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This is the pointy end... (Basic Forms)


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Kynwric was standing in the yard, the sun was just peeking over the horizon and it was cold. He was not making much a concession to the temperature though, wearing just an added leather jerkin over his shirt and pants. He watched as each of the newest trainees arrived, Thera had asked him to begin them on their forms training, and he was available and agreed. He was wondering who had been assigned to this class and what new theories they might have. The trainees always brought some unrealistic idea of what you could do with sword forms and it was his job to disabuse them of their notions.


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IC: Phinn shivered as she woke up that morning. It was it had only been a few weeks since she arrived in Tar Valon and been accepted into to the training program for the tower guards. This morning she was starting her sword forms with Kyn Gaidin. It should be interesting she thought to herself… she had met the man before and he had an out of the ordinary sense of humor. She was going to have to get used to it. She grinned… she would get used to anything if she could get through the training.


Up and dressed she ran out the door of the barracks and into the yard. She saw Kyn and jogged over to his teaching area. Giving him a nod of respect she stood there in silence and waited for the others to arrive.


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Sandre came out to the yard at a light jog. It seemed like the trainers never let you walk anywhere. Everything was at a jog or a dead run. When he arrived at the designated area he found more of the same. Hurry up and run there, then wait. He was uncomfortable with weapons. Wouldnt touch one unless he was told to. This class would teach the basic forms of his weapon. If the three months he spent trying to learn these was any indication of his ability. He would go to bed frustrated, and embarrassed, and with any luck, whole.


He lined up in formation with the other trainees and said a silent prayer that he didnt kill anyone on accident.

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Balyn woke his brother up.  If he hadn't they would have been late for their first lesson in weapons.  They didn't expect to get alot done today, but it was hopefully something that they would learn quickly.  They had only been here a week and it was always important to be on time.  He'd seen others doused with cold ice water and still others woke up with load banging noises.  Balyn didn't want to be one of those people.


When he and Dagen had arrived there were already two people there.  It was an odd sensation to be sitting in a class.  Rather standing, but still, they'd never been in a class at all in their lives, what little they could read and write was taught from hom, and that wasn't much more than their own name.  Maybe they could learn to read and write too.  How nice that would be.  Too bad they couldn't write home and tell their parents how they were doing, they could barely read either.




Dagen had gone to bed late, he was too full of engery and now he was paying for his late night. Balyn woke up him hurriedly and he threw on his clothes, he didn't want to be late, neither did Dagen.  They ran as fast as they could to the meeting spot and hoped that they were still on time.  Two others stood before their teacher.  It was the same man who had questioned them when they had come to the yards only a week ago.  Was it such a short time?  It felt like months had passed they were so busy.  Dagen was sure they barely got any sleep and that they were constantly training.  Everything was so quickly paced here, he was not sure that what he was going to get through this.  He was not prepared yet to fall on his face, so he stood tall and waited.  He would be ready when the time came.



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Waking up early in the morning was not a problem for Thaes, being a man who values time. Moreover, today was going to be the first time that Thaes would actually learn anything. Not a lot have happened since he first came to Tar Valon, since the embarrassing loss he suffered from a Warder. No matter... Thaes thought. With time, I'll be able to overcome him, like I always do. He thought with arrogance. The morning was cold, but not colder then what Thaes was used to back in Kandor. Regardless, today Thaes actually wore a shirt with a pretty long sleeve, and long trousers. He had both of his swords strapped on his back, although he won't probably need them for today.


Arriving at the training yard, Thaes barely noticed the other trainees. Most likely they'll soon just be my punching bags... His eyes remained on the man that was teaching all of them today, and Thaes gritted his teeth trying to control his emotion. The same man that had humiliated him now means to teach him. This morning promises to be interesting... His mouth curved into a smile.

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Irian sighed as he lifted his massive form out of the bed. Though sturdy enough to hold his weight, it was still short in the way of length, but Ogier sized beds didn't grow on trees... Well, technically they did, but that was beside the point. After freshing up, he got dressed and moved on to the practise field. Not really used to waking up early in the morning, he found himself struggling with keeping himself from yawning every other minute as he tried to guess what time it was. He was supposed to train today after all.


Seeing a group of people standing a ways off, he assumed that was the group he was supposed to train with and simply walked over there. If not... well, he was supposed to get some traning done anyway, and there wouldn't be a whole lot of difference between one group or another when it came to first lessons. He was standng in the right place, was actually on time for once and if the group wasn't the right one it was at least conveniently close to being the one he was supposed to be with.


Stifling a yawn again, he waved at what he assumed to be the teacher, being the one that looked like he knew his way around with weaponry.


- "...Ah, sorry sir. Been a bouncer for so long i'm not used to waking up this early anymore..."


He could already uess the answer, probably something along the lines of 'see that you learn soon' or something. It didn't matter much though, he was already intending to do that. Still, given that his line of work had meant he didn't go to sleep as long as the Inn was still open meant there was still a lot of twisting and turning involved in trying to fall asleep every night.




Rearranging biological clockwork

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Kynwric looked each of the trainees over as they approached, he had met some and he had not yet met others. Even those he had already met he did not greet, this wasn't the time for it. When he judged it was time to begin he strode up to the line. "I'm Kynwric Gaidin and I'll be instructing you in basic weapon forms. I see some of you have brought weapons to class, you won't need them. Until further notice you will not carry a weapon other than your lathe unless specifically directed to do so. Follow me." he led the group of them into from the yard and to the armory. "In here you will find almost every imaginable, functional weapon. If you don't already know what type of weapon style you want to use, now would be the time to make a choice. If you have questions you can ask me. Pick them up, handle them, see how they feel. A weapon should feel right in your hands, it should not be chosen because someone else feels it is right for you." He waved them to the weapon racks and waited for the inevitable questions that came from this exercise.

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Running in at top speed Davian was glad to see he hadn't interrupted the teacher. However, that meant his entrance was that much more noticeable, drawing every eye to him. How was he supposed to be held responsible for finding his way around this place? It was his first day after all...If it hadn't been for a couple of helpful recruits he never would have been able to track down the man and find his way to the armory.


Breathless, Davian thought up a lie off the cuff to try and explain his lateness. " I'm sorry....Aes Sedai had me...carry some stuff into...the tower." Taking some time to look around and catch his breath, Davian could see that most of the students were trying to avoid making eye contact with him, not wanting to be caught up in the backlash of the instructors grilling that would be sure to come. They also seemed to be picking out weapons. Trying not to draw attention to the fact that he had missed whatever the instructor had to say he leaned in close. "Umm...sir...I'm not really sure which kind to choose. I'd like one that can be quick and mobile, yet still be strong enough to have some weight to it. Can you pick some out for me that might be like that?"

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Kynwric listened to the excuse and was going to let it be when the same trainee asked.


Umm...sir...I'm not really sure which kind to choose. I'd like one that can be quick and mobile, yet still be strong enough to have some weight to it. Can you pick some out for me that might be like that?"


Turning his eyes towards Davian Kyn paused a moment. "If you had been on time you would already know that I cannot choose this for you, try them out, see what feels right." He really felt like rolling his eyes, but resisted the urge. Trainees are getting less and less useful every year, next they'll be wanting me to pick out their lunch for them too.

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Irian suppressed a grin as he glanced at the daggers. Fully aware that his hands were simply too big to hold a dagger effectively even if he did have the skill for it, he instead chose to walk to the rack featuring the larger weapons. He picked up a halberd, trying to feel the weight of it in his hands, then picking up a second halberd and -- after stepping away from the other trainees -- made a couple of practise swings, wielding one halberd in each hand.


Looking at Kynwric with a wide grin, he shook his head and put both weapons back on the rack. While he did have the strength to hold a training halberd out with one hand, he felt actually swinging them around put a lot of strain on his wrists, which would in turn lead to a quick injury if he'd keep it up. Oh well, not a problem, he'd just start with something else then.


He thought on picking the large axe he had been used to during his days as a woodcutter's apprentice, but ultimately decided against it. Too many unpleasant memories for now. From the corner of his eye, he spotted another weapon though, from the way it was tucked in a corner almost added as an afterthought. He picked up the large war hammer with a surprised grunt, the weight feeling nice in his hands by making him feel as if he was really holding something.


With a satisfied nod, he made his way to the trainees that had already picked a weapon, and stood next to them waiting to see what Kynwric would want them to do next.





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Sandre approached the weapons racks with wide eyes. He was not used to the idea of haveing a weapon yet. He had been used to the idea of swinging a hammer and liked the weight but wanted something sharp and pointy. He looked at a long curved blade and knew from his time as a smiths apprentice that though it was made with folded steel that it would still shatter with a direct strike from a larger weapon. One moment of misfortune or error and he would end up in a Trolloc cook pot... if they really existed that is. Staves were always a match for a sword so he wanted something that could cut a stave in two. He eventually settled on a hand an a half sword. It was light enough for him to use one handed, well, light enough for him anyways. However he could use both for extra power on a strike. Also from his time as a smith he turned his eyes to seek one of quality. Tapping his signet ring against the blades he sought a sound. A sword made of good steel would ring like crystal and would not have that dull "Thunk!" sound when struck. Then there was the issue of balance. While there was a standard to balance he found one that he liked that was a little off balance. It suited him perfectly though.


Looking into his reflection in the polished blade he did not understand the pride he felt. He had never owned a sword before, thought he didnt like them. A smile crept across his face. The first genuine smile he had had in years.


"I will master myself... then I will master you." It was spoken low, but he did not care if another heard.

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OOC: As a side note, Weapons selection is it's own class, this is just suppose to be basic forms.  Just thought I'd let you know. 


Balyn had no idea what type of weapon he wanted to use.  The armory was so full of glittering objects that he almost was completely distracted from the task at hand.  Here and there Balyn saw people cleaning the items.  Swords, spears, shields armor and varous other objects he didn't even recognize.


Balyn walked the aisle afraid to pick one up.  But he eyed them all with awe.  He stopped in front of the two handed swords ands revealed at their pure force.  This was what he wanted to weild.  He knew he was stronger than his brother and he knew that he could do this.  Balyn picked up one first and felt the weight of it, it was by no means light and he set it back down, it was a tad too heavy for his liking.  He picked up another and another and they all seemed a little too heavy.  Maybe it's just me he said, supposing that he wasn't strong enough.  He went to move away and then saw shining Claymore sitting in a rack all alone.  He picked it up and it was like magic, he knew it was to be his.  It was a bit heavy but he was sure he would be able to use it. Balyn had decided.




Dagen watched his brother with eager eyes.  He knew that he wan't ever going to be a strong as him and he knew he would go for the heavy weapons.  Dagen knew he couldn't.  He wasn't nearly as strong, but he was quick he knew he could use that to his advantage.  There were alot of smaller weapons and Dagen knew that it would be what he wanted, but there was so many too choose from.  He didn't want something so limited like a dagger or knife, but they might come in handy but not really for a Warder.  They always seemed to carry sword or some other larger weapon. He wondered how many weapons they got to train in.


Balyn wandered the smaller swords, the staves and various other lighter weapons.  Nothing really caught his fancy and he kept moving through the aisles. Short swords of every type but nothing caught his eye.  Balyn walked the aisles several times before just stopping.  He wondered if the pattern would have any affect on what he wanted.  He turned and put out his hands and grabbed one sword, a gladius.  It was a good weight, felt good in his hand and he had made his choice by mere randomness.  He only hoped it proved to be a good choice.





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OOC: I never noticed it being a seperate class. I know it used to be a part of the introduction, but since then I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere.


If you haven't already done the above, do it and catch up.


Also, for the below, work your way through the practice, ask questions and move Kyn around a bit in his instruction of you.




Once they had all made selections Kynwric had them back outside the Armory. "Now that you have them find someone to show you how to care for them and put them away, you won't need them for the foreseeable future. Not until we've decided you won't kill each other with them." He gestured to one of the pages standing around who passed out a lathe matching the weapon they had just chosen. "For now this is your weapon. Get the feel of it and next time we meet only bring this. But now for the meat of our day."


Kynwric held his own lathe by his side, just as if it were sheathed. "This is Leopard in a Tree, it is the most basic of stances and you'll use it more than anything else. It is used for drawing your weapon and as such has many variations. From here you Unfold the Fan" he brought the training weapon out and to a guard position, finishing in the third form. "And you end up in Lion on a Hill. So begin there, get intoa comfortable stance for yourself, think about how you have to draw your weapon and be in position for it to be ready one you have Unfolded the Fan. There should not be any point in which you are not relaxed and fluid, the weapon will generally show you the best way to unsheath it." Kyn walked amongst them as they practiced giving advice and instruction as he passed each one until they were all competent at the three manuevers.

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OOC:  Um, then you've not actually looked at any of our requirements :P http://digitalglitch.org/drpsw/index.php?title=Trainee_Electives - Trainee electives and http://digitalglitch.org/drpsw/index.php?title=Warder_Advancment - Warder Advancement ... Weapon Selection & Care and Basic Forms are two separate classes.


I will post later when I've more time.



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OOC: I went and looked at it after you mentioned it. I see that it is there. I like having it here as a part of this class, so I'll do it here too. *shrugs* That or it can count as two seperate classes this time and I'll seperate it next time.


Take your time, we're waiting on others anyway.

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Davian, chagrined at Kynwic's mild rebuke, watched as others picked out their weapons. Actually quite honestly he was surprised that he hadn't recieved worse. The man would probably make up for it when the training time came. One person selected a war hammer, no way Davian was ever going to try wielding something like that, nor was he about to try that giant claymore one of the other trainees was hefting. The sword one of the others was looking at looked a little to light for his tastes, but one sword that a trainee tried looked about right for what he had in mind. It was long, but not too long, solid looking. Taking one off the rack and holding it in his hands it felt like with a little practice he could use it in one hand, but the handle was long enough to fit two on there. That was good, Davian liked switching things up, keeping people off guard and he'd need to use his brains in a fight if he was going to hope to win.


Suddenly Davian realized everybody was leaving. Light, if they'd only let him catch up! Heading out side he was handed a...lathe that was supposed to resemble his sword. Well, despite not liking the pratice sword, he figured you had to practice someway without killing each other and if this was the way, so be it. Taking his lathe in his hands, he felt kind of stupid until he saw kynwic standing with a similar practice sword.


"Seriously? A stance for taking your sword out of your sheath? You gotta be kidding me! Man, what have I signed myself up for?" Davian mumbled under his breath. "Seriously, how hard is it to get your sword out?!" Looking up, he noticed that the last words had been said while Kynwic was a little too close and the trainer was all over him in an instant.


"All right trainee, if you think it's so easy, let's see you do it. Unfolding the fan, now!" Feeling a ltitle foolish at having to draw a sword from an imaginary sheath, Davian casually tried to imitate the form he had seen Kynwic perform. "Wrong, let's see it again." Rolling his eyes, Davian tried to do it again. "Wrong, again!" Getting frustrated, Davian finally put effort into what he was doing and tried to imitate the form exactly. "Wrong!" Getting frustrated, Davian was about to retort but Kynwic cut him off, adjusting his stance. "You're not coming out into your guard right, you keep that up and they're just going to bat your sword aside and then you'll be dead, now bring it up right!" Davian did as instructed, bringing the sword into the proper guard position. "Good, now see that you pay more attention and take this seriously. This isn't a game, this is your life we're dealing with here." Properly put in his place, Davian looked around to see how the others were doing.

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Irian gave Kynwric a blank look he knew would be on more than one face there. Training in how to draw a weapon sounded all good and well, but if his estimate was correct nearly half the Trainees had picked a weapon that didn't even have a sheath, and if they did it was certainly too long to be worn at the hip. After some basic struggling, Kynwric came up to him and showed him an alternate version more suited towards large, heavy weapons like he had chosen.


After a number of tries -- he had never done this before, after all! -- he finally managed to pull off something that either made the Warder satisfied, or hopelessly annoyed enough to move on to his next victim. Taking a deep breath, he tried some small adjustments to the form that at least made it feel a little less awkward, none of them really helping though. The concept of the weapon was quite simple though: 'Aim at head, and swing'. Too bad Kynwric seemed so intent on having them know how to draw his weapon. Not like you couldn't see attackers until they were almost on top of you anyway.




Has no idea what he's getting himself into...

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The first three moves. Sandre had spent three months in Shienar with his cousin and never made it past the first three moves. He took in the example he was given into his strange memory. He knew which muscles were used and the timing of each movement. Heck he knew how many folds appeared in Master Kyn's shirt and the number and colors of the pebbles that his boots moved during the movements. However much he remembered though he could not will his body to copy it all.


"I dont know how they expect me to learn to participate in a battle when I am battling my own body to draw a bloody sword!"


It was mumbled under his breath but it didnt go unheard. Master Kynwric heard and a strange look passed over his face. Sandre wasnt sure if it was because he looked stupid or it it was because he was trying to copy Master Kynwric's example exactly. Master Kynwric gave him a few modifications to the three techniques based on Sandre's mass and weight and the techniques suddenly clicked. He was not sure if he was doing them perfectly. His hand on the sword seemed shaky still at best. He was surprised at the adrenaline coursing through his body and horrified at what it meant. He had been as emotionless as a rock for years now but the idea of matching skill in a fight for life was... exhilarating. He also found it might be beneficial to figure out how height and mass might affect ones fighting style.


After a few more example to Master Kynwric who wanted to make sure he got it, he looked at the weapon and realized that one day he would have found that same thrill for battle in him. He was glad it was here and not in a fit of rage.


"A killer I shall be, lest a killer I become."

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Balyn took up the lathe he was told to use. His Claymore would sit on the side.  He thought it was pointless to choose a weapon and then be told it was not going to be used.  But then who was he, some kid from nowhere with no weapons experience short of using a knife to cut his food with.


Balyn watched with learning eyes the three forms that he was shown.  They had weird names - Leopard in the Tree, Unfolding the Fan and Lion on the Hill.  They looked simple enough but when Balyn started to try them he ended up falling down, the lathe tripping him.  Balyn tried again and again with no avail.


He wasn't sure how long it took him to get past Leopard in the Tree and Unfolding the Fan before he could settle in Lion on the Hill.  Three simple moves and he was fumbling already, Master Kywnric made it look so easy.




Dagen followed his instructors moves and watched as his brother fumbled through the the forms the first time.  He watched and tried to visualize himself doing them.  He though long and hard before doing them himself.  He saw himself doing them in his minds eye long before he picked up the lathe.  Master Kywnric gave him an odd look and Dagen decided it was time to try now. 


Leopard in the Tree was a readying stance, it prepared him to draw his weapon, the lathe in this particular instance.  Unfolding the fan was that very action and then into a basic guard stance.  Dagen tried and he too failed the first time.  He visualized as he tried to start again. This time going slowly and patiently.  He managed to make it with out tripping over himself.  Now all he had to do was speed up.


Dagen increased his speed each time, feeling the movements as much as he was seeing them in his mind.  Perfection he wanted perfection.



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Kyn moved in and out of the trainees, suggesting things, modifying approaches based on weapons and individuals. As things progressed he stepped back in front of the group of them. "The nest three forms are Arc of the Moon, The Courtier Taps his Fan, The Kingfisher takes a Silverback." Kynwric took a step back, fell easily into Lion on a Hill and began with "Arc of the Moon" Performing the arcing slash from one hip up and across the throat to settle back into Lion on the Hill once again. He waited a moment as some of them performed the form tentatively and then showed "and The Courtier Taps his Fan" Which was a quick hard chop with the tip of the sword, bringing his hands up and out as the tip of the sword descended. "and also The Kingfisher takes a Silverback." which was a straight stab with a slight downward angle to it. "Work through these, innovation is expected. Especially when dealing with a weapon not a sword."


OOC: Same script as before, work on what your weapon is capable of doing.


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As Master Kyn demonstrated the net three moves all thoughts of liking sword combat left Sandre's mind. His first attempt at Arc of the Moon looked so wrong he dubbed this new found move "Frog gets kicked in the butt" He did discover that he actually had pretty good balance on one foot afterwards though. A few more attempts and he found that the twist was of the wrist was too much and that he needed to ground himself more. He then tried it one handed and found that worked as well but commanded less power for him though it would have been easier to move and left an open hand. He practiced a few more times slowly. One time correctly was better than a hundred attempts that were wrong his old teacher in Shienar had once said.


Courtier taps the fan worked much better with his huge arms and shoulders. It was like swinging a black smith hammer two handed. He did not have a stable stance the first time though and almost fell with the lathe. For once though he found one that was easy for him and spent a couple minutes working on getting it right.


The Kingfisher Takes a Silverback he found also could be done one handed or two. One handed seemed to work better up close and two handed if he had distance. He discovered that a slight bending to the knees while stabbing would bring the weight of the body into the stab as well as the force of his arm. He smiled quite proud at his new found discovery and wondered what other moved it could be applied to. He found he could get a slightly better effect taking a deeper stance and slightly straightening his legs for Arc of the Moon. The Courtier Taps the Fan bending the legs was part of the move anyways.


OOC: The use of legs was his being "Innovative" though honestly is based after a real martial arts principal so I wasnt being too innovative.

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Irian chewed his lip as he tried to copy the movements for his own use. He got into Hillside Lion or whatever it was called, and moved his war hammer in a horizontal arc. Due to his time as a woodcutter's apprentice he had had some experience with horizontal swings, and all he needed to do was throw what he had learned into the wind by moving his weapon up during the swing itself. His height meant it would have passed over the head of whomever he'd be trying to hit, but the form itself did not discriminate by how tall a man was.


Next was another easy looking move, called something about fan tapping. Oh well, vertical strike. Though the move came easily, the weapon was meant to be swung around and so far he had encountered little to no problems. Though the weight of the head did make it rather hard to actually stop in time. Thankfully, there wasn't anyone standing in front of him, though the rock he had hit didn't look too particularly good either.


The first time he used The Kingfisher Takes a Silverback though, the weapon almost flew from his hands. Feeling Kynwric's eyes on him, he winced and picked up the weapon before trying again. Stabs were heading straight, too much downward or to the side, the heavy hammer was giving him some trouble with his accuracy. While it was true that there wasn't anything subtle about a war hammer, he figured knowing how to aim was important in any case, but still decided to switch back to the first two forms for a while. Better to learn what was easy before moving on to the other stuff.




Accuracy? What's that?

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IC: Phinn listened and nodded as they where dismissed to look and handle the weapons Kyn had brought for them. She looked them over…Swords, Long Bows, Regular Bows, Knifes, Quarter Staffs, Maces, ect. She held several and felt the weight. She liked the Sword, Staff and of course the throwing knifes.


Phinns decision fell on the Quarter Staff. She was already familiar with the sword so she wanted to do something different. After she had handled the weapon and moved a round with it she was happy. Once she was sure of her chioce she joined the group that had made their decisions.




IC: Phinn watched closely and listed as her instructor showed the class how to do a few basic movements with a sword. He moved flawlessly and seemed to expect that the class would be the same.


Phinn stood in a relaxed position and went through the forms. She moved well…but not like her teacher. Beside him she was awkward and clumsy. She kept practicing the moves and  watching the correction Kyn was making with the other students. She picked up a few things just from observation and applied them. She adjusted the moved for her staff and was only half way happy with her progress. She would have to practice a lot.


After a while Kyn moved back to the front of the group and explained a few other moves to the class. He then directed the class to practice again. Muttering to herself a little Phinn started to attempt the moves and failed miserably. She got the staff caught on her leg and tripped. She almost fell on a fellow student… whispering her apologies she kept trying.


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After awhile it seemed finally Kynwic was appeased with their first attempts at the forms. However, rather than allowing them a rest, he moved right into the next forms. These ones were definitely cooler though, Davian particularly favored Arc of the Moon. It looked really good, and actually had a name that was semi-descriptive of the move. It didn't take him long to master that one since he had an interest in it. That wasn't to say that it wasn't easy. The form was difficult, having to aim from the hip to the throat and make it curve, and if it hadn't been for his distinct interest in the form, it probably would have taken him a while. It was artful though, and in a way deceptive. The others however were a bore. Courtier Taps the fan? Davian mocked it for the first while, making it look all dainty, for which he got chewed out and no laughs from the other trainees. Why was everyone so serious about this stuff anyway? We're just practicing. After that his blows were far too heavy for Knywic's liking. It took a lot of concentrated effort to make that form just right. When he came to the final form his arms were tired and so he figured it'd be perfect for this form, after all, with a downward angle, all he had to do was let the tip drop right, to get the angle? That was clearly the wrong route to go. After performing it incorrectly for a while, Kynwic taught him the flaw in that by swatting his sword to the ground using the dropping motion. Finally he got the angle pointed downward and thrusted, but he didn't have it right. Everyone was overreacting about the slightest differences in the forms, light, who cares if it's only a little off. Davian really didn't get all this. It was all really tiring on the wrists too, and other muscles that davian had never had to use before. Man, he was really going to have to get in shape for this.

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Dagen watched carefully as their instructor began their next set.  Still they had funny names and he wasn't sure whether or not that meant anything but he tried to remember their names and their actions.  Some of them like Arc of the Moon sounded like he could remember it.  A high arc, which was meant to behead someone.    Dagen started with Arc of the Moon, but he kept losing his balance.  Dagen would start again and try but he kept losing his balance.  Balyn came over and kicked his feet apart just a little more and Dagen tried again this time finishing the move.  Dagen looked over at his brother, who was working on Arc of the Moon as well.  He smiled at his brother and they both worked the form until they felt satisfied that they had it down.


Their next form was the Courtier Taps his Fan.  Balyn smiled as they started beating down on an imaginary opponent.  The blow was meant to split the head or whatever it happend to hit.  Their styles were different, their weapons were different so Balyn assumed that was why.  Balyn's strokes were heavy and Dagens were lighter.  Balyn was stronger, but Dagen was quicker, it was starting to show the differences in their sword work now.  Balyn wondered what else would be different.


The final form was the Kingfisher takes the silverback.  It had two forms, one from on high and one from on low, Balyn started first with the on high version, he started high and stabbed at his opponents stomach.  It would be a deadly blow if it landed, Balyn wondered how many times someone was struck by one of these.


Dagen was working on the lower version trying to disable his fictional opponents leg, he bet it would hurt alot if struck someplace else.  That thought made Dagen giggle which he promptly stopped when he say Balyn looking at him with a smile.  They shared another smile then switched to the next version of the Kingfisher takes the silverback.  Each brother using the other to learn and improve upon their own skills.


Dagen and Balyn


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