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What others should know about your character


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For some reason somethings may get lost in the translation and we can't read through someone's entire bio.  On top of that we are posting in a way that does not hold to any timeline.  For instance many of us are about to embark on a trip that will complete our training and yet many of us are still involved in threads that supposedly happened when we first arrived.  That being said there is probably much that our chars should know of each other but don't.   So I will post here things that most should know about Perivar.  You can decide how much your character knows based on your interaction with him. 


If you think it is a good idea then feel free to make a post here about your character and if there are enough people hopefully we can get it stickied so it is easy to find as a reference as opposed to try.  If you do post please make sure to update it as you go along.






Perivar Tarigan -  When he arrives at the Tower for training he is a 16 year old Arafellin with Brown eyes and Dark brown hair that is worn in two braids, the ends of the braids contain silver bells.  His face is hard as if etched in stone, he looks slightly older than he is, a gift from the borderlands.  He is not pretty nor is he ugly, some women may find him handsome if they are into the hard look about him.  He is only 5'9" though he is still growing, perhaps by the end of his training he will be closer to 6'0" though it remains to be seen.  He is wide in a muscular kind of way, built more like a blacksmith, thick arms, thick chest and a thick waist.  He is agile for his size though nowhere near as agile as others significantly slimmer than he is.  He has an appetite that matches his size.


Perivar is nobly born, his father is a minor Arafellin noble.  Although he is reluctant to discuss it it is possible that you may reason it out or have heard a rumor or if you are close enough maybe it has come out in conversation though that is unlikely.  His idea of a noble is not what outsiders are used to, he is very down to earth in that respect, he holds his worth no higher than the next person.  It has been ingrained in him that he has a duty to protect his people and ensure their well being. 


He did live in the Borderlands so he is well aware of the blight, trollocs, and myrdraal.  While he has faced shadowspawn and even killed a trolloc or two (he had help), he is no God of War.  He is decently skilled for his age though he changed weapon forms upon his arrival at the Tower so he is just as skilled or unskilled as the next trainee.


He arrives at the Tower with the strange sense of honor that most Arafellins carry, again something that has been ingrained in him.  Perivar is known to take this to an extreme, he is prone to beg for a penance from anyone whom he thinks he has offended as minor a thing as it may be.  If the offended party refuses to assign a penance then he is apt to set his own.  This is very prevelant in the beginning though over time the Mistress of Trainees has worn him down a bit.  The longer he is at the Tower the less likely he is to ask another for a penance, if the offense is bed enough in his eyes then he will set his own penance keeping it secret.  So you may see him doing odd things that don't make a whole lot of sense.


He is antisocial and struggles with getting to know people.  He is slow to warm up to people and not likely to start a conversation with you if he doesn't know you well.  He will not go out of his way to meet new people.  This dysfunctional behavior is something that he is trying to work on.  He is not an extremely fast thinker, sometimes it takes a while for him to process information one of the reasons that he is shy.


In the beginning he is torn, he believes that he belongs in the Borderlands fighting shadowspawn in the blight and guarding the border.  His family has done so for generations though his father has sworn him to the Tower.  His father insists that the Tower fights the same fight against the shadow though Perivar still longs to be in Arafel where he feels he belongs.  His father's words are reinforced by Loraine Sedai, Master Kynwric, and Mistress Thera though he is still torn at times feeling he belongs in the north.


Perivar now carries a sword and shield although he arrived at the Tower with two swords on his back like most Arafellins.  His half-trained warhorse is named Nightdancer, he is a glossy black stallion.  Perivar is very comfortable in the saddle.


((Slightly longer than I wanted but it is still shorter than my bio and packed with more relevant info))

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Thera Trakelyn: The dreaded MoT (haha!) Thera is of average height (5’6) and medium build. She has always been lean, but very well muscled. Her short red hair falls in waves to her shoulders, some days it is curlier than others.  Her features are delicate and if not for hard eyes she could appeal almost fragile. Which is part of the reason she is always so mean. Growing up with boys gave her the rough tongue and gave her temper a short fuse.On her right hip she carries a Katana and always has a dagger at her other hip. Up her sleeves and down her back she carries throwing knives. She is an excellent shot with the short bow as well as with her knives. Her horses name is BlueRose in memory of Serena. He is a beautiful white Stallion with patches of Black. He is a trained warhorse and up until recently was her closest companion.


She was raised by her father and three older brothers. All of whom joined the Queens Guard. After her father died and her guardian tried to marry her off she fled to the Tower where women were accepted as warriors.(Age 17) She studied hard for almost two years with Master Andular and chose to use the Flame and the Void and follow Speed Discipline…..


She was a few weeks from being raised to a Tower Guard when a raven haired slip of a Blue Sister wandered into the Yards. She was looking for a place to practice her throwing knives and stumbled across Thera. Serena Morrigan (the Blue Sister) bonded Thera almost the day she was raised. It caused some issue since Thera had been being bedded by her Mentor (Andular) Whom was bonded to a Sister himself. When his Sister had found out it was a painful experience for them both. Being young and impressionable Thera had given her heart to her teacher and almost as quick she gave it to Serena. The first time she killed it hit her very hard. She had spent a day in bed refusing to speak. After that she has learned to turn her pain inward. Just as unhealthy. When she feels pain she bottles it up inside and allows it to eat at her.


She had a rocky relationship with her Sister causing them to fight constantly and Thera to take up drinking. It was only after her and Serena ceased to speak that she took the job as Mistress of Trainees. Bitter with the way her life turned out she took it out on everyone around her. She never had many friends among the guards since she had never been one, and fewer among the Warders since she stayed locked in her office when not teaching classes. Lately her mood has begun to temper, but she is still fearful to let anyone in. She is protective of all her trainees and cares about every one of them. She wants them all to do well and she truely feels their pain...Not that she would ever let them know.


It has taken her almost 5 years to get over Serena and is afraid of being hurt again. At the age of 29 Thera has finally met someone who is beginning to change her life. She is learning to open up to people as well as jumping back into to bettering her own training.


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Melenis Stormgate:


Melenis is 5'8'' and was raised in Far Madding. Because of this, she has virtually no knowledge of what the One Power is, and Far Madding is far enough south that Shadowspawn are considered stories to keep your children from being bad.


She carries the weapon of her grandfather, an ashandarei called 'Yukikaze' (though she hardly ever refers to it as such) and wants to actively fight for the Light with it. The reason is because her father had been a Darkfriend (NO, this is not generally known. Not even rumored either, and the chance of someone that knows telling you is NBL (Not Bloody Likely), so don't bother), and despite being told otherwise feels this stain on her family's honor must be removed before she'd allow herself to live her own life.


In order to do that, Melenis tries to remain cold and analytical, though she tends to loosen up a bit when among people she trusts (and moreso after a couple of drinks). She'd leave a person behind if it would aid a mission's chance of success, including herself, though she would definitely make sure that that person would be (relatively) safe until she (or someone else) can return for them.

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