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Something new? (Attn: Kabria)


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The walk from the park to the Tower had never seemed so short. Crowded streets that you usually had to fight your way through seemed empty and all the blocks that separated them from the Tower melted away. She found that her hand gripped his harder with every step. Why was leaving him so hard? They still lived within the same walls.


She was grateful for the pause and the extra kisses that they alley allowed. Knowing that it was time to say goodbye and going through with it were two very different tasks. In a heartbeat another kiss was over, but instead of saying goodbye Perivar’s hand dipped down into his shirt. Kabria’s eyes locked on to the small charm that dangled from the gold chain. It had the look of a coat of arms and her breath caught in her throat. In a state of shock she lifted her hair so that he could place the charm around her neck. Her trembling fingers reached up and gripped it in her fist. As if by holding on to the necklace she could make this moment last a life time.


The realization of his departure and what his gift could mean began to sink in. There was a possibility that he would not come back, and even then he wanted her taken care of. Even more of a shock was the idea of his mother approving of the relationship that she and her son had. No woman of any age had ever approved of Kabria. Could it be that the Borderlands were so different? One last brick fell into place and she stared up at him in shock. He was a noble, he had to be. That was the only way that this small charm would do her any good. Her mind raced as she tried to process everything that had been said, and even the things that had not.


“You have given me a greater gift that I could have ever dreamed.” Kabria glanced up at his with tears in her eyes, but her eyes were drawn back to the charm. “I am only sorry that I have nothing for you. My family comes with no protection or titles, all I have to give is my heart, and Perivar…that is already yours.” Biting her lip Kabria looked up again and when she did she brightened. Embracing Saidar she wove a weave, something a kin to the Warder Bond and laid it on Perivar’s clothes, sword, and boots. It could offer him nothing, but now she would know that he was safe. If she felt ny change in him she would forsake all her oaths to see him safe. With the necklace still in her grip she kissed him again and smiled. “You will be in my thoughts always while you are away, and never fear that I will know that you are safe.” With a tiny laugh she explained what she had done, giving him a stern look and warnings not to tell. “Until tomorrow my love” She smiled and left the alley alone, making the final walk into the Tower grounds with a heavy heart.


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From the mouth of the alley he watched with a sense of loss as Kabria made it safe to the steps of the Tower then inside.  He strained his eyes leaning around the corner as if it would allow him to see through walls.  They were so close in proximity though they may as well have been worlds apart.  He remembered her words and her smile which was the sun that brightened his world.  The sweet smell of her hair, the feel of her hands in his, light the kisses!  His cheeks were now stained with crimson.


Before she departed he had wiped the tears from her eyes ensuring her that her heart was more of a gift then he could ever ask for, more then he could desire, it meant the world to him.  She did not need titles or anything else for that matter, he wanted her and her alone no matter where she had come from.  He ensured her that she held his heart in her hands, every fiber of his being was hers. 


His noble birth was something he did not speak about especially since coming to the Tower.  He did not mention it though by the coat of arms she had reasoned it out.  It had never been good for anything other than to teach him responsibility to look after those who served you, those who were sworn to you.  His father had always said that your obligation to those who follow you is far greater than their obligation to you.  They will look to you for an answer in their darkest of times, sometimes the hope that you can set things right is all they have.  "Duty is as heavy as a Mountain"


He recalled her words again You will be in my thoughts always while you are away, and never fear that I will know that you are safe.” With a tiny laugh she had explained what she had done, giving him a stern look and warnings not to tell.  Light even her stern look was beautiful. 


Perivar stood at the mouth of the alley now in plain sight for the world to see staring where Kabria had entered the Tower.  Still the sense of loss assailed him as he realized that she was not going to come running back to him.  It was time to make a trip back to the weaponsmith to purchase a sword for his upcoming trip from Tar Valon.  If that was what would see him home safe to her then it would be worth its weight in gold.



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