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Band Idol (BotRH DM Tour) --> Wolfkin ORG (1st Leg)


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Now as for the question about inactive Band members who are Wolfies and voting...are ya really going to be impartial and not automatically vote for the regiment you belong too?   ;) Although we could easily remedy the problem by you two becoming active Band members again.   :P


*hugs Boyo and Goldy* My Org leader and Council member! No stealing! *sticks out tongue at Brid*



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ROFL!!  *huggles Artara*  I won't steal them...just borrow them for a bit.   ;)


:o  I'm shocked at you Goldy!!  Completely shocked!!...ok, not at all.  :P


Ok so heres the Cav JotS verse! it was a compleat group effort so i hope you all like it!



'Neath the silver moon, low clouds adrift

These golden eyes catch every shift

We'll chose your fate- bold, sure and swift

As we dance with Jak o' the Shadows.


We prowl by moonlight after prey,

The night is ours, we shun the day,

Lock up your granny in here to stay,

For we dance with Jak o' th' Shaddows.


In packs we hunt into the night

Trollocks to kill, to maim and bite

Heartfang himself, does fear our might

For we dance with Jak o' th' Shadows


Running past in the dead of night,

We're all around, yet not in sight.

We're creatures who so inspire fright,

And dance with Jak o' th' Shadows


Forever we roam 'neath darkend skies

Marked for all by our yellow eyes

Greeting each new moon with howls and cries

And we dance with Jak O' th' Shadows


Thanks for that, May! Just have to wait for the other two Regiments now.


*kicks corki in the rear*


you cant spotfine me in my own org :p

And which Redarm would like to give the first spot fine of the tour for an assault on the M-G by a Band member??


*rushes in fashionably late as usual*


Hey sis, hey Muppet... sorry got distracted by an encounter with a certain puppy for a while *straightens hair and clothes*


Sooo, great JotS from the Cav to start us off *noddity nod*


Goldy, behave yourself... where are all the RAs?


Indeed. A good set of Jak O' the Shadow verses to begin. Some tough work for the others to follow.


And the Redarms...well, it is the change over in Staff at the moment...but that shouldn't be an excuse!


*taps foot while waiting for a Redarm*


yes, some great colaberation (Tayionary...I can't spell that word right) from the Cavalry.  Now where are the other two Regiments?


*From the Desk of "The Rivanary"*


That'd be Collaboration and Taytionary Sis  ;D



Hey.. we have some swell JotS verse writers in the Cav... If the other Regs had their RR's and new kids on the block dwell in my "Seminar" too they'd be right in there as well...  8)


Tay, Kris, Tal and Bro not included :D, nor El'Nyn at the archers(They're all more than proficient. I've not read much from the other Archers.. sorry gang.


Here are Infantry Regiment JOTs.  :)



Under the moon we run through night

A silver companion shines in our eyes

He guides us where nobody stays

As we hunt with Jak o' the Shadows.


Whatever season we stay alert

And Darkone's minions we put to death

Because our duty is neverending task

As we stalk with Jak o' the Shadows


The young bull rides with us

In golden eyes we see his trust

His hammer deadly like our paws

As we kill with Jak o' the Shadows


No being with a heart full of light

Can be afraid as we run past

We save our teeth for trollocks butts

As we jump with Jak o' the Shadows


In the final battle we'll fight

As each of us is ready to die

Then we can rest in Creator's hand

And meet RJ with Jak o' the Shadows


I already got the promotion and  you can't take it back..


*whispers*  And this coming from a man called Muppet. 




Trollocs run screaming in all directions

Hiding in fear of murderous intentions

Hunted and killed without discretions

To hunt with Jak O the Shadows.


The running of wolves deep in the night

Sends myrdraal fleeing in terror and fright

Shadows reflected in golden light

To hunt with Jak O the Shadows.


The pack runs the night with toothy grins

Seeking the darkhound their twisted kin

Driving them out to pay for their sins

To hunt with Jak O the Shadows.


The Gholam is deadly and hard to kill

A true torture test of wolf's iron will

Shadow tainted meat will give you your fill

To hunt with Jak O the Shadows.


Heartsbane will soon bring battle to call

The wolves wil be ready, one and all

To drive back his forces, deadly thrall

To hunt with Jak O the Shadows.



And there we have it! The three entries. And a quick reminder of the verses for you as you cast your vote:


The Archers


The Cavalry


The Infantry


And if my fellow judges don't mind, I think we will allow Goldy and Soy Boyo to vote as I deem them inactive at the Band (just signing into a roll call would change that, you lazy pair!).


And you can now vote!


And to my fellow judges, let's get critical!


The Archers' (Sam's) verses are quite amazing...I think you should vote for them. (This coming from a non-biased source of course ;))


We judges will have a hard task.


Now, where are my fellow judges??


*grabs a M-G Brew for the wait*


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