could, sheltering her face. Not because the cold was so great, but because hs'e much rather it if she remained unrecognised. The dress she wore, divided for riding, seemed so foreign to her now, accustomed as she was to wearing shirts and breeches. But their was a purpose for their trip, and that purpose didn't include her wearing the Band uniform.


Her eyes peeped around to where Kedyn rode alongside her, as always her heart leaping his profile as a small smile curved her lips. She couldn't see the others behind her, but could hear their voices as they conversed, the sound of their horses's hooves on the hard packed dirt. Awarding Kedyn with a small smile, she turned her eyes back to the road ahead, the walls of Camelyn now just visible on the horizon.


The party had been sent out recruiting, always an important task, but especially after their recent battle. Numbers were low. It seemed so callous, thinking of it in that terms. Real people had lost their lives, and they were seeking to replace them with any willing people they could find. A necessary evil, it seemed.


The journey so far had proved relatively uneventful and not unpleasant, Miria finding she actually quite enjoyed sleeping under the stars, given they had a warm fire and she had a warm body to snuggle up with, namely Kedyn. It was only now, as the city loomed nearer, that worry began to assail her. She had not returned to her home in some time now, and with good reason.


Once more her eyes peered sideways at Kedyn. He knew what her previous occupation had been, but had never really asked about it. So he did not know just how hunted she was, that likely there was still a warrant for her arrest, and her eventual hanging. Hanging. The thought made her swallow convulsively and clutch at her cloak with one hand, holding it closed. Light, but she couldn't be recognised. Why had she come? Why had she not found an excuse to stay at the Citadel? And why hadn't she just told him of her fear? Because she was a stubborn fool, that was why. And now there was no going back. She would just have to be careful, and stick close to the others. She would avoid trouble, she was determined.


Chewing her lip absently, Miria fought the wave of worry that threatened to assail her as they approached the city gates, all at once familiar and terrifying. Why had she come back? Slowing as they passed the guard, Miria tried to keep her face hidden, letting out the breath she hadn't realised she held when they hardly payed her a second glance. Perhaps she'd been forgotten afterall.


The sun was making it's decent rapidly as they entered the city, and Miria looked to him for direction. "Should we find an inn, and a meal, and start fresh tomorrow?" She asked, eyes darting around, searching for familiar faces, thankful to have so far found none, and hoping no one would notice just how eager she was to be out of the street.



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Kedyn had been smiling the entire trip towards Andor. Not all of it was the joy of coming back to the city he had first began his soldiering career in the Queen's gaurd, the fact that Miria had been chosen to come with was also a part, but it played a large aspect.


Kedyn had taken an unnoficial command position, even though Carnhain outranked him, though he was the only on present who did. This was a scouting mission after all and Kedyn held the most expirience at it than the others around him.


The time spent on the road had been as enjoyable as always, and for the sake of the others they were all riding. When it was only scouts they would normally stick to their own feet. And he could not deny how he had enjoyed having Miria against him at night, stealing a kiss or two before they went to sleep. Though seeing Miria in skirts once again was something of a change, though he could not decide which he liked her in better.


Kedyn smiled and nodded to the gaurds at the gate, shifting his longbow that was across his shoulder to both make the weapon as noticeable as possible as well as make it easier to carry. Kedyn longsword was back in his room in the Citadel, he was only armed with his bow and various knives. He hoped he wouldn't need the sword for this trip.


"Should we find an inn, and a meal, and start fresh tomorrow?" Kedyn glanced at Miria and his mouth twisted. Why she looked so nervous, looked like she was trying to hide her identity so surely made him worry for her. He knew she had been a thief before, here in Caemlyn to. But he doubted they would have need to worry, she had been out of the Citadel for a long while.


"I would agree, the horses attract enough attention as it is and it would be good to sleep in a bed again." Kedyn chuckled lightly at the smiles passed among the group. Sleeping on the ground did get rather old after a while. "I know a good place that will serve our needs."


It was only a few minuets before Kedyn was handing Arrow to a stablebow of the Queen's Joy. It wasn't a very prosperous inn, but neither was it the kind of place you would find in the worst parts of town. It was reminiscent of the tavern Mari ran in the Citadel. Kedyn nodded to the boy and put a copper into his hand and turned to go back into the inn to speak to the innkeeper about rooms.




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Kiarma rode with the others quite happily, proud to be given the opportunity to join the party on official soldiering business, even if it was just a recruiting party. Besides, they were heading to her home town, though admittedly she had spent little time there over the years. It still felt like home.


She couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed that she couldn't wear her new uniform though, she had been overjoyed to have it, to be a part of a real army, and trained properly. It would have been nice to run into one of the people she knew that had told her she would never be a skilled swordswoman, simply because of her gender. Bah, she would show them! Well she would, when she got some more training. But alas she wasn't getting her own way, not if she wanted to stay with the others. She'd been afraid Mehrin would demand she stayed if she'd pushed the issue any further. Damned overbearing man.


Sitting tall in her saddle, Kiarma tossed her black braid over her shoulder and fingered the hilt of her sword as they rode past the guard, giving them a cold flat stare, as though daring them to comment. Female mercenaries weren't entirely uncommon, but Kiarma heard more derogatory remarks about them than she would have liked.


Kiarma shook her head at the young scout, Miria, hiding in her cloak like a weak, pathetic...well girl. It was women like her that gave their gender a bad name for being weak-kneed and doe-eyed. She was not so delicate herself. Nor did she have need to rely on any man, though she couldn't deny the girl seemed to have an appreciative eye for an attractive man though. It was clear that they were besotted with one another, she and Kedyn, even if all and sundry hadn't seen them kissing in the open.


"I know a good place that will serve our needs." Kiarma heeled her mount after the others wordlessly, her green gaze sharp as she eyed her surroundings, her eyes boring into the back of the blonde pretty boy Carnhain as he rode before her. He was one of those that doubted her ability, she was certain. She would show him, the wool-headed baffoon.


Nodding to herself at the inn, Kiarma dismounted, choosing to look after her horse herself rather than letting a groom do the task, talking quietly to the animal as she brushed it down and arranged some food, before following the others inside.


The inn was anything but luxurious, but Kiarma wasn't worried about that in the slightest, though she was pleased that she was given a room to herself, where the others were forced to share. Forced...somehow she didn't think that word applied to Miria and Kedyn though, shaking her head with a slight smirk.


"A good meal is in order, I think." Declared Kiarma after she had inspected her small room, leaving her belongings upstairs before decending to the common room. Perhaps a game of dice and a drink or two wouldn't hurt either, she thought as she eyed the noisy room, taking in the bedraggled mix of people, shooting an odd glare towards any men who eyed her too interestedly.



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Miria breathed a small sigh of relief as they entered the stable behind an inn, finally allowing herself to relax somewhat, now that she was out of the street. The inn wasn't entirely unfamiliar to her, but it was far enough away from where her mother had worked that she didn't fear instant recognition.


Sliding from her saddle, Miria took a moment to adjust her skirts before pushing the hood back from her cloak and shaking her head son that her blonde tresses fell about her face. Pushing them from her eyes idly she gathered her saddlebags before leaving her mount in the care of another groom and following Kedyn inside.


It didn't take long to find the innkeeper, a portly man if middling years, with a round smiling face, quite at odds to the pinched appearance of his wife. Their establishment was modest but clean, and it didn't take much negotiating to arrange rooms for the party. Following the woman upstairs to their rooms, Miria blushed faintly as she entered the room she would occupy with Kedyn. Not that she had any problems with the arrangement, indeed she was more than happy with it, but it still made her blush, having everyone know she would be sharing his quarters, rather than rooming with Kiarma.


Examining the small room, Miria dumped her bag on the bed, noting that the linen was at least clean as she did so. The room wasn't anything spectacular, besides the bed and cot tucked away underneath there was a small dresser with a chipped bowl and un-matching pitcher on top, with a small mirror hanging above it, and one wooden chair in the corner. There would be barely enough room to move, with both beds out, but at least there was a small window, with a view into the street.


"Much nicer than sleeping on the ground." She said with a smile, turning to find Kedyn right behind her. A little more of her unease fell away as she stepped into his welcoming arms, tilting her face to his to meet his searing kiss, loosing herself in the sweetness of his embrace. She shouldn't worry, she would be safe, whilever she was with him. Kedyn wouldn't let anything happen to her.


"A good meal is in order, I think." Miria heard the words outside their door and lifted her head reluctantly, her arms still around Kedyn's neck, her heart pounding rapidly in her chest, the way it always did when she was with him. "I suppose she is right." She murmered, finally stepping out of the circle of his arms and setting herself to rights, before opening the door.


She was greeted with Kiarma's back as she stepped out into the hall. She hadn't had much to do with the woman, but she knew enough to know she was one tough woman. She was quite striking too, but Miria had never seen her do anything but glare to any man who eyed her sideways. Strange one, that. Lacing her hand with Kedyn's, Miria resisted the urge to raise her hood as they headed towards the noise of the common room. Trying to ease the tension that filled her spine once more, Miria gave Kedyn's hand a squeeze. She was just being overly cautious, nothing would happen. Still, it was hard not to look around at the crowd warily as she joined Kiarma at the table.



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Guest Estel

Carnhain had stayed oddly quiet virtually the entire trip. He was brooding- an irregualr thing for the normally jovial young man to do- but he hadn't been himself really since the latest battle at Emond's Field. Light, but his self-loathing had still not left him. He still felt like some sort of rabid beast. Sure, Kedyn didn't blame him but by the looks the young scout on his arm kept shooting him, he was lucky to still be living.


The city on the horizon went practically unnoticed despite the fact Carnhain had never seen Caemlyn. He was indifferent as they rode into the city and the same at the inn. Rather than join the others, he sat in his room, lying on his bed, staring at the cieling. 'If I could change one thing...' But he couldn't and this speculation was useless. Blood and ashes, he needed a drink.


Heading down to the common room, he forsook his friends' company for an empty table in the corner and a pitcher of still ale.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kedyn slipped off his pack and threw it on the floor next to the bed as Miria began to unpack. The room was adequate, not much more, but Kedyn had his reasobns for picking an inn such as this. The poorer parts of town always held a greater chance of finding willing souls to go to the Band. Kedyn had always found the promise of a meal and bed everyday was almost enough to get the poorer persons to at least think about joining the Band.


Kedyn plucked the various knives that he had tucked away and turned, a smile blooming on his face. He stepped towards Miria as she began to turn, wrapping his arms around her when she was facing him. "I'd agree with that." Kedyn smiled and leaned his head foreward to kiss her.


"A good meal is in order, I think." Kedyn halfed turned his head as he broke away from Miria. "I suppose she is right." Kedyn shook his head wishing that Kiarma had kept her mouth shut for a few more moments until she was past they're room. He turned back to Miria and nodded, as much as he wished that a meal could wait it would be best for it not to.


"We'll just have to make up for it later." Kedyn followed Miria out the door, taking her hand. Kedyn could not help a small knot of anxiety forming in his stomach as Miria gave his hand a squeeze. She was nervous about something, worried and Kedyn could not help but worry for her.


Though it seemed there was much to worry about as Kedyn sat next to Miria, waving one of the serving girls over. His gaze fell on Carnhain, sitting by himself and nursing a mug of ale. Kedyn shook his head, making a mental note to talk to the man later. IT hadn't been to long ago that Kedyn had been doing the same thing.


Kedyn waited until both Kiarma and Miria had ordered to ask his for his own meal. He smiled and payed the serving girl as she walked away and then turned back towards the small group. "Did anyone have any question's before he food get's here about what to do? We'll start tommorow and spend a few days here in Caemlyn before moving on."




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Kiarma ordered a good sturdy meal and an ale, casting a calculating eye over the crowd. She saw several appreciative glances pass their way, though whether they looked at her or the pretty blonde creature beside her she didn't know. All of them received the same cold stare. She didn't want their pathetic conversation as they eyed her up and down and discredited her intelligence, purely because she was a woman. And she certainly doubted Kedyn would welcome their attention focused on Miria either.


"Did anyone have any question's before he food get's here about what to do? We'll start tommorow and spend a few days here in Caemlyn before moving on."Kiarma brought her attention back to the conversation at hand. "Are we staying in one large group? or will we be separating?" She asked, accepting her plate as the serving girl returned with their meals. "I imagine some sort of discretion is in order?" She listened impassively as Kedyn replied in the affirmative, happy to defer for the moment. He hadn't proved himself to be a fool in her eyes. Not yet, anyway, he was male, after all.


She ate quietly, half listening as they were given instructions for the next day. It seemed straight forward enough, separating into two groups and meeting up at the end of the day at the inn for a meal, and an update. Kiarma's eyes darted over to where Carnhain sat alone, brooding over his drink. Of course she was grouped with him, but she would be damned if she was going to put up with him acting the fool. Perhaps if he was feeling bad enough the next day he would be quiet.


Excusing herself from the others, Kiarma headed over to Carnhain, fetching another drink for him on the way. Sitting down beside him, she slapped him on the back, setting the mug in front of him. "A drink alone is not nearly so exciting." She told him, raising her mug to him in a half salute before taking a long pull. "And a troubled man at the drink means trouble. Come, there is a dice game on over there, I'm in the mood to watch you lose some money." She joked, with another friendly slap for his shoulder.



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Miria's eyes strayed furtively around the room, looking for any familiar faces. It had been sometime since she had been in Caemlyn, but she didn't think she'd been gone long enough to be entirely forgotten, especially should she encounter anyone she had robbed, or one of her old friends. Unconsciously she shifted her chair closer to Kedyn's side before ordering a meal. Every eye in the crowd that passed their way made her inwardly flinch, terrified someone was going to recognise her. She had no idea it would affect her so badly, and she tried hard to focus on what Kedyn was saying.


Miria sat quietly as Kiarma asked about the next day, though she was quietly pleased that she would be with Kedyn tomorrow, one because she just loved to be with him, but also because she felt safer with him. Surely nothing would happen while he was with her. Forcing herself to brighten somewhat, she dropped her hand to give Kedyn's thigh a brief squeeze, sending him a small smile, before accepting the plate set down before her, tucking into her meal.


Lifting her gaze as Kiarma took her leave, Miria looked to where she was headed. Carnhain looked as glum as ever, brooding over a mug of ale. He was definitely not the same man she had first met, but nor should he be. She had still been unable to forgive him for what he did to Kedyn, the fractured knuckle she had received when she punched him a small price to pay. Still, she didn't hold nearly as much anger anymore as she had, though forgiveness wasn't so readily given. Kedyn was far too precious to her for ther to so easily forget what she had witnessed.


Gradually Miria began to relax, smiling and chatting amiably with the others over their meals. She was so relaxed that it took her a moment to realise that the man across the room that was staring at her looked familiar. She stiffened when it came to her, and she abruptly turned her head, heart pounding noisily in her chest. Perhaps he hadn't recognised her. She knew him though, he had been the last man she attempted to rob in Caemlyn, the one who had ultimately caught her. What was he doing here?


Panic surged, and Miria stood, keeping her back to the man that could ruin everything. Kedyn looked at her, eyes filled with concern. "I don't feel so good, I'm going to go lie down." She mumbled, before making a hasty getaway, taking the stairs two at a time before reaching the safety of their room, closing the door behind her and slowly sinking onto the bed. Her hands shook as she rested her head in them, covering her face. Light, but don't let him have recognised her, she prayed silently.



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Kedyn nodded to Kiarma's question, the basic and perhaps one of the more important ones. "We will be traveling in pairs, moving as a large group is to conspicuious. And yes, an amount of discretion will be needed. I doubt the Queen would like a foriegn army loudly announcing that they are recruiting in her Capital city after all."


Kedyn listed off the pairs, as a serving woman set the food in front of him. Kedn thanked he and handed a few coins to pay. The meal started out quiet but eventually a small conversation began to form. Kiarma exused herself to talk to Carnhian, which Kedyn was grateful for, but he doubted she would recieve a very warm welcome.


Kedyn for the most part only added small bits to the conversation, instead looking around the room and wieghing to people around them. It was almost second nature now, and out on a recruiting trip he couldn't help himself. His gaze found one person in particuar who seemed to watch them intently, his gaze pointing at Miria in particular.


A small knot of began to form in his stomach, a something bordering on jealousy and protectiveness. Someone had to nerve to look Miria up and down while he was sitting next to her. But those feelings failed as he looked at Miria, seeing her reaction to the man's gaze.


Concern filled his eyes as he looked at the woman he loved, the silent question of what was bothering her hanging in the air. She made a hasty reply, which Kedyn beleived a lie, and made her departure. The peices of the puzzle were there, now all Kedyn had to do was put them together. He stood as she left, debating whether to go with her.


He paused as the man rose and began to walk towards them. The two thought, or knew, they recognized each other this man and Miria for that Kedyn was sure. But why was still a missing piece of the puzzle. "Do you know that woman?"


Kedyn didn't know what was going on exactly, but he knew Miria had not wanted to see this man. So he lied with a fluency that had come with practice. "She's my wife. We were just married and I'm bringing her to the city as a marraige present." Kedyn gave him his best country bumpkin smile and waited until the man to turn, hoping he bought the lie.


Turning Kedyn took the stairs two at a time and quickly slipped into his and Miria's room. He didn't say anything, simply moved next to Miria and wrapped his arms around her.




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Guest tryst

Toth had been in the back of the party because the people he was going with he didn't know very well or weren't warm to him in anyway. As he was thining this he looked at the party. So when they had walked into the inn he had sat down at at table of what looked to merchant guards.


While he was listening to them talk. He noticed one of the men stareing at Miria. When she left He approached Kedyn. Then turned around and left. Kedyn went after Miria. So having nothing to do he excused himself and followed the man out the door.


As he was trailing him he noticed that everytime that he stopped to talk to someone their eyes would light up and they would start talking of retrobution for some crime committed against them


The man who Toht had finally found out was a bank owner made his last stop at the Queens Gaurds post at the Gate. He walked in and waited behind the man as he explained that Miria was a theif that had escaped and ran away. The Captain looked through his pile of warrants. Toth was able to glance and see that her punishment for theivery and running was hanging. The Captain said he would send men immediatly. The man then left. Coming up to the captain he explained that someone had cut his purse, and that he wanted the man caught who he had seen run away near the square. The Captain said he would look into it. Thanking him Toth turned and left. Taking everything in a stride he decided he would help after all the band looked after their own so he left for the in at a fast pace.


Running down the street pushing people out of his way Toth approached the Inn. Flying up the stairs. He banged at Kedyn's door.Kedyn, Miria get out here now the Queens Guard are coming!! And Miria has a warrant for her Execution for heavy theft!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Miria looked up, startled, as the door opened, her heart pounding in her chest noisily, afraid that it would be the man from the common room. Thankfully it was Kedyn, though at the very sight of him she could no longer fight the tears she had held at bay. Pressing her hands against her eyes, she waited for the questions, but none came. Instead Miria felt Kedyn sink onto the bed next to her, his arms wrapping around her comfortingly. Light, how could she risk all she had gained by returning here?


Turning into his arms, Miria buried her face into Kedyn's neck, taking comfort in his silent warmth. Blinking back the tears, she let out a long sigh, closing her eyes. "I owe you an explanation." She sighed again and lifted her head, wiping at her eyes. "I should have told you before. I don't know why I didn't. Pride, I guess." She made a sound like a half-hearted laugh, but it sounded hollow to her own ears. She regretted much about her past, and now it was back to haunt her, now when she was the happiest she had ever been. And it seemed she had managed to entangle Kedyn in it all too.


"Well you know what my...occupation was, before coming to the citadel." She began sheepishly, looking at her fingers as she spoke. "What I didn't tell you was that I was good. I was very good. And I thought so too." Shame burned her cheeks crimson, and she still did not look up as she spoke. "But that was my downfall. I was caught, and suddenly everything else caught up with my too. My 'friends' ratted me out, and suddenly my name was linked to almost every piece of thievery in the area. Much of it was true." She admitted with a shrug. "But I was young, I didn't know anything else. I was sentenced to life imprisonment." She squeezed her eyes shut. Light, even that sounded better than hanging.


"My...father helped me escape, no doubt endangering himself in the process, and I fled. Last I heard, my sentence was changed, because I escaped. Changed to hanging." Miria's voice cracked as she said the last and she swallowed convulsively, as though she could already feel the noose about her neck. She couldn't die, she couldn't! Tears sprang into her eyes anew, but she pushed them away with the back of her hand. "I was on the run when I took refuge at the citadel. And I have never looked back, never wanted to. I found where I belong." Miria looked up at Kedyn, afraid of what she may see in his eyes, but needing him to understand. "I saw a man downstairs, a man that I had not seen in a long time. He was the one who finally caught me, who ordered the guard to have me arrested." She lowered her gaze once more. "And i think he recognised me."


The words hung in the air, though the silence seemed deafening to Miria. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, Kedyn." She whispered, once again unable to look at him as she toyed with her hands in her lap. If only she'd said something sooner, she may have been able to avoid this mess, instead of hampering the others in the recruiting mission. She cleared her throat, straightening her spine somewhat. "Perhaps it would be best if I just disappear. I don't want to cause trouble for the rest of you." She mumbled, though she had no idea where she would go or what she would do. Kedyn was her world, she couldn't just up and leave...yet she would not make him suffer again the way he did when Lavena died. She just needed to flee before anyone else recognised her.





OOC: I thought I'd let you reply Drew, before playing out Toth banging on the door.

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Kedyn listened to Miria's story with growing feelings of dread, protectiveness and love. He feared for might happen to Miria because of them coming. If she was caught....Kedyn wouldn't be able to live through losing another person he loved. He would protect her, he had to. Kedyn didn't care about Miria's past, he had guessed most of her past already andhe didn't care. Ironically Kedyn might have been one of the people looking into her thefts when she was still in Caemlyn.


But he also knew what the Queen's Gaurd would do if they heard that a fugitive had returned to the city and what would happen to Miria if she was caught. The pieces of the puzzle had fallen into place and Kedyn knew that even his lie to the man down stairs would not be enough to prevent his recognition, he had left to much open. "Perhaps it would be best if I just disappear. I don't want to cause trouble for the rest of you."


Kedyn shook his head and tightened his arms around Miria. "No, you won't leave us. We will all leave, keep moving to Carhein. I don't care what did Miria, I only care about how much I love you. I won't let them take you. Ever." Kedyn brushed at the tears on Miria's cheeks with his thumb, kissing her softly on the forehead. Nothing would take her away from him.


Kedyn's head snapped around and out of a nervous reflex his ahnd went to his sleeve where there would normally be a knife hidden. He rose quickly, taking a step in front of Miria without thinking. "Kedyn, Miria get out here now the Queens Guard are coming!! And Miria has a warrant for her Execution for heavy theft!!!"


The words were like a knife to Kedyn's heart. He felt numb everywhere and he was struck speechless. He was trained to be prepared for everything, to react with more speed than anyone would imagine. But those words cut past eveything to his deepest fear and for once he didn't know what to do.




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Estel

A glare and a low growl were all Kiarma got for her words. ‘Am I not making it perfectly clear I wish to remain alone! Damnit woman!’ However, where her words failed to bring any real acknowledgment from him, her slap succeeded. Angrily, he wiped ale from around his mouth and glared at her and the rest of the room. On a better day, in another mood, he would have enjoyed the joke- even though it was at his expense- and would have laughed at himself for spewing ale across the table at the other woman. Blood and ashes! She had a strong arm!


As he was about to start yelling furiously at her, he was cut off as a man burst in the door. Bunr him! This day wasn’t getting any better! First Kiarma, now Toth! The detestable infantryman’s words, though, sparked a new battle within the already troubled Carnhain.


Miria was a wanted thief? Light, the former Queen’s Guard had shady company- a murderer for a best friend and a thief for a lover! The irony of the situation was lost though upon the young man who now had to make a decision. To rid himself of the angry woman or help her.


Memories came and went through Carnhain’s mind. "How can you live with yourself... I thought you were his friend...but you are nothing but an animal... You are a wretched animal." The words stung now, just as they had the day she said them. He agreed with her, but what right did she have to decide his and Kedyn’s relationship? That woman had no idea what the two of them had been through!


But Kedyn, he had already lost Lavena. What would losing his second love do to him? Carnhain didn’t think he could stand his best friends sinking into another bout of depression. Kedyn had always been there for him. Had always forgave him. The Trench, after the fight with the brigands, even after a third time! Light! Even after nearly killing him a third time Kedyn called him brother! Burn him, he had so little family. He couldn’t loose any of it.


An idea sprang to mind quickly. Surprisingly, a grin suddenly replaced the morose expression of earlier. “Follow me.†He whispered to Kiarma and then, he ran headlong at the nearest man and punched him in the face.


Ooc: figured we’d need a diversion to get out of here.

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A tiny flicker of a smile crossed Miria's lips as Kedyn held her tight, his embrace protective and comforting as he swore to never let them take her. Light if only it were that simple, that Kedyn could simply say no, and all her troubles would disappear. A tempting thought, if nothing but a foolish hope. Perhaps things would be alright after all. Whatever happened, she still had Kedyn, and that was more than enough.


A loud banging at the door startled Miria, panic rising and constricting her throat as Kedyn leapt in front of her. Toth's voice came through the closed door, and the small flare of hope Miria had felt was instantly crushed by the words. Blood and bloody ashes! Why couldn't her past just let her be? Instantly Miria jumped off the bed, grabbing her still packed saddle bag and slinging it over her shoulder, anxiety causing her hands to shake. She needed to get out of there, now.


Miria turned to the door as though in a daze, mildly surprised to see Kedyn had his belongings in hand and was already opening the door. She blinked, before following. Light, this was no time to lose her wits, she needed to keep thinking if she wanted to escape the guards. Pulling up the cowl of her cloak once more, Miria stayed close behind Kedyn, her eyes darting about furtively, looking and expecting to see a guard at any moment. Fear wracked her body, made her pale, jumping at every movement she sensed out of the corner of her eye. Light, let them make it out without being seen!


Shouts grew louder as they neared the bottom of the stairs, a glimpse through the door of the common room revealing a room full of chaos, with Carnhain and Kiarma at the middle of it, brawling, and if she wasn't mistaken, enjoying themselves thoroughly. She had no way to know if it was deliberate, but it was making for a wonderful diversion, no one bothering to look their way as they focused on the fight which seemed to now involve most of the common room patrons. For the first time in a long while, Miria was actually grateful for that pretty-boy buffoon Carnhain. She was, until she caught sight of two guards near the front door. She froze in panic, as the man they were talking to pointed in her direction, the guard's heads swivelling to look at her. Eyes wide with fright, it took a moment or two to make her legs move, whirling about and running out towards the stables as the ment made their way across the room.


Blindly Miria ran out into the dark street, not caring which direction she went, so long as it was away from the shouts and pounding footsteps behind her. No! She couldn't let them take her away! She couldn't let them take her life! A sob escaped her burning lungs as she continued on relentlessly, tripping on the uneven cobblestones in the dark. Turning her head, Miria whimpered through her laboured breathing to see the guards not far behind her, and another man, in hot pursuit. Kedyn! Light, she could not lose him, would not be taken away from him! He was her everything!


Whipping her head back to face where she was going, Miria suddenly ran into something hard and unyielding, knocking her backwards, causing her to stumble and sprawl across the ground as the air was knocked from her lungs. Dazedly, she lifted her head, to see the wall she had run into was in fact a towering man, in the queen's guards uniform. She could hear shouts, but they seemed undiscernable, distant to her ears. She scrabbled to her feet, intent on running, when her pursuers rounded on her. It was pointless, she had no where to turn. Tears trickled down her face, sobs shaking her body as rough hands grabbed her, forcing her wrists behind her. Coarse rope chafed at her wrists as she was bound firmly. Sinking helplessly to her knees, Miria looked up to the man she loved, horror on his face as he watched the spectacle.


"Kedyn...I'm so sorry...I love you..." She managed between sobs, as she was hoisted to her feet, the guards hands biting cruelly into the soft flesh of her arms. Everything seemed fuzzy, distant, except for the aching pain in her heart. Why was Kedyn moving further away? Somewhere in her mind she realised she was being pulled away, away from her love, away from her life, her future. Curse her wretched hide for three times a fool! Why had she done the things she had? Why had she come to Caemlyn? Why had she let down the one person she had sworn never to hurt?



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Kedyn shook himself slowly to get a grip on his wayward mind. Now was not the time to freeze. To save Miria he needed to react, to think. It took only another moment for his stuff to be in his hands and his knives quickly hiden in various parts on his person. Kedyn bounded down the stairs after Toth only pausing for a moment to make sure Miria was with him.


Panic threatened to once take over Kedyn's mind as the sound of shouts and curses came. He swallowed his doubts and kept going into the chaos of the dining room. Kedyn had to stop for a moment at the entrance to the common room. He picked out Carnhain and Kiarma in the center of the room fighting as the room was enveloped in small pockets of fighting.


The rest of the room faded from Kedyn's mind as two men in the familier uniform of the Queens Gaurd stepped into the doorway of the inn. Kedyn's jaw set into a firm line as they began there way across the room. He turned to where he thought Miria was and paniced once again as she was no where in sight. He fled quickly, leaving his three companions to the inn to search for the woman who ran with his heart.


He ran passed the two gaping stable boys, only noticing the fleeing forms of Miria and to Kedyn's horror her pursuers in the darkness. Nothing else mattered as he ran for all he was worth. Lavena could have risen from the dead, or his sister that he had left behind years ago and they would have gone unnoticed as Kedyn chased after the inevitable. He couldn't catch them in time and even if he did he would be powerless to stop them take her. He could have stopped them, three quick knives and then only three others. But Kedyn couldn't bring himself to kill his country men, his old comrades. It was not there fault they had been sent.


Kedyn skidded to a halt, a look of pure helpless horror painted across his face as the gaurds caught Miria. "No." Kedyn mouthed the simple words as he began to die inside. The image of Miria in a cell, being led to the gallows, and even her dieing raced through his mind. No. This couldn't be happening. He promised. Had the light not done enough to him aready, why did insist on cursing him. Why could his promises to keep those he loved safe only once be kept. Never.


"Kedyn...I'm so sorry...I love you..." Kedyn stood still, unable to move, to speak, to cry or even to feel. He was lost in all senses of the word. The pain that Miria had healed, the wounds her love had closed burst open as they dragged her away


"No." Kedyn took the first laborous step and then another. He knew he was being foolish, a part of him knew that the best thing he could do for Miria now was to walk away. To find someway to free her without the Gaurds knowing they were connected somehow. But his love clouded his training, the only thing he knew was that Miria was being taken from him.


A lone figure broke away from the group to face him. He was a sergeant, Kedyn's memory told him. And Kedyn would have been suprised to realize he knew the man if he had been able to feel suprise.


"Kedyn? I doesn't matter. This woman is a theif, wanted on pain of death and in the name of The Queen I am taking her into custody." Kedyn shook his head slowly. Why, why was this happening again. Why was he losing another. "You can't. Tam why? You can't take her from me please."


"You should have known Kedyn. Should have asked before bringing her here. I know of your Band, know she is one of yours. Though it seems she means more to you than a comrade. I can't let this one go Kedyn. Not this time. You should have known."


Kedyn's pain and sadness began to give way to anger. "I didn't care! I love her to much for you to take her, I won't let you!"


"What are going to Kedyn? There is nothing. I wish I could do something but my hands are tired. You're woman will die on the morrow." With that Kedyn's old comrade turned and began walking away, leaving Kedyn with the pain and the darkness. "I love you....Miria." A lone tear fell down Kedyn's cheek as he closed his eyes.


He wasn't quite sure how he managed to stumble back into the common room of the little groups inn. Small pockets of fighting were still going on, their flight had not taken long. For Kedyn those moments were lifetimes, and the images would haunt his nightmares long after this day.


Kedyn moved as if already dead, the expression on his face making the stableboys hide in the various stalls as he had walked by. Now only the useless chaos of the common room remained. "Stop it." Kedyn said it softly. Here they knew nothing. Miria was gone and here they were fighting over nothing. A druken man wheeled around and threw an ill aimed punch at Kedyn.


He didn't move, simply reached out and grabbed the man's arm. He pulled him, adding to the poor souls momentum as Kedyn's knee conneted to his stomach. "I said stop it!" Kedyn full throated yell carried across the druken common room, and perhaps more suprisingly the room stilled and the eyes turned to him.


"We need to talk." Kedyn didn't point, nor look but he could tell that Kiarma, Toth and Carnhain knew who he was talking to. He turned back towards the stables, half stumbling as he tried to drag his half dead self back into a semblence of life.





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Kiarma reacted instinctively to Carnhain's rudeness, barely refraining from curling her hand into a fist before it connected with his face, settling instead for a hard slap to his cheek. Her eyes gleamed with an unholy light as she waited for Carnhain's reaction, his glare almost guaranteeing a harsh response. And once he did, Kiarma would not hold back, letting the pretty-boy buffon know just what a fool she thought he was. Besides, a good fight was always fun. She'd show him she was more than just a 'woman' to be trifled with.


Kiarma didn't get her reaction though, as Toth burst into the room, rambling briefly about Miria being in trouble before he raced upstairs, no doubt to tell Miria and Kedyn. So the little chit was a thief? She wouldn't picked her to be a criminal, but she supposed she was suited to a sneaky occupation, being so small and seemingly innocent. Interesting indeed.


“Follow me.â€Kiarma blinked. Was that a smile on Carnhain's face? She had not seen anything of the sort on the moody man in some time, and something told her it meant trouble. The best kind of trouble. A grin crossed her own features as Carnhain suddenly started a fight. Pure brilliance. She'd been told often enough that the Band looked after its own, and she guessed that was what they were doing, even though it had appeared there was little love lost between the brawling blonde and the thief. With a shrug, Kiarma picked up her mug and threw the contents into the face of another man, grinning at his spluttering outrage. Sometimes it was an advantage being a woman, there were men who were very hesitant to inflict violence on a woman. Kiarma, however, had no such reservations.


It was adrenalin and glee that filled Kiarma as she launched at the closest patron, fist connecting firmly with jaw with a most satisfying crunch. She would be bruised and sore later, she knew, but it had been too long since she had entertained herself in such a manner. Before long, the entire room had errupted in violence, with herself and Carnhain at the centre, a flurry of flying limbs as they sought to make a distraction for their comrade to flee.


"I said stop it!" The voice lifted above the noise of the brawl startled Kiarma, it was a voice fraught with authority, demanding obedience...yet it was empty, in a strange way. Strange enough, that Kiarma lowered her knee moments before it connected with the crotch of the drunk before her, turning her gaze to see where it had come from. Kedyn stood, unseeing almost as he looked into the room. Dread inched down Kiarma's spine. She had never seen a dead man before, yet Kedyn's face chilled her to the core. Instantly she knew, that the distraction had not worked, that Miria was gone. And it seemed that she had not gone alone, along with her had gone the spark from Kedyn.


"We need to talk."Needing no second bidding, Kiarma shoved the man in front of her aside, silently following Kedyn, knowing that Carnhain and Toth did so also, the thrill of earlier fading as a sombre note fell on the group. Kiarma may not have gotten to know Miria well, but she did not want to see the girl hanged, did not want to see Kedyn despair so. She'd heard rumours of what he had been like before Miria, and had believed it to be exaggeration until now. Never before had she seen him look so...cold.


There was nothing for it. They would have to go save her, somehow. She stopped in the stable, her green gaze piercing as she considered their options. They would need to find out where Miria was being held, how many guards there were, how secure she was. Then they could work on having her freed. "How do we set her free?" Kiarma asked, the question aimed at Kedyn's back, though she included the others. She deliberately did not ask whether they could, or should. There was no doubting they would do all that they could. The Band looked after its own. It was simply a matter of how.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Toth barely had time to step back before Kedyn almost smashed the door in his face. Having a plan he immediatly turned down the stairs checking that they followed him down. But as soon as they came to the commen room Toth's plan was burnrd in it's glory as he saw the fighting going on.


Trying to react to the new situation he caught sight of two guards pushing their way through the room towards the stairs. When he looked back behinhd him again their was no one behind him, only the pounding of feet going toward the stables followed by someone shouting stop.


Trying to think one of the guards told him to move away from the stairs. Taking in the fighting around him and Carnhain and Kiarma in the thick of it. Turning to the guards who were trying to push him away he brought his knee up which connected with one of the guards jaws. Before the other one could reat he brought his right fist around hammering him in the temple.


Tothe moved through the crowd throwing people out of his way trying to get to his two fellow banders. This was probably Carnhains idea. Hoping Miria had gotten away he kept moving just as he got to Kiarma a voice shouted out one a person could hear was full of pain and one that was used to beig in command. Lookin at Kedyn Toth knew what had happend.

"We need to talk." Toth just followed as Kedyn turned away.

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Everything hurt, pain physical mental and emotional compounded into state in which Kedyn felt as if he was dead. He felt tired and his limbs sore as if he had fought a battle for his life and came out just clinging to the edge. He grasbed the edge of a stall and simply stood still trying to collect his thoughts and try andbe able to think straight.


"How do we set her free?" The question was asked openly but when Kedyn turned Kiarma and Toth both were looking at him. Kedyn closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He looked to Carnhian for a moment before speaking. He wasn't in command, but why then were they looking to him.


"We...." Kedyn sighed as his spirits began to dip, his voice hollow and only containing despair. "I won't ask you to do anything. If we are caught or fail we will hang along with her and the Band will not come for us if we are caught, they cannot afford to start a war with Andor. We look after our own, but there comes a point when the risk is to much."


Kedyn doubted very much that even if they tried they would be unable to save Miria. He knew all to well where they would need to go, how many people were going to be around her and just how hard even seeing a prisoner would be. But he wouldn't leave Miria to hang, he would die trying before he saw another woman he loved killed. "There will be at least four people as well as other prisoners along with Miria, and it will not be far from the barracks. One shout and we'll be overwhelmed before we even start. It's up to each of you whether or not you wish to help me."




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Miria huddled into her cloak where she sat, curled into a corner of the cold, dank cell. She eyed the two others in the cell warily, sitting as far from them as she could, the stench of filth and death thick in the air. She didn't know how long she had been sitting there, her chin on her knees. She didn't even know whether it was still night. The time had flown past in a blur, and while her sobs had subsided, her despair hadn't. Over and over she had cursed herself for her past stupidity, all the while picturing the look on Kedyn's face as she was dragged away. How could she bring this upon him? She was the one that had helped heal him from the heartbreak of losing Lavena, and now she had put him back into the same position.


A soft sigh escaped her lips and she brushed at her cheeks, still moist from her tears. Light, how long did she have? She couldn't die, much as she deserved it. She couldn't do that to Kedyn, couldn't let that happen, not now when her life for once was seemingly bright, when she had a future. And sitting here feeling sorry for herself wouldn't help anything. The others would come for her, Miria was sure of it, and she would meet them in the middle. She would not stay here and wait to die.


Scrubbing at her cheeks, Miria ran her fingers through her hair, trying to create some semblance of order. Ignoring the leers from the men, she stepped over to the iron bars of the door, clearing her throat to get the attention of the guard nearest her. He turned, looking her up and down with an expressionless gaze and Miria licked her lip nervously. Light, she had to get out of here, somehow. Perhaps, if she played her cards right, she could convince the guard to help her. Afterall, she'd talked her way out of many a situation before.


"What time is it?" She asked quietly, pulling her hood back to reveal her features. The guard looked her up and down again and licked his lips lasciviously, causing a shudder of revulsion to run down Miria's spine. Not that long ago she would have been oblivious to what that look meant, but she had learnt quickly from Kedyn just what looks like those could mean. Of course, she welcomed them from him, but from this man...it took all her effort not to shudder visibly, though thankfully she was saved as another guard stepped into view, obviously someone more senior, the way the first guard stiffened and harshened his gaze.


"It's time for you to bloody well shut your trap and sit down, wench." He growled at her, loud enough for the superior officer to hear, no doubt. Somewhat startled, Miria backed away, back to her corner, glaring at the prisoners as they laughed cruelly at her. She would find a way out yet, she just had to think. Besides, Kedyn and the others would be there soon, they would come to get her. Clinging to that hope, futile as it may be, Miria continued to brainstorm, wondering just how to manipulate the guards to her own advantage. Escape was her only option.



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Icy dread washed over Carnhain the moment he heard Kedyn’s voice. Only three words, but they told an entire story. A tale of love and heartbreak; of thinking you would never know love again and then finding it, only now to loose it once more. A lone tear rolled down the now bloody and bruised cavalryman’s cheek. She was gone. Not that Carnhain cared for Miria- quite the contrary- but she meant everything to Kedyn.


Disengaging himself from the man whom he had just delivered a nose breaking punch- Carnhain was too worried about Kedyn to wonder whether his own was broken as well- the blonde man made his way over to where the others waited. The fight still raged on, despite having lost its two sources, but the roar of the fight seemed no more than a dull buzz to the five Banders who for a few moments were lost each in his own grief. None of that grief, though, would top Kedyn’s.


It was a struggle to bring blue-grey eyes up to meet the other man’s. Carnhain already knew what would be there: despair and the loss of Kedyn’s reason to live. There was no look he wanted to see less on his friend- no, brother’s face than the one he wore now. Carnhain’s own problems seemed to pale beside those of the other man. Helplessness is perhaps one of the worst feelings in the world and that was how Carnhain felt now. He wanted so much to ease Kedyn’s pain; to take it away and make him smile again, but there was nothing he could do. ‘Blood and ashes! He’s one of the only people I have and there’s nothing I can do! What kind of a brother am I? Light help me! I don’t know what I can do!’


Kedyn lay down the facts. The pain and loss in his voice caused another tear to roll down Carnhain’s cheek. ‘There has to be something I can do. Under the Light, I swear I will do anything to get Miria back! I just want to see him happy! He deserves to be happy! Burn me, but there has to be something I can do! He’s forgiven me when he should have hated me. I owe this to him!’


“Another distraction?†Carnhain suggested when ideas were called for. Sensing confusion from his audience, he explained. “We need a distraction to get the guards out of the way so someone else- likely Kedyn, as he’s a scout and it’s his job to sneak around- can get around them and work and getting Miria out of there. Would anyone happen to know how to pick locks? Or are we going to try and steal the keys?â€


Another plan came to his head, though he felt foolish saying it aloud. It was not so much a plan as a slightly modified gleeman’s tale he had heard once working in Anon’s inn. “Or we drug all the guards’ wine, sneak in, set all the prisoners free so that the Queen’s Guard will have their hands busy with the rest of the prisoners while we sneak Miria away. That will also cast doubt over the Band’s involvement in the affairs since if only Miria escapes, the Queen will immediately know it’s us. They’ll probably lock the city, so we might have to lay low a while, and definitely not leave the city as one group and we’ll have to disguise ourselves.†Looking at the faces around him, Carnhain shrugged rather self-consciously. “It’s just an idea- anything to get Miria back.†‘Anything to make Kedyn happy again.’

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kedyn listened closely to both of Carnhain's plans, suprisingly calm at the moment when compared to what they were planning. His life hinged on this discussion in more ways than one, if they failed he would die either by his or another's sword. He waited for a moment as Carnhain finished for the other to input anything. They looked to him and he put in his input, using the knoweldge he had retained from his service in the Gaurd.


"The wine is a good idea but you're not going to find wine in the jails and unless any of you have the drugs for it...Miria dies with the sun and we are not going to find what we need in that time." Kedyn rubbed his hands together absentmindedly, his mind working furiously at Carnhain's other suggestion. It was a long shot, but so was everything else they would be able to come up with this situation.


"The first idea is plausible. If the three of you go in the front door, I know how to get in through the roof. To where the cells are. If you distract the gaurds with whatever I can release the prisoners and let them loose for the gaurds to deal with. Afterwards we'll hide for a day or two, and slip out one of the more frequented gates when we get the chance."


"Of course there is always risk and you all of the chance of staying behind. But I think that is are best hope. If you dissagree say so or we are leaving now." Kedyn curled his hands into fists and moved them behind his back. His despair was fading as determination began to take precedence. He wouldn't lose another woman he loved without a fight, and this time he could actually do something to fullfill his promise.




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  • 4 weeks later...

"There has got to be a better way to distract the guards than this!" Grumbled Kiarma softly as the trio slipped quietly through the dark streets of Caemlyn, following the directions Kedyn had given them. Carnhain simly gave her an exasperated stare. They had gone over this. Still, the fact that she was in a dress - one that left far too little to the imagination, mind you - with her hair loose about her shoulders irritated her no end. She looked no better than any other weak female, and the fact that the others told her she looked pretty did little to mollify her. To think, she was going to actually flirt with the guards! Ridiculous!


Kiarma was still muttering under her breath when they reached the cells where Miria was being held. Kedyn had gone on before, and she sure hoped he managed to get in through the roof, or they were in for some trouble. Brushing irritably at her blue skirts, she glared at Carnhain's grin, as though daring him to comment. "Let's bloody well get this over with." She grumbled, flipping her hair out of her eyes, wishing for the hundredth time that it was in it's accustomed braid.


Leaving Carnhain and Toth outside, Kiarma slipped into the front door, to be immediately greeted by a guard with a lecherous grin. Swallowing her sigh, she did her best to appear helpless. "Oh I hope you can help me, there are two gentlemen outside that have been following me..." She lowered her gaze to hide how much the words grated on her pride, hoping the man thought her simply shy. "I was hoping a strong man like yourself could give them a talking to?" Light but she could almost choke on the words. To think she needed protection. Ha!


"Well now dear you sit yourself right down here." Replied the guard, his gaze sliding from her cleavage back to her face. She blushed furiously as the guard yelled something behind him, before offering her a seat and hovering by her side. A moment later a pair of guards came from what must be the cells. "Go see what that pair outside want while I comfort this poor young woman." The first barked, before turning his smile back to Kiarma. Light, this had better work! Uttering a silent prayer for the others, Kiarma did her best to keep from punching the fool man in the mouth as he set to charm her.



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Kedyn pulled himself up onto the edge of the of the prison roof, saying one of his very rare thanks to the light that they had taken Miria to one of the smallest of the holding cells in this area. He hoped the distraction with Kiarma was working, he would have laughed it was any other time but the only thing he could bring to an actual emotion was determination and despair.


He hoped what he was looking for was still there. He had been stationed in this gaurdhouse when a worked repairing the roof tiles had fallen through after he took a wrong step. They had hastily covered the area but had not redone the tiles when he was there and the spot had always been weaker after.


Kedyn allowed himself a small grin when he found the spot, still uncovered and it creaked as he put a foot on it. Taking his belt knife he worked at he plaster around the edge and began to pry it out. He eased the section of the roof out slowly, trying his best to keep it silent. He set it down next to him and waited listening through the hole and covering it with his body to block to moonlight.


"Go see w....outside want while I ..... woman." Kedyn waited as his stomach began to flip until he heard voices coming from the outside and then lowered himself as far as he could, hanging on to the lip of the hole he had created and then dropping down with a muffled thud to the cell ground. He turned to the cell next to him and looked in, a rough looking man glared back at him but thankfully didn't say a word. They perhaps weren't the dumber kind of criminals and had an inkling of what he was about to do.


He cursed softly and took the lock picks he had from his boots and began working on the cell in front of him. He had wanted to free Miria first, but if he released this one it would throw suspicion of the Band and that it was related to Miria. The lock clicked and Kedyn drew his belt knife before opening the door. In a hushed tone he asked why the man was here, what he got back wasn't heartening for what he was about to do but it gave him a better idea to throw off anyone looking into the crime. "Stay here for now or I'll cut your throat myself."


The man smirked but settled back on the stool in his cell and Kedyn moved onto the next. Miria. Kedyn lifted a finger to his lips when she noticed him and forced himself to calmly work at the lock. His fingers were miraculously still which he was thankful for. The lock clicked and he hastily took it out and opened the cell. What stoicism he had been able to hold it crumbled as he flung his arms around Miria, neither making any sound, but simply taking streangth in their presence.


Kedyn reluctantly let go and motioned for his beloved to wait there. He checked on the convict who waved and smiled at him sardonically. Kedyn nodded and turned towards the front room. He used everything he knew to make his steps lighter, he pushed the door to the room open enough to look into. Enough to see Kiarma in her dress and the gaurd sitting in a chair with his back to the door.


He moved through the door and edged his way closer to the gaurd who was doing his best to push his chair onto Kiarma who was doing well acting the damsal. Kedyn knew different, he had a knack for reading people and as a scout that's what you did. He was suprised she hadn't killed him yet.


When he was only a step behind the gaurd he sprung moving a arm around his neck, and clasping the other over his mouth. He pulled up on the man's neck, applying enough pressure to block the flow of air. The gaurd struggled and Kedyn drew up harder until the man grew limp, unconscious. He dragged the man back into the cell room and sprawled him in front of the first cell he had unlocked. "Follow me."


He Miria and the unlocked captive made their way to the front room where Kiarma was still seated, not looking at all like she had just seen Kedyn nearly choke a Queen's gaurd to death. "Stay here for now." Kedyn eased out the front door and drew his belt knife, he gave a quick motion for Toth and Carnhain to stay back before rushing one of the gaurds, he hit him with the handle of his knife in teh temple and the man crumpled. The gaurd turned with a shocked look before Kedyn's foot connected to the side of the head and he joined his comrade. Kedyn motioned for the two to follow him inside.


"You can go, and I would suggest you leave Caemlyn." The criminal nodded and then ran through the door.


It was all Kedyn could do to remain calm and not simply take Miria in his arms and lose himself in his joy of having her back. "Kiarma how good are you at lying?" Kedyn took a deep breath before giving them the plan. "The man I just released was locked up for forcing a few women." He would let them figure that out by themselves. He couldn't make himself say he had let a rapist free and assaulted three Queen's Gaurd in one night.


"So the man I just released caught the gaurd with the keys unawares and knocked him out, letting himself out of the cell. He takes Miria as his next victim, catches the two gaurds outside helping Kiarma unawares and knocking them out. He runs as do Kiarma's attackers," Kedyn motioned to Toth and Carnhain. "Kiarma stays because she is afraid of both her followers and because of what just happened. I arrive to try and see Miria, find the unconcoius gaurds and run to find others and act the distraught man who's lover was first arrested and then kidnapped. Then we leave as soon as we can, tommorow hopefully. You three will leave in the morning." Kedyn sighed softly and waited to see what the others would think about it, if they would raise any objectons or question his judgement. The extended time away from Miria would kill him, but he had her back. She was one step closer to being safe, and he would not lost her. Never.




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Even those condemned to die were given a last meal it seemed, though it was anything but extravagant. Miria found she had no appetite anyway, her mind still churning, looking for a means of escape, a way to get back to Kedyn. Perhaps if the guards would stay away long enough, she could use her fork to pick the lock...but then what? If anything, it was probably safer in her cell than out there with the guard who spent an awful lot of time looking at her. She had some training, but there was no way she could take on two trained guards, unarmed and alone. Besides, the fork was soon taken away with her untouched plate. So much for that idea.


A yell from the front room had the guards heading out, causing Miria to frantically look around for something, anything to pick the lock with, but it was hopeless. A muffled voice caught her attention and she stilled, heart pounding in her chest. That wasn't the prisoner...Kedyn? She breathed, barely daring to hope, praying her mind was not playing a cruel trick on her.


Then suddenly she saw him, the most wonderful sight in the world. He motioned for her to stay silent and she obeyed, moving to the door as he worked the lock, relief, joy and love all warring within her. He had come. The door had barely opened before she flung herself into his arms, the embrace renewing her hope and strength. He had come, and all would be well. The world could have crashed around them and Miria couldn't have cared, so happy was she to be back in the arms of the man she loved.


All too soon Kedyn moved back, motioning for Miria to stay. Light, but it was one of the hardest things she'd ever had to do, waiting, not knowing what was going on. She was so overwhelmed that tears threatened, but she refused to shed them. Now was a time to be strong, and she had shed enough that night. Besides, she would very soon be free.


Miria was startled when she saw Kedyn return with an unconscious guard, but made no comment, so relieved was she to leave the dank cell behind her. Kiarma was in a dress? Miria would have laughed of not for the thunderous expression on the woman's face. Kedyn slipped outside and Kiarma quickly filled Miria in on what had happened. Ahe was stunned and amazed that they had all come to her aid - even Carnhain. It was most humbling.


It seemed an age before Kedyn returned with the others, though in reality it had been only a few moments. Any more time than necessary away from Kedyn was agony, especially after thinking she would never see his wonderful smile again. He outlined his plan, a very good plan...except that she would not be able to stay with him. Immediately a protest came to her lips as she looked to Kedyn, a pained expression on her face. Was he deep down so disappointed with her that he didn't want to stay with her?


The protest died unspoken as Miria gazed into his eyes, seeing a mirror of her own angst at the prospect. He liked it no more than she, but at least she would be safe. Slowly she nodded, stepping closer to Kedyn's side and reaching for his hand, her fingers lacing intimately with his. "If that's what must be done." Said Miria softly. She lowered her gaze, ashamed at what she'd put the others through, at the risks they had and would be taking for her. She didn't deserve it. Quietly, and to no one in particular, she spoke, her head lowered. "I...thankyou for doing this...and I'm so sorry I landed you in my mess..."



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  • 2 weeks later...

Carnhain glanced at his companion, scratching at the two days’ growth of stubble covering his chin. He was none too happy to be stuck with Toth and even more irritated that Kedyn was doing his part alone. If anything went wrong, Kedyn would die right alongside Miria and Carnhain didn’t think he would last too much longer after that. He had tried to take his life once already, he knew what he’d resort to if he lost his best friend.


While in under other circumstances the sight of Kiarma in a dress would have been the topic of much laughter and teasing, Carnhain was far too nervous- not to mention morose from even before even here had begun to unfold- for his usual sense of humour. His grey-blue eyes darted from Kiarma, to the streets behind them, to the palace ahead, to the dark alleyways. While one hand was scratching at the uncomfortable ‘criminal’ clothing, the other gripped his sword hilt tightly beneath the dirty, once-grey cloak that was part of his disguise.


When they finally arrived at their destination, Carnhain and Toth stayed outside the prison, purposely ‘slinking-around, suspiciously’ while Kiarma went inside as was the plan. Only a few minutes passed before a pair of guards came out, immediately spotting them. Motioning to the infantryman, he made a deliberately obvious attempt to sneak away.


“Oy! What’s your business here?â€


“Nuthin’.†Carnhain had been elected to do the talking since he wouldn’t have to fake an Andoran accent. So, he did his best to sound gruff.


“Then get out of here.â€


“We ain’t breakin’ no laws stayin’ here.â€


“If you two don’t leave I will have you two thrown into the cells!â€


“I’d like t’see ya try!†the cavalryman drawled, doing his best to sound cocky and at ease with the entire plot. He desperately hoped the guard bought his act or else they’d be in major trouble. He and Toth were more than capable of beating these two, but their party couldn’t take the whole garrison between the five of them.


The guard began advancing, his cudgel held out warily when Carnhain spotted Kedyn coming out the door to the prison. Not daring to look at him longer than it took to understand the signal to get clear, Carnhain moved at the last minute as Kedyn rushed the guard nearest them. Before he had time to unsheathe his sword, Kedyn had despatched the other as well.


Kedyn laid out the rest of the plan and Carnhain was already moving towards the inn- he and Toth had switched inns to split from Kedyn and get away from those who would recognize them from the Queen’s Joy- when Miria spoke.


“I...thankyou for doing this...and I'm so sorry I landed you in my mess..."


“I didn’t do it for you.†Carnhain’s voice held a hint of bitterness. He still hadn’t forgiven her.

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