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Loraine Sedai, Kynwric, Thera and the Merry Band of Trainees Take a Trip.


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Just as she’d predicted Thera did not sleep a wink that night. Fear for Loraine and Jasine and even for Kynwric and the others had kept her tossing and turning until the small clock in her room had chimed the morning. Her eyes were grainy, but she was clear headed as she threw on her Warders cloak and headed to the stable. In the pale gray of early morning her cloak faded into the shadows of the yards making her seem a walking ghost. BlueRose whinnied softly, but this morning Thera did not even spare time to nuzzle her in return. It was a measure of her nerves that she treated her horse like a horse instead of a trusted friend.


She led him out into the morning gray with her saddle bags still slung over her shoulders. She had not wanted to delay even a moment at arriving at the meeting place. Relieved to see that she was not the last to arrive she nodded to Kynwric and Loraine and managed a small smile. The armor that she had bore this morning had nothing to do with the heavy feeling in her legs. Thera’s eyes were tight as she scanned each of their faces. There was so much she wanted to say to them and yet no words could ever say enough.


She had been productive with her lack of sleep and had prepared a note for each trainee. Before they left the Tower Gates she handed it to each of them with instructions not to open them unless she passed. They all looked a little pole axed and a few even looked scared, but she tried to reassure their fears with a joke or a kind word. In no time the well organized part had set out from the gates, their horses’ hooves ringing loudly in the morning light.


Thera road back with the trainees, riding among their number with a small and kind words; if she lingered more by Jasine no one bothered to mention it. The idea of losing him had made her all the more aware of every reason why he had captured her heart. Suddenly his kindness seemed to grow ten fold and his beauty was unmatched by any the Light had made. If there had ever been a doubt in her love it had all passed.


At their first stop by the stream Thera removed her gauntlets and tucked them behind her belt. She stored her specially made breast plate on the back horses and settled for just her shirt and coat. For now she kept her warder’s cloak, but she knew even that would be stored away before they reached Caemlyn. During the break she took a moment to confer with Kynwirc and Loraine, nothing had changed in the hours since they’d left. It made her happy, the longer the plan held the less chance that anyone was going to die.


“ You all have done well so far, and I know you are going to do me proud. You are all ready for what is to come and I have the utmost confidence in your abilities.” She made sure to say a few words to each of them before they mounted up. Her words had been light hearted even when they contained advice. She had wrapped her arm around Melenis and gave her a few pointers on controlling her horse. To Arath and Perivar she complemented their improvement and bravery. Anluan had not needed words of encouragement but still Thera gave him a smile. Last she walked to Jasine, but looking him in the eye she could think of no words that would suffice. She leaned in and kissed both his cheeks before mounting again.


With a nod to her fellow Warder at Loraine she headed off to scout their front trail. There should be no dangers between Tar Valon and Caemlyn, but you lived a longer life by being careful. She rode two miles as the crows flies before turning back to rejoin her party. The only signs of life she had seen were a few farms in the distance and the remnants of abandoned camps. Perhaps she had lost sleep for no reason?


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Arath felt nervous as the Mistress was really acting as if she was going to die by the next sunrise. Normally he would feel very proud at a compliment like that from the Mistress, but today he could barely manage a smile. Arath wondered what was really going to happen in this journey, and whether or not he would survive it. Arath was suprised, however, when Thera got to Jasine, she looked him in the eyes, and kissed him on both cheeks.


Arath had known Jasine for a long time- since the moment he stepped into the Yards, in fact. One thing that had remained constant about his friend (other than his smile) was his crush on the Mistress of Trainees. Over the many months that they had spent together, Arath noticed that his crush, instead of dwindling grew stronger, into perhaps love. One thing that had always confused Arath was the fact that the Mistress never crushed his affections. Arath was almost certain that she was aware. He had trained with Jasine for so long that he knew how he reacted when Thera came near, and he could not help but believe that she did too.


That act of affection, it could be passed off as Thera merely favoring Jasine above the others, but Arath knew Jasine better than anyone (or at least better than anyone in the Yards) and finally Arath realized that Jasine's affections most likely were not going one way. Arath paled, and looked back on all the time he spent with Jasine and Thera. There were so many little things- little looks, glances, small touches. Things that you would never notice, but now that Arath had his suspisions, all of the pieces fell together. He doubted that anyone else would have noticed, for they didn't know Jasine like he did... And they didn't know what it was like to have feelings for someone that they shouldn't have.


With eyes newly open, Arath continued on their journey. He wouldn't betray Jasine, after all, in just a short time they would be raised, and they could go on with their relationship in the open. And Jasine was his best and first friend, and Arath didn't want to do anything to hurt the other almost- tower guard.




Anluan knew that his earlier words to Arath were correct when Mistress Thera went around telling people how proud she was of them. She did not say anything to him, and yet he didn't need anything. Anluan had spent a long time in the Yards, and Mistress Thera had been yelling at him for a long time. His head was always in the clouds, he was always dreaming. Mistress Thera had spent a long time getting rid of those dreams. For his entire time as a trainee, the Mistress had been critisizing him, telling him everything that he would have to change to become a Tower Guard. Her silence signified that she finally found him worthy, and that meant more to him then any words possibly could.


One dream Anluan had never lost, though, was the dream of becoming a hero. He had spent his entire life just dreaming. He had wasted his entire life dreaming. He had so much time that he could have spent doing something good for the world, but instead he had sat doing nothing. Mistress Thera thought that she would not survive this trip... but she was wrong. Anluan could see clearly that she thought she would be sacrificing herself for them, but she was wrong.


So many trainees, in the present and the future, relied on her and were going to rely on her. She was much more important than he could ever be. He was a soldier- a pawn, fit for using and throwing away. She was far more valueable than he could ever be. Thera thought that she would be the sacrifice... but Anluan wouldn't let that happen. Perhaps... perhaps one of his dreams would come true. Perhaps he would be a hero. Maybe his life could mean something after all.

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Loraine avoided the mirror in her room as if it were a viper set to bite her. She dressed quietly, as Kynwric was doing last minute things. The room felt hollow again and she sighed, knowing it was an internal thing. She flattened her hands on her skirts, smoothing imaginary wrinkles from the moderately ornate riding gown. She had to give the impression that this was just a little trip to Camelyn, couldn't allow the shuddering fear itching inside her head to show in her face or her eyes. She just prayed she'd managed to squeak out enough sleep to keep the deep purple bags from her eyes. Sleeplessness would NOT be a favorable impression to make and she doubted any excuse she could come up with would be good enough to cover the truth.


She threaded the chain through her hair, the now comfortable weight of the tiny sword swinging between her eyebrows and coming to rest on the bridge of her nose. She threw her cloak over her shoulders and checked the belt on her hips again as she let her gaze travel around the room. She hadn't forgotten anything. She was sure of it. She just wanted to put off leaving this room until she couldn't avoid it anymore.


Kyn's appearance at the door forced her out, though, and she followed him out to where the horses were gathered. Novices and Accepted seemed to litter the courtyard until she let her gaze rest on them, then they hurried off, not wanting extra work just because the warders were looking impressive in the early sunlight. She allowed a quirk of her lips, but nothing more as they approached the horses. Kyn helped her up and she adjusted herself in the saddle a moment, trying not to watch as Thera moved around the trainees. She caught the extra attention to Jasine out of the corner of her eye, but made no move to acknowledge it. She's going to have to be more careful around here, Loraine thought, tucking that thought away for later.


When at last they left Tar Valon, Lor allowed herself to relax a bit. She watched Kyn's armor disappear and smiled as Thera's seemed to slim down, too. She was stuck in her corset for eternity, though, and bit her lip to keep from laughing at the thought. They were all lucky enough to lose their armor on the way, she, on the other hand, was stuck in her own torture device. She wondered whether they'd understand the humor in that as they made their first stop. She led her horse to the water and pat his neck while he drank. Over the horse's neck, she watched the others as they stretched and stashed armor. It was the same as any trip she'd been on, even if there were more people than she'd traveled with in a long time lingering around. Even that didn't feel strange. She sighed, knowing she was growing attached to this bunch of trainees. It was dangerous to form friendships with people, especially people who would find themselves spread all over the world in a few years. It was too late to go back, though. She'd let her guard down from the moment she'd stepped into that little room full of ale and laughter. She prayed she didn't live to regret that.

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Jasine had slept in late.  Oh, he was still up with the sunrise, but the other trainees had already been awake and out of the barracks when Jasine had sat bolt upright in bed, realizing the quality of light.  He hadn't slept in bed past when the sun had started to rise in longer than he could remember and he was in a panic of movement as he got washed and dressed.  As per Kynwric's orders, Jasine had the armor that had been crafted for him stowed away in the stable to be put on a packhorse, but Jasine's only visible concession to this being a special trip was that his usually subdued garb was replaced with flashier stuff.  He'd wanted to look good on his first official mission.


So it was a well-dressed but harried Jasine that ran to the stables garbed in pale greys and dark blues, embroidered with vines, the occasional flower, and several running horses along the edge of the cloak.  This cloak had been one of the only purchases he'd made while in Tar Valon; the other was kept safe in a pouch at his hip almost at all times.  The cloak was showy, but made of material that was sturdy and would wear well, carefully oiled to keep off all but the most insistent rain.  His boots were well polished but not new, he knew firsthand the horrors of trying to break in new boots when you actually needed to be on your feet for hours on end, but they shined. 


He was at the gates just as Kynwric and Loraine were readying to move out, and he swung up into Brownie's stable with a sprightly jump and then leaned down to take the letter Mistress Thera offered up to him.  He let his hand linger against hers a moment as he took the note, nodding with all seriousness.  As she moved away he said put a hand to his horse's mane and vowed softly. "You'll return with us, Thera."  He stared a long moment at his name, scrawled across the parchment in a hand he knew very well as Thera's. He took a deep breath and tucked the letter away into that pouch he always kept with him. With a soft cluck, Brownie moved with the group and Jasine took his place in the party, near to Melenis on one side and Thera on the other. 


Melenis was improving, she already beared little resemblence to the terrified girl who had clung so to her horse in their wilderness class.  He wondered if she'd ever develop a natural seat on her horse, but this would have to do.  He gave her ancouragement and advice, little small things to think about.  He hoped they would be doing some cantering on this ride so Melenis could see how much smoother it is than the jostling trot that they had rode through Tar Valon at.  He wasn't in a rush to test the other trainee's skills, though.  She still looked half-convinced that she would be falling off at any moment.  Jasine rode with the reins slack against the pommel of his saddle, hands freed to do the running braid in Brownie's thick mane that he would normally have attended to before moving out.  He couldn't reach the horse's tail from his saddle, but he didn't really need to braid either one.  It was just a calming activity that kept his mind from wandering too far into what could be a dark future.


When he wasn't talking to Melenis specifically, he was asking Thera about fighting and riding in armor.  He'd seen Kynwric wearing his full suit earlier, and had stripped down remarkably as the trip went on.  Jasine had learned to fight and move in armor, technically speaking, but he certainly didn't feel at home in it.  He doubted if he ever would, it was so heavy and restricting.  He paid close attention to Thera's advice, he knew it was not just his emotions towards her that made him respect her wisdom and knowledge. 


When they stopped for water he watched her moving among the trainees.  He nodded to himself at her words about riding for Melenis, he hadn't thought or wording it that way and he could see that they clicked with the girl.  For all his flirt and fun with girls, he often came off as silly and insincere with them.  When she finally came to him he wondered what she would say.  A note about being more serious?  More talk of the armor wrapped in leather on one of the pack horses?  A more serious praise for how he had dedicated to improving his abilities with training?  He was surprised and more than a little awed when all she did was kiss his cheeks.  He didn't blush as she moved away this time.  Instead, he turned to his horse and leaned against Brownie's mane, letting the braided hair brush the tears from his eyes.


Light, let us come home safe.

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Perivar stood from the stream wiping his mouth with the back of his leather gauntleted hand as he watched Mistress Thera making her way through the trainees.  She wrapped her arms around Melenis speaking words that were inaudible from where he stood.  Then she moved on to Arath and then to him. 


Mistress Thera complimented him on certain improvements in his training.  She also appreciated his apparent outward appearance of bravery.  He had no reason not to put on a brave face, he was completely ignorant of their mission, too ignorant to feel nervous.  Perhaps he was a fool, too secure in the fact that he had been to the blight, faced shadowspawn, had campaigned with his father and had been trained for this very thing by some of the best that the White Tower had to offer.  Still maybe he was a fool, his father had called him a fool often enough.  Even so he did not think he was putting on a brave face it was just his way, it was what it was, they had been taught that the Tower had many enemies that might wish to do harm to any agent of the Tower. 


He nodded to Mistress Thera in thanks telling her that he was not worthy of her kind words.  He was what he was, compliments were not necessary, he was simply doing his duty to the Tower.  Perivar watched as she moved on to Anluan then to Jasine.  Perivar averted his eyes as the Mistress of Trainees spoke with Jasine, it shocked him how easy it was to forget that the stern Mistress was beautiful.  There was obviously something between the two though nobody spoke of it.  As Perivar had thought on it many times before he believed there was no reason why should they not enjoy their time together, life could be very short.


The thought of their relationship if it could be called that made Perivar sad for a moment.  Perivar was shy, too shy by a long shot and as such he had not really met any women while at the Tower.  Light it had been almost two years since he had his last encounter, back when he was in Arafel.  He shook his head angry at himself for the odd thoughts.  He was bound to the Tower, he had a duty and a responsibility to serve the Tower not to seek women. 


As Mistress Thera departed he looked after the packhorses then mounted his warhorse.  His eyes went to Master Kynwric which brought a new thought to his mind.  Why had he removed his armor?  Perivar was accustomed to his before he came to the Tower and was even more comfortable with it from his continued training.  He did not want to bother the Warder now but he stored the question away in hope that he would have an opportunity to ask later.


Perivar sat his saddle looking off into the distance.  A short while later Mistress Thera returned.  It looked like they were ready to depart so he tossed the reins of the packhorses to Anluan telling him it was his turn.     

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Kynwric waited till he saw Thera returning from the scout, then announced it was time to mount up, after a brief conference with Thera and Loraine he called everyone together. "First part of this mission is to make Caemlyn. We're delivering something there, and it wouldn't do for it to go missing. Once we're there I think we'll need to resupply and refit for the rest of the journey which won't be quite so luxurious, but we'll talk more on that after we're there." He glanced at all the trainees and nodded. "So far so good. One thing though, from here on out no Mistress or Master or Sedai or any other honorific, call Thera and myself by name, you can call Loraine my Lady or by her name or the Lady Kilaine. Yes it is precautionary, it also is what we're going to strive to appear to be, a Noblewoman's retinue from Cairhein, as opposed to an Aes Sedai and guard from the WT. Any questions before we move out?" He was teaching again, but he was also giving time for Thera to tend to her horse for a couple minutes before they left, tiring out a horse now would be a bad thing and there was no need to put the strain on an Aes Sedai yet either, that may be needed later... always use what nature provides first... sometimes he had to remind himself of that so he didn't become to reliant on Loraine's abilities.

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"Which should we call her, Kynwric?  We should all call her the same thing, or it would look suspicious."  Jasine spoke from Brownie's back after he had mounted again. A thought struck him as he adjusted himself in the saddle. "Or is Kilaine her last name?  I don't think I ever caught it before, she's always been Loraine Sedai." 


It would be an adjustment from calling Kyn and Thera by their honorifics, but at least if they slipped there it would just be taken as the normal respect afforded to elders.  Sedai was something he would have to be sure he didn't say at all.  Since Kyn hadn't offered the knowledge of what they were delivering, Jasine didn't ask after it, but he did wonder to himself what it might be.

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Master Kynwric gave the order to mount then briefed them on their mission.  He could see the look on the faces of the other trainees, each had to be wondering what it was that they were delivering to Caemlyn.  That was all they were to learn about their mission for now at least, well almost all.  The next came as a surprise.  They were to dispense with the honorifics.  Titles and protocols were all ingrained in him, this would be a difficult adjustment for him.


Perivar wanted to answer Jasine's question, it was obvious to him but it was not directed his way.  Light he wanted to answer a question, one which was not directed at him.  That was certainly odd he thought, it was not like him at all.  He shook his head trying to get the thought out of his head.  Perivar went back to watching the slow movement of water in the cool stream.  It was warm today, he wanted to strip his armor and jump in the stream.



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"Which should we call her, Kynwric?  We should all call her the same thing, or it would look suspicious."


Kyn looked at Jase and noticed Perivar nearly squirming out of his saddle. Bemused, Kynwric didn't address the question and instead offered it to him. "You have an answer Perivar? Otherwise you may want to get that squirrel out of your armor." He said with a smile, thinking a moment later maybe he shouldn't have. "Believe me, it took me a long time to figure out how that all worked as well, growing up on a farm does not do one well for the complex social skills of Cairhein or worse, the White Tower."

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Well he had really done it now, light he was a fool.  He had been struggling over the last two years to come out of his shell though now he was being silly.  Being social is one thing though now he felt like a light blinded idiot.  Perivar could not recall ever discussing his noble birth, it was just something he didn't talk about, something that he left behind.  He smoothed his features before speaking hoping that he did not sound like a fool. 


"I don't claim to be an expert on such things and I cannot say what protocols are followed south of the Borderlands."  I'm and idiot he thought "Well if I have the right of it and assuming that Kilaine is a family name.  Well in our current situation, since you are assumed to be a retainer" He looked directly at Jasine "you would address her as my Lady or as Lady Loraine, either is appropriate.  If you were speaking of her to another or if you were announcing her presence you would refer to her as the Lady Kilaine.  Unless of course if the person to whom you are speaking to is an intimate or an aquaintance of the Lady."  "So to answer your original question, if you were addressing her in front of others it would be proper for you to call her either my Lady or Lady Loraine, that is assuming she is not wishing to keep her true first name a secret."  He glanced at Loraine Sedai then at Master Kynwric the unspoken question directed at them.   

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Kyn nodded. "Very good, and speak up when you know something. Thera, Loraine and I have seen much, but we are by no means an authority on everything. And no we're not hiding exactly, if we were tyring to conceal our identities I'd have given you false ones. We're well known in Caemlyn by our given names though, so no need to hide them. But we don't advertise that we are bound to the Tower and so that we do hide. Anything else?"

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Appearance was important; as Kynwric talked her eyes scanned the trainees that they’d gathered. In his embroidered coat Jasine hardly looked a warrior except for the way he moved with a close to deadly grace. With Perivar there was no disguising what he was, but a few well armed men were not uncommon in today’s world. Passing off Arath and Anluan as the same she glanced at Melenis. She and Melenis would draw as many eyes just by being what they were, but if the appearance was right they would just be taken as guards for the lady that could watch her back in places the men could not. It was a gamble and try as they might their passage would be noticed by a few. Light send it was the right few.


Serious as she had been she was able to find small amusement in the questions that her children batted around. All of them were warriors which in her mind made them family, and it was easy to forget that they’d all come from such different backgrounds. When they got back to the Tower maybe a few more classes on the ways of the world would not go amiss.


As they started out again Thera spent her time scouting ahead and checking their back trail, but she pushed BlueRose no farther than her limits would allow. Her stallion had seen her through many hard missions and she would as soon mistreat an Aes Sedai as her horse. By the time the sun was beginning to fall in the sky she was on the ground trotting beside her mount. The long night of not sleeping had made her head feel stuffed with wool and running helped to keep her sharp and alert. It was no real surprise when Jasine hoped down to run beside her. He cared for Brownie perhaps as much as he did for her. With the focus on the terrain in front of them it left no time for talk, but Thera did catch herself glancing at him with a smile. It was nice just to be together, if not in the way they always hoped.


Before leaving Tar Valon she and Kynwric had agreed that too many captains would sink the boat, so Thera had bowed down to accept a somewhat lesser role; her main concern keeping her trainees alive. That meant that decisions such as when to camp were left in Kynwric’s capable hands. With the sun just beginning to set beyond the trees he called halt and Thera quickly mounted and rode up to where he and Loraine had gathered, just out of ear shot of everyone else. “I did not expect a halt so early” she said with an easy smile. “Though I cannot say it would not be welcome.” Dark circles were painted under her eyes, but she felt ready for another 20 miles. “I know of a place just half a mile to the West. I have stopped their often on my way from Caemlyn to Tar Valon. There is a stream near by and I think it would hold all of us quite well.”


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OOC: lol, just so you know, you guys are more than welcome to interact with Anluan, I can handle having two conversations at once ;)


IC: Anluan couldn't help but feel his head spin. Light! Why did all of these things have to be so complicated? If only everything were as easy as dreaming, laying on hay stacks on the side of Old Man Shorr's barn. Sighing, Anluan tried to commit everything to memory, absentmindedly drumming his fingers on his saddle. Turning to Arath, he saw that the other trainee was scowling again, as if the mere mention of Caemlyn was like mentioning the Dark One.


Trying to ignore the gravity of the situation, as well as distract everyone else, Anluan tried to think of something to say. "You know, this reminds me of a story that my Da always told me when I was little," Anluan announced loudly. Seeing that everyone was paying attention to him, Anluan continued. "I grew up in Altara, on the border of Amadacia, so Whitecloaks were always a problem.


"Anyway, the story is about a girl, who lived in Amadacia, and she found out that she could Channel. Of course, she was very distraught because there was only one thing that Children did with those who could Channel. However, she was a stubborn lass, and so she gathered up her five brothers and made her way off to the Tower. The story is a long one, full of adventure and suspense, but I'm no story teller. Basically, after months of travelling, and having the Whitecloaks at their heels all the way to Tar Valon, they managed to reach the Tower safely, and she was trained to be a great Aes' Sedai."


Actually, the story didn't quite go like that. The story told of each of her brothers dying one by one until she was the very last one- and only she managed to reach the tower safely. But the point of what Anluan said was to raise their hopes and make them feel a little better- they didn't need to know the real version. He had spent some time with Arath, and so Anluan decided to move onto the next trainee- Perivar.


"So, Perivar, I didn't know that you were so knowledgeable of these things! I didn't have the first clue of which titles to use until you told us! You must have had a very blessed youth to be so knowledgeable!" Anluan exclaimed jovially.




Arath was not exactly an expert when it came to things like protocal and strategy, but he had taken a class on them once, so they weren't a complete mystery. Arath knew that he shouldn't adress his three superiors as Mistress, Master, and Sedai, but he didn't know what to call them before Perivar was kind enough to share. Arath nodded though, seeing the reason behind Perivar's words. Now, so close to his hometown, Arath couldn't help but realize just how far he had come from the short little boy who was always picked on.


He was suprised when Anluan spoke up, cutting through the tense atmosphere. His story was interesting, and Arath had never heard anything like it before (perhaps because he hadn't grown up near Amadacia). Feeling heartened by the story, Arath trotted along on his horse as the story-telling boy moved to speak with Perivar. Arath began paying better attention to his surroundings, for the Mistress spoke of knowing a good camping spot. Should he ever (light forbid) have to travel to Caemlyn again, which was possible because of the good relations between Andor and the Tower, Arath wanted to know of this good camping spot.

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Loraine hated titles. All titles, no matter whether she'd earned them or not. She'd more than earned the "Aes Sedai" title, she'd been born into the title of Lady. Light blast it, in Cairhien, she was treated with the utmost respect, not only because she was a noble, but because she was the Highest of her House. All of it nauseated her. She blamed her grandfather and his continued bleating about her duty to her family. Since she'd been an outcast for most of her life, it disgusted her. Being the last grandchild standing had disgusted him. In the end, he'd had no choice but to look to her to lead their family to "glory." Now look at her. Forced from one title to another. He'd be laughing at her, if he could see it.


She kept her lips sealed as they discussed what to call her. She didn't truly care. Most of Cairhien knew she'd rather be called Lor than Lady anything. People used to laugh about that. That was before she'd been forced to show a few of them what she was capable of. Saving their lives and leaving a trail of blood had ended the talking. At least, the talking in front of her face. She didn't really care what they said behind her back, though.


She sighed, realizing her thoughts had gone backward as she mounted her horse again. She only got that way when she was really worried about something. She heard Anluan's story and shook her head. No one made it through with a White Cloak on your tail. She closed her eyes and amended that in her head. No one except them. They'd make it. She'd promised, given an oath on it.


Light, she hoped this rest stop would provide some distraction...

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Perivar watched as Mistress Thera went ahead to scout, for some reason he long to ride with her.  Going out scouting was more interesting and he liked staying busy.  He would ask to accompany her next time she went out.


He was pulled from his thoughts by Anluan's voice as he proclaimed loudly that he had a story to tell. Perivar listened as Anluan spun his tale about a girl who discovered she could channel.  Since her fate would certainly be ill if the Children found her, she fled from Amadicia with her five brothers who escorted her to the White Tower where she became an Aes Sedai.


When he finished his story Anluan rode up alongside Perivar "So, Perivar, I didn't know that you were so knowledgeable of these things! I didn't have the first clue of which titles to use until you told us! You must have had a very blessed youth to be so knowledgeable!" Anluan exclaimed jovially.


Light blinded fool Perivar cursed himself.   "I was a very young soldier in service to a minor Lord in Arafel, so I have a little knowledge.  It isn't much but at least it came in handy.  There is much more to it though honestly I'm not certain if there are different customs in the south or not." He looked at Anluan who seemed satisfied with his answer.  It wasn't a lie exactly but it wasn't the whole truth.  He was a young soldier after all, it just so hapened that it was in his Father's household, he had the right to call himself Lord but he would never put voice to that.


"So Anluan, what else do you know of Amadicia and the Whitecloaks.  All I know of Amadicia is it's location on the map and that it is infested with Whitecloaks.  All of know of the Whitecloaks is that they dislike Aes Sedai.  Perhaps you could tell me more?"


In his conversation he did not realize that Mistress Thera had returned.  She was at the front of the pack talking with Loraine Sedai and Master Kynwric thought Perivar was oblivious to the fact.


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OOC: well crap, Anluan might have grown up with Whitecloak influence but I sure didn't!


IC: Anluan pondered Perivar's question; there wasn't too much else to say. "Well... Amadacia is unoficially ruled by the Whitecloaks- there is a form of government, but it's practically a farse. Any and all decisions made are first run through the Whitecloaks and they don't even blink without Whitecloak approval. The Children of the Light, at it's very core, is an organization created to serve the Light. The only problem is that over the years they've twisted so that everyone who doesn't comply with them and follow their rules to a "t" is a darkfriend and must be killed.


"They have Questioners- who interogate you to find out your true affiliation. However, they aren't really looking for the truth, they just cause you pain until you admit that you're a darkfriend and they can pretend to have a noble reason to execute you." Here Anluan clenched his fists, remembering people who had spoken out against the whitecloaks and died for it. "Despited their idiocy in their judgement, they are not fools. They are an extremely powerful millitary force. After all, they have virtually no allies outside of Amadacia, and would have been crushed centuries ago if not for their prowess. They rule by fear; everyone knows how rutheless they are and refuse to get on their bad side."


Seeing that his words weren't really helping to encourage his companions, he continued on. "However, Amadacia is just like any other nation. Just because it's controlled by Whitecloaks doesn't mean that it's full of bad people. Most of them are normal people- but you can't let them know that you don't agree with the Whitecloaks. They're kind enough until you bring the Children into the equation... Whitecloaks award loyalty, and there's no greater service than exposing a darkfriend. Especially a witch." Anluan shot Loraine Sedai an appologetic glance for the last words.

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((OOC: No problem, in the future you can just post a simple *Anluan told Perivar all he knew of Amadicia and the Whitecloaks* so it is assumed and you don't have to drive yourself nuts.  Also great job with juggling two chars.  If you make the limegreen words green they are much easier to read, that color is hard to read.  ;) ))


Perivar's attention was locked on Anluan as he told him what he knew of Amadicia and the Whitecloaks.  Perivar claimed ignorance though he had possessed some knowledge, it was part of his education as a child.  Even so it was good to hear it from someone who knew it first hand.  Anluan seemed to know an awful lot about the Whitecloaks and the area in which they controlled.


Perivar did not know much about Amadicians outside of the fact that the Whitecloaks ruled them for the most part.  The King of Amadicia and the council were said to be puppets and the Whitecloaks were their puppet masters.  He felt bad for the Amadician people who were living in constant fear of being harassed or named a darkfriend by the Whitecloaks.  When Anluan spoke the word "Witch" Perivar glanced at Loraine Sedai though she was deep in conversation with Master Kynwric and Mistress Thera.

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"Well done, Perivar!  I had no idea there was a refined gentleman inside all that gruff exterior.  I bet you could even teach me to dance, couldn't you?"  Jasine grin was easy and open, his eyes twinkling with merriment.  He could see that Perivar was unsettled by something, but he couldn't imagine what.  Did he not want to talk about being close to a noble?  Half the people in the Tower seemed to either be nobles or hate nobles.  Jasine had grown up distant enough from nobles to have no practical grasp of them, but close enough to know they were to be deferred to and little else.  Except the Queen, of course.  She was to be loved.


They got underway again and Jasine spent a bit of his time beside Arath.  The boy seemed more reserved than usual, so Jasine didn't pester him with his usual chatter, but he rode on in companionable silence, letting the other boy know that he was here for him.


The next time Thera rode back from scouting, Jasine spurred brownie into a canter to catch up with her. Light, he hated running.  He did it every day at the yards because it was important to be able to, but there were very few things that could make him choose to run when it was an not a requirement.  One of those things was Brownie, he loved the horse and would do anything to care for him.  The other thing was Mistress Thera; he'd run for her that first day at his yards.  He'd probably have run them anyway if anyone else had told him to, but he knew that it was thinking of her that kept him motivated through those torturous laps more than anything. 


When Kynwric called for a halt for the night Jasine was glad first for an excuse to mount his horse again.  He would sleep deeply tonight for certain.

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Jasine must have sensed his mood and decided to cheer him up.  "Well done, Perivar!  I had no idea there was a refined gentleman inside all that gruff exterior.  I bet you could even teach me to dance, couldn't you?"  Jasine's grin was easy and open, his eyes twinkling with merriment. 


Perivar retorted though he made sure it was for Jasine's ears only.  "I could but I bet Mistress Thera would be a better teacher than I" He mimicked Jasine's grin then clapped him on the back.  He laughed out loud as he guided Nightdancer away from his friend.


Perivar dismounted for a moment checking to make sure that his gear was secure.  He eyed the Loraine Sedai, Master Kynwric, and Mistress Thera wondering what they were discussing.

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Kynwric had called a halt for the evening and when Thera mentioned a good camp he was all for it, the clearing she mentioned was perfect. "This is it, set up camp." He directed the trainees in tow and once they were set about their chores he gathered together with Lor and Thera, "My first watch, your second and divide the trainees into four between us..." he asked Thera wanting to confirm what he thought.  In the meantime he was rubbing the horse down with straw he had picked up from the ground, taking Loraine's Horse's reins in hand as well. "well, this is the first time in forever I haven't set up camp... I'm not sure what to do..."

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The same campsite she’d remembered was still in place, if a little more overgrown. Seeing that Loraine got settled was her first concern, after that a short meeting to discuss the plans. “ I have always preferred second watch she nodded, thinking of how good it would be to catch a few hours of sleep. “You can have Perivar and Arath for first watch, and I will take Anluan, Melenis and Jasine for second.”


Enjoying the few minutes of peace while the trainee bustled to set camp, Thera took her time seeing to BlueRose. “It was a bit of an adjustment for me as well, but enjoy it while you can. We’ve got ourselves a job to do keeping these kids alive.”

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Jasine had started towards the pack horses to tend to them when he abruptly realize Kynwric had set Anluan to tend to the horses.  He paused a moment, and then decided obedience to be the better part of service and turned instead to gathering wood for the fire.  It didn't take him very long, Thera was as good as her word about the camp site being more than adequate for their needs.  Once he had the stones laid and the ground cover cleared for the fire pit, he arranged the wood and kindling as Thera had taught then to on the survival outing.  He smiled as he thought of fashioning a firebow to start the campfire, but decided instead to fetch the flint from Brownie's saddle bags. 


As he struck the flint against his belt knife, sending sparks into the kindling that would eventually produce a fire, he wondered if they would have the luxury of a fire when they drew closer to their destination.  Surely the Whitecloaks wouldn't be on constant watch for every group of people who happened to be making camp nearby.  Somehow, he doubted it would be that easy, though.  His thoughts were interrupted by a tiny stream of smoke coming from the tinder and he bent to blow gently into it.  It wasn't the first time he had struck a fire, he'd done it enough nights on his original trip to Tar Valon, but he was pleased in himself at how easily he'd come to master the skill.  Two years ago, it could have taken him as much as an hour just to get it to light.


He leaned back and looked around him and saw that the horses were tended to, water was fetched, and the last tent was going up now and he rose to find Thera or Kynwric and ask if there was anything else he should do.

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Loraine watched the campsite slowly coming up, forcing herself to wait them out. She'd laughed when Kynwric said he wasn't sure what to do, but him leading her horse away had taken away the only thing she could think to do. She could help with the tents, but she knew the trainees needed the experience. To add to it, you never knew who was watching, even this far away from everything. Appearances saved your hide when your skills were found lacking, at times, so she pulled a book from her saddlebags and settled near the water. Would her helping with the watch bother them, too? She eyed Kynwric, then let her gaze slide over the others. Bother that, she'd keep her own watch.


She took a deep breath and opened herself to saidar, letting it flow into her in measured amounts. Outwardly, she looked to be reading a book. She slowly twisted weaves of Air together, an exercise she'd started as a Novice. It helped her calm her thoughts, organize her concentration. She considered helping the others with some refreshing, but decided it could wait. They'd need their sleep, so she'd try to catch them after their turn at watch. She watched Jasine start a fire, the flames dancing merrily and the smoke raising into the evening air. They weren't hiding, yet. Fires were a luxury. She shook her head and focused on her weaving again, gently pulling the threads tighter. She should've practiced more deadly weaves before she left the Tower. She was confident that the weaves would hold and that her memory was good. But she should've practiced handling many of them at once. Her mind needed the stimulation.


She released saidar and closed the book, feeling better, if a little more tired than when she'd taken up this spot. She rose from the grass and stowed her saddlebags and the book in her tent before moving towards the center of the camp. That's where everyone seemed to be gathering, anyway. She smiled as she approached, needing to distract herself as much as anyone else. "If you promise to bring me something nice, I promise to cook it so that it's edible. I'll even teach you how to do it, so you don't starve waiting on your Aes Sedai to learn how to cook!"

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While Anluan was taking care of the packhorses Perivar began separating the bundles of tentage.  As he did he said to Anluan "Perhaps when you are done tending the packhorses you can help me finish setting up the tents up."  Perivar walked away carrying the tent and poles which would be setup for Loraine Sedai and Master Kynwric. 


Perivar reached the spot that was set aside for the tent dropping the bundles to the ground.  He got to work spreading the canvas and arranging the poles.  A short time later the tent was up and ready for use.  Perivar went back grabbing the bundles for Mistress Thera's tent and returned to the camp. By the time he was done with that one, Anluan had arrived helping him setup the last. 


Perivar found out that he was to be part of the first watch.  Master Kynwric gave him his instructions sending him off to keep a watch on the west side of the camp.  Perivar picked up his gear then selected a spot on the western edge of the camp that afforded him a view of the camp as well as a good view of their surroundings to the west.  Perivar set down his helmet and shield then strung his horsebow then began scanning his area of responsibility.


The others who were not on watch were huddled in the center of the camp.  He heard their voices though he could not make out their words from where he stood.  Someone must have told a joke for he heard laughter coming from the camp.

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The war between hunger and her aching head was quickly won. Without even the first smells of dinner emanating from the pot Thera gathered her cloak and her saddle and made her way to the small tent that had been set up for her. It was not too far from the fire and set right in between the two that had been gathered for the trainees. It seemed she would not be escaping her duty, even in her sleep.


The sweet smell of spices drifted to her nose, and for a moment she almost reconsidered her choice. With a heavy head she flopped down on the ground, still fully dressed and fell asleep.


The dreams that came were varied. Some were pleasant and others mundane, but a few made her squirm and wake up covered in sweat. The third time she sat bolt upright Thera decided it was enough. She slipped out of her sweat soaked clothes, and donned a fresh shirt, pants and boots, but left her coat and sword where it lay. Judging by the moon in the sky it was not yet time for second watch, and Thera didn’t expect to have to fight while inside the camp.


The night air was brisk, but the cold did to heighten her senses and wipe away the memories of those dreams. The camp was quiet and all the tents were dark. Off to the right she heard a twig snap and her hands flew to the sword that was not there. A few seconds later the shape evolved into Arath, making his short circuit of the camp.


The small fire had dwindled down to barely a glow, but Thera quietly made her way to it. With crossed legs she sat next to what was left of the flame and closed her eyes. She did not try to assume the Void, but her body floated in an emptiness of calm. There were so many things about this trip that could yet go wrong and not all of them fell to the White Cloaks. It had been years since she’d seen a battle and more since she’d led a campaign. That had been the real reason she’d bowed to Kynwric, she had felt less than worthy. From the beginning she had known that this trip would be training for her as well as for her students. It was a delicate line that she walked, and all she could hope was that she held her balance.


Again she heard footsteps, but this time closer, in the camp. Thera did not move but her hand drifted to the dagger in the top of her boot. As he approached closer she recognized the heavy steps of Perivar and she greeted him with a small smile. “I will go wake the others”


She ducked into the first tent for trainees and found Anlaun and Jasine still fast asleep. Quietly she bent to where Jasine was sleeping and kissed him softly on the cheek. “Wake up, Jasine. We’ve got second watch.” Crossing the small space the where Anlaun was asleep she bent to lay a hand on his cheek and woke him with the same words. It was a far gentler way than her commander had ever woken her. Ducking into the other tent that housed Melenis she lit a small lap before calling the girl awake. “A few minutes Melenis, and we’ve got second watch.’ Out into the night she went and back  into her own tent where she gathered her sword and the color shifting cloak. She was standing by the tents, cast in shadow when the three emerged into the night.


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