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Waiting on Death's Doorstep [Attn: Nynaeve & Elgee]


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It was a hot day in Tar Valon, hotter than usual despite being on the River Erinin with its cool breezes. But Chebar didn't notice. Her body was wracked with fever, and the heat she felt had nothing to do with the heat the sun was providing. She was burning up and yet her body was shaking with chills. She had prolonged the moment of this visit for far too long and if she died, it would be by her own folly, she thought bitterly. Clutching her bare arms against herself, she waited inside the main entrance where she had been told by a girl only a few years older than herself that she would be seen by an Aes Sedai as soon as she was available.


Under normal circumstances, Chebar wouldn't have come within one hundred feet of this formidable Tower but the fever had become serious and her fear for her life outweighed her fear of the witches. But she had no time to even look around and take in her surroundings. It took all her strength and concentration to remain standing and not to shake violently. Her normal coppery-olive complexion was pale and haggard looking, which made everyone else seeking audience with the Aes Sedai stand far far away from her, else they catch her fever also.


Hopefully it would be quick and simple. Painless even, preferably, but you never knew with people who held the balance of life and death in their hands daily. What was the price? She had brought all of her finances she still had available tied to her belt but they were meager. Well I won't beg for help, that's for sure, she thought miserably. She waited on the delicately mosaiced tile floor for any sign of someone coming her way.

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Nynaeve coughed as she walked through the gardens, making her way to the infirmary. She refused to be healed and resorted to herbs. Minor discomforts shouldn't be solved with healing. That privilege should remain with the gravely ill. However, to Nynaeve's dismay, herbs seemed to take longer in fixing her. And so what was left, if not ranting and complaining. Damian was a moment away from strangling her in her sleep. Somehow, that thought was the only thing that seemed to put a smile on her face these days.


Ill or not, though, she had to do her job. The ill healing the ill. Funny as it may seem, it was her duty. She sighed as she saw the amount of people waiting to be examined in the infirmary main hall. It was definitely going to be a busy day. She would ask them to enter by order of arrival. Yes. But then, Nynaeve spotted a young girl. She was as white as a sheet and her footing seemed awfully shaky.


"Come with me." She told the girl. The girl nodded, a bit dazed, and made a few wobbly steps towards her. Nynaeve grabbed her arm and helped her to the closest examining room. Instructing her to lay down on the bed, she proceeded to do so. At least a well mannered patient. Can't have enough of those. Nynaeve placed her hands on the girl's temples. As she delved the girl, she spoke. "What is your name, child? And what kind of symptoms have you been experiencing?".







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Chebar hadn’t seen the Aes Sedai that approached her. She must have been off in her own thoughts, too sick to be able to focus for long on the tedium surrounding her. The woman who had approached her had an ageless face and was beckoning her to follow. Chebar nodded and had only made it a step or two before the woman took her arm and lead her away. Underneath the haze of sickness, she faintly felt her stomach lurch at the fact that she was being lead away by an Aes Sedai. Who knew what would happen next?


Finding herself in a well-lit room with cabinets and all sorts of jars, drawers, blankets and instruments, she laid down on the table in the center of the room as she was instructed. She took one last wary look out of the corner of her eye to make sure there were no surprises before resting her head completely. Okay, so what next? but before she had time to even complete the thought, the Aes Sedai put her hands against her temples. She had no idea what exactly was going on but sat through it quietly anyway. It would be terribly unwise to offend an Aes Sedai, and to cause insult now would be unbearable after receiving their help.


"What is your name, child? And what kind of symptoms have you been experiencing?"


“My name is Chebar Tielvo, Aes Sedai. It started out as nothing serious. Headaches and belly aches, I thought I ate something wrong or didn’t get enough sleep. And then weakness, chills and a fever. But the fever didn’t break and vomiting began. It’s been about two weeks now.” She fell silent and waited for the prognosis. She had heard in whispers that these women could perform miracles, as if they were the Creator themselves. Suppressing a chill, she hoped those little whispers were right.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nynaeve's eyes grew dark as she spotted the problematic area. "Light! Why didn't you come here sooner? You foolish girl!". The words came out harsher than what Nynaeve intended, but she meant it none the less. There were many dangers out in the world that threatened to harm one's health. But adding to that by recklessness and irresponsibility towards one's own life was inexcusable.


"Your liver is a tiptoe away from giving in, Chebar. Liver failure is a serious matter. You should have came in the second the discomforts and symptoms began. The damage might be too far gone to repair. Had you come when your strength was still intact, it would have facilitated things. Now, in your weakened state, there is no guarantee that you would survive the healing itself."


Sharon Sedai would have frowned upon Nynaeve's forwardness. Some of the Yellows seemed to be under the impression that when dealing with people's lives, they knew better and therefore would give little to no information to the patients, taking the reigns from their hands. But Nynaeve did not hold to that. She gave all her patients the most valuable gift. The truth. No sugar coding. No embellishments. Just the cold naked truth. They deserved as much.


"Chebar, I am not the creator, nor do I take decisions for people's lives, unless they cannot take them themselves. The choice is in your hands. I will not deceive you. Your condition is indeed severe and time is of the essence. As I see it, you have two options. One is to perform the healing, taking into account that you might not survive the procedure. When a healing is performed it draws strength from both the healer and the person being healed. I cannot guarantee in full certainty that you possess the strength required for it."


Nynaeve stare did not weaver. "The second option is for you to rest to build up your strength so you could withstand a healing in a few days. However, there is no guarantee that there will be an improvement. And, it is safe to say that your situation might deteriorate further making it impossible to heal you. It will not necessarily come to pass, but it is well within possible."


Nynaeve leaned forward and grasped Chebar's hand between hers. "The only advice I can give is that whatever decision you make, do not linger, child."

Nynaeve squeezed her hand sympathetically, hoping she wouldn't fail her. So young. It seems so wrong.






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