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An idea...regarding bonding


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In order to effectively pull off the bonding between the BT and WT Chars,  perhaps we should form an OOC delegation to meet with representatives from the WT Div to discuss the parameters and iron out how this will work.  Then each group can return to the DL or appointed staff member with the information.  Any issues will be brought back to the delegation to iron out then be returned to the DL for approval.


I for one would really like to see this happen both for personal reasons as well as for the future of the BT.  If we decide to do it we should make sure that our representatives are both committed to it and are active on the forums.  It would be an insult to the WT for us to offer this up and not put in the appropriate effort to see it through. 


We can discuss the issues such as the ones that Covai brought up as well as others and compile a list as to who is interested on both sides.  Then we could post the list of those interested in each forum and let the owners of the BT and WT chars talk with whomever they are interested in.  The only way this is going to work is if we properly prepare for it ahead of time.  I will volunteer to join this group if we decide to form one.


I would say at least 2 but no more than 3 on each side.  Too few makes leaves too much chance for something to be missed, more than 3 would make it inefficient and difficult to manage.  Just my 2 marks worth.

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I'm surprised Seggy hasn't responded - last I've heard, himself and Elgee were discussing this :)


Yeah I heard a rumor there was a discussion though there were still some details to iron out.  I am willing to help iron them out if Seggy is too busy.  Might as well put my availability to use if it is needed/wanted.

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the more cooks the more mess, this is why we have staff


That is one school of thought and is why I said no more than 2 or 3.  Are members of a Division supposed to refrain from offering to help or offer input where it may be warranted?  Some staff members are busy and may not have enough time on their hands to devote to certain projects.  This matter has been on the table for a while and has yet to be resolved.  As an active member of the Division I don't want to see it fall by the wayside.  Maybe I am out of line...

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How did I miss this thread?  D'OH!


Yes I have been speaking with Elgee about the bonding.  As it stands only Asha'man are going to bond.  Once all Asha'man are bonded, then Dedicateds can be bonded.  So far I've given permission to one Dedicated to be bonded first due to circumstances.


Remember bonding is only between the BT and the Red Ajah.


If you would like to partake on this mission of getting us a list, by all means do so.

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How did I miss this thread?  D'OH!


Yes I have been speaking with Elgee about the bonding.  As it stands only Asha'man are going to bond.  Once all Asha'man are bonded, then Dedicateds can be bonded.  So far I've given permission to one Dedicated to be bonded first due to circumstances.


Remember bonding is only between the BT and the Red Ajah.


If you would like to partake on this mission of getting us a list, by all means do so.


Thanks Segurant, will do.

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I've posted my interest on your sign up thread.


The staff are working out the details in regards to the other stuff. To be honest, the last attempt as this was rather abysmally planned. So please have patience until everything can get worked out properly. Trust me, waiting an extra week or two for things to be sorted is going to be a LOT better than the RP collapsing in on itself because each side didn't get the same information, had different ideas on how it would roll out, etc etc.


And Sieve, never hesitate to offer help. There will be time's you'll just have to hold tight and wait, but we'll be sure to let you know the moment we've got some work for you.


Speaking of which, my cloaks need a good clean. And I need someone to take the blame for littering Saldean Farmgirl posters all of Segurant's Office.


*Thrusts a bucket of glue and a brush into Sieve's hand's and runs off*


Umm..I have somewhere to be.....




Bye! :D

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Once again, still not the intent of the comment ;)  I've actually thought of making a TTPC Red to bond and to die in the Cleansing, but I haven't decided if I actually have the time yet.


I know I'm just kidding  :P ;D.  It would be great if you had the time to join us with your TTPC Red.  What will it take, begging? Cookies? Just name it.  ;)

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Give me more time and energy?  I need a fair amount extra of both >__<





*Puts on his white lab gown then rummages through the glass bottles on his shelves*  Time to make a special concoction he says as he finds the bottles he was searching for...*laughs maniacally*

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*Starts plastering the attached poster all over the place*





Soo....Doesn't that one at the top look familiar to anyone?




*Avoids Raeyn's stare at the red marker in his hand*



Umm, I'd just like to state that any writing resembling the name of a certian someone here is completely co-incidental and has nothing to do with me.








*Tosses the marker to Sieve*





Join the Black Tower folks!!




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