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Arrival of Twyle


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Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:20 am Post subject: Arrival at the Tower (Attn. MoN)




Twyle came to the White Tower with a shallow bitterness in her heart. She had lived most of her life without needing anyone. Thinking now that she might need the Aes Sedai of all people was earth breaking.


She had gone what seemed like forever without a guiding hand. She had always pledged she wanted one. But she did not want help from Aes Sedai. She hated the very thought of them. She trusted them least of all people.


“Stay strong,†she vowed silently. “Be alert if not for us for Arianna. Darkfriends lie everywhere. The White Tower will only be worse.â€


Perhaps it was a vicious turn of the Wheel that made such a young girl hold so much hate. Her face seemed too silent, too quiet and reflective to be filled with anger. For one barely of a mature age she had many signs of weary aging. Lines around her eyes showed the many nights she had looked for answers. Her nearly black hair was held back in a tight bun, with perhaps a few single strands of gray trying to reach the surface.


Worry was where she had lived all her life. She would have graciously given up the chance to enter the White Tower, was more than eager to.


Go! A blind union of voices shouted at her. We have been brought here. We must go to the Tower! She wanted to black out the voices. She wished she could make her own decision, but she didn’t even know what her own thoughts sounded like anymore. No stay out! Don’t go to the witches! Run, run back to the Children! Back to Arianna! They were arguing, shouting, beyond her, all part of her. She just tried to suppress them long enough to listen to logic. We are going to the Tower, a quiet voice muttered. We have a promise to keep!


That passing thought seemed to quiet the voices, somewhat satisfy them. Still she couldn’t help but listen to the voices calling her back to the Children, her first home. How she wished she could run back to them, ask them for help. But she had long ago given up on that dream.


Gently she glanced upward to the sky. She looked gentle standing there, for the most part hiding who she really was. Her lips showed not a frown, not a smile. Her skin was without color. Her shapes in generally were non-descriptive. Inner turmoil had turned her off to the world around her. If someone called her, or shapes appeared before her, or someone instructed her she would respond without knowing she had.


The woman who now stood in front of her seemed fair. Twyle had learnt however at quite a young age that first impressions where often the wrong ones. She had trusted all the wrong people, and she had loved with dissatisfaction. Only to Arianna did her impressions and love still stand true.


She glanced upward at the White Tower. Tall and magnificent, she wished it would shatter. But she knew this was the last place she had to turn to, and the only. She held herself deep within, strongly and reflectively. If revenge was what she wanted she could not afford a misstep.


I wonder what mother would say? A voice mumbled. They often asked her things she did not understand. Her mother leaving her, when she was too young to really understand. He father leaving in the same death. What would any parent say to a daughter coming to be Aes Sedai? Another voice replied in a hiss. She nearly spat at the thought.


Rage bubbled slowly, but she had learnt to hide such things. Blood and Ashes Twyle is this what we’ve come too? She threw back the voice. There was no need to listen now; she had made it.


She was guided through halls. She tried desperately not to look, to seek no fascination in the place, and to avoid any of the evils that might come from enjoying it. She did not want to look at the women; she just wanted to hate them silently.


What! Are we to be like them? Voices hissed at her. She tried not to appear irritated by them. No, others answered. Not like them. She felt herself melt with ease. She would keep her promise; she would keep it even if it meant becoming a Tar Valon Witch, but she didn’t have to be like them. Not like them, the thought echoed.


Before she could truly gather herself to search through the yelling, to find something she could grasp to, she found herself in front of a door. She reached out slowly and knocked.



Child of the Light (at heart)


"I like to pretend I can hear the audience. It drowns out the voices telling me to kill."






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Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:47 pm Post subject:




ooc: heya, I just wanted to let you know that I have seen this, but that I'm in the middle of my midterms at the moment, so I don't have the time to post until Thursday or possibly even friday. Thanks for your patience.




WT - Nyssa Deschain, Gray & Black sister

WY – Rosheen Than Sakhr, TG & Ginae Auvriani, MoT

SG - Nona Doronas, DF

FL - Suraya






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Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 5:44 am Post subject:




The world bustled about in it’s daily routine, a true cacophony of sounds, shapes and colours, but as usual all of that went by unnoticed within the moderately sized office of the Mistress of Novices. Time passed, yet it had very little meaning to the woman seated behind the desk which stood in that office. It had stood in that very same position for centuries now, only the face of the woman behind it changed every now and then. Faerzyne wondered briefly if any of the woman who had held the position before her had ever felt the desire to move the desk. Or the office.


There was an air of quiet acceptance within the room. She supposed that it was her fate, and the fate of those before her. They accepted, and kept things the same. Stability and a solid figure, that was what the young ones needed most. No one thrived on chaos. She smiled at that thought. If they only knew about the number of people who did. How they would tremble, how they would rage. Yet nothing could be done about it. There was a natural balance in the world. So long as there were people who claimed to be truly good, there would be people who claimed to be truly evil as well.


Her musings were interrupted by a knock on her door. She frowned, the tiniest creasing of her brow. It didn’t happen often that someone managed to knock on her door before she noticed them. Footsteps were always a dead giveaway. She shook her head, smoothing her features once more. The little bells in her braid tingled softly. “Enter.†She said, her voice perhaps a little rougher than usual, but still as rich as the little bells. It was still early, and she tried to remember if she had spoken before, during that morning. The sound of her voice claimed that she had not. She took a sip of water from the glass standing on the edge of her desk.


The door opened, hesitantly, as it did so often. The reasons for coming to her office were always different, but the people who came to her office were always nervous. She supposed they had a good reason to be. Finally a young woman revealed herself. A little travel worn, this one. She was very pale, and her hair was pulled backwards tightly, no doubt making the girl look older than she really was. A petitioner, Faerzyne guessed. A young woman seeking refuge within the White Tower, perhaps seeking fame and glory. Not this one though. There was something about her that made her look haunted. World weary perhaps. Poor child. “Welcome.†Faerzyne said. “My name is Faerzyne Grigory. I am the Mistress of Novices, and a sister of the Gray Ajah.†And the Black Ajah, a little voice inside her added. As always it stayed there, buried inside under a deep façade of warmth and kindness. “How may I help you?â€


~Faerzyne Grigory

Mistress of Novices

Sister of the Gray and Black Ajah


OOC: a little physical description of Faerzyne; Her face is narrow with high cheekbones that give her a regal look. She has almond shaped hazel eyes, a narrow nose above full lips and she wears little bells in her light brown braid which reaches her waist.






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Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 11:57 am Post subject:




Twyle stood motionless in doorway. Is this what all Aes Sedai came to be? A facade so the real world would never suspect. Holding herself together she let the woman before her sink in. She appeared just a bit too serene. Her long hair filled with bells and an elegance that might have made Twyle think she were nobility, if she hadn't know she were a Witch.


Who is she? voices pondered in wonder. She tried not to move her feet. Any movement now would only be forcing her body into a run. She looked at the Aes Sedai not dropping her eyes this time. She wanted to know what the woman held inside her.


Is this the new mother? Is she the one who will teach us? The thought tickled the back of her mind. A new mother? But she knew in her heart that Aes Sedai were not capable of love.


I am the Mistress of the Novices, and Sister of the Gray Ajah.


The words suddenly took Twyle by surprise. She is a Mistress!! She had not thought Aes Sedai would make her a servant. She did not stop to think what the other words might mean. We must keep our promise!


With that thought Twyle threw herself to the ground. She bowed down on her knees with her face just touching the floors surface. She dared not raise her eyes now. She felt almost as well rehearsed as a Darkfriend, letting the small terrified part of her being reach the surface.


"I am Twyle, Mistress," she mumbled, nearing tears. "I have been sent to learn."



Child of the Light (at heart)


"I like to pretend I can hear the audience. It drowns out the voices telling me to kill."






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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:53 am Post subject:




As time passed, Faerzyne had seen many reactions of many people who came to her. When she had been just a Gray sister, working only for her Ajah she had often seen the defiance of nobles, and the gratitude of the common people. As the Mistress of Novices she saw that same gratitude quite often, as a novice was offered a home within the tower. She had not often seen the emotions that were displayed on the face of the young woman that had just entered her office. It was as if the girl was deeply disgusted by everything she saw in Faerzyne, and yet there was also a deep determination.


Suddenly the child threw herself to the ground. Now that was unexpected indeed. Yet it was not entirely strange. That too she had seen before, in novices and in petitioners. Pleading to stay, pleading for justice… for mercy, some times. What was this girl pleading for. What did she want? And was she sure? All this and more crossed Faerzyne’s mind as the girl said her name, and indicated that she was here to learn. Almost as soon as the girl finished her sentence, Faerzyne was on her feet. Seconds later she was crouching next to the girl. Some sisters of her Ajah joked about her maternal instincts. They never quite realised how right they were.


“Rise, child.†She said, her voice gentle and soft, as if she was indeed speaking to a five year old, and not a girl on the verge of becoming a woman. “There is no need for that. I will not send you away.†The girl looked very uncomfortable, now that Faerzyne was near. She rose, and walked to the other side of the desk again. The distance seemed to ease the girls mind a bit. “I will not send you away.†More reassurance than she could really give. The girl would have to be tested and even then… she would always be tested, and if she failed such a test, Faerzyne would be the one to send her away.


“Has an Aes Sedai tested you?†she asked, trying to keep her mind on the child in front of her, instead of on a future which was not hers to predict.


WT - Nyssa Deschain, Gray & Black sister

WY – Rosheen Than Sakhr, TG & Ginae Auvriani, MoT

SG - Nona Doronas, DF

FL - Suraya






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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:37 pm Post subject:




Rise, child.


The words flew past Twyle and shattered. She didn't want this woman's pity. She didn't need it. She had been taken away from the only life she had loved. To end up here, this place of determined Darkness.


There is no need for that. I will not send you away.


If only the woman new what a blessing that would be. To release her from her oath, simply by saying she could not stay. The Aes Sedai was crouching next to her. What some might have seen as a maternal instinct Twyle saw as an attack.


Their motives are always for evil, a voice whispered. Do not let the taint of the Tower touch us! hissing the voices continued.


Twyle wrapped herself in her own being. It was the only safe hiding place from this world. To stand close to herself was her only escape from what might lay ahead. She had condemned herself to this, and there was no escaping that. Still maybe for just a little bit longer she could avoid the reality that was taking her. Twyle twisted her face and tried to avoid glaring at the woman.


Maybe she knows no other way, voices tried to sooth. They were calm and elegant, too weak. BUT WE DO! voices hissed in return.


The woman must have sensed Twyle's emotion, for she rose and put some distance between them.


Distance will not save you Witch! voices hissed as though laughing. When we come to destroy your kind there will be nothing left to stand! She wanted to chorus them aloud but remembered herself. She had to keep promises, she had to save herself if she could. Revealing through words what she dared not reveal in truth would bring her own death nearer.


I will not send you away.


She seemed to think the point significant. Maybe it was. Yes, the voices answered. TRAPPED! Trapped in this Tower of Darkness!


Twyle tried to steady her thoughts, steady her mind. She could barely believe she had come. Now she was trapped here, nowhere else to run. Maybe she could break her promise in good faith. Why would we keep it if it only meant our torture!


The word physically shook Twyle. Don't put it past the Witches. She tried to steady the thought but the voice kept shouting. Of course they will torture us. Had we seen it any different? they were laughing. Laughing at her. Blood and Ashes fool now we have nowhere to run. She tried not to move, a small defense but her only one. Voices could not take control if she were still, still to all things.


Has an Aes Sedai tested you?


Twyle's eyes glared at the Aes Sedai now. She could not hide her rage. Tests they call it! She couldn't stand the thought. She had felt tainted since the Aes Sedai had tested her back home. She couldn't release the taint. If she tries again we will kill her. We Will! the voices seemed to be chanting for it, not warning against it.


Steadying her thoughts Twyle tried to make some kind of reply.


"I will not be..." she lost herself for a moment. "We will not be subject to that taint!" She tried to calm her voice but couldn't. "Yes one of your Witches tested us!" she was going to spit but held in the unladylike thought. "If any... any," she didn't want to continue her words. "Any Aes Sedai," she said the word mockingly, "uses Black Magic on us again we will kill them. Do you hear us?"


She stopped herself then. She was revealing too much of herself. She couldn't look the helpless girl if she was acting like a raging woman. She stood there, on her feet. She wasn't sure how she had gotten there. The ground felt oddly foreign and her feet as though they were not feet at all but steps away from this place. All she had to do was let them carry her. She planted her heels in, when she finally realized what she had done. For so many years she had hidden it so well, now in the presence of this Witch she had revealed what she had kept so secret. Us! voices shouted. We said us!



Child of the Light (at heart)


"I like to pretend I can hear the audience. It drowns out the voices telling me to kill."






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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 1:33 pm Post subject:




The feelings Faerzyne had towards new arrivals were always the same. It was a strange mixture of pity, affection and interest. By the time the girls were ready to leave her office her opinion had often adjusted itself a little, depending on the demeanour of the girl. Yet in the years she had been Mistress of novices it had never changed so rapidly as it did now. It had been clear to her, when she approached the girl. She didn’t want to be here. She hated being here, but what was most unsettling was that the girl instantly hated Faerzyne. While she was used to having little girls hate her after she punished them, this time the hatred came as a surprise. It was almost instinctual. Faerzyne moved away, giving the girl her space. Listening. Observing. Faerzyne was always interested in those with such a strong potential for hatred.


The girl rose, fury in her eyes. Fury and so much more. Faerzyne’s face was calm, revealing nothing of her thoughts. So she was tested. Then the girl said something that surprised Faerzyne. We. Us. Indicating that the girl was torn inside. That explained the anger, of course. The smallest hint of a smile curved her lips. The girl was absolutely insane. As if she now realised what she had revealed the girl fell silent. Her hatred was still burning in her eyes though. A kinder woman would have consoled the girl. Sent her to the Yellows to be healed, perhaps. Have her stilled so she would be unable to hurt herself or others. Faerzyne, who would have been such a kind woman if not for one promise she had made over a hundred years ago did none of those things. Instead she made it worse.


“Do you know what passing a test means, Twyle?†she asked. It was a rhetorical question. “When you pass a test, it means you can do something. So when you were tested, it was not the… what did you call it? Black Magic of an Aes Sedai being used on you. It was you, using your very own Black Magic.†She smiled sweetly at the girl. “It means that you are to be one of us… witches.†She pointed to the chair in front of her. “Sit. You have no more desire to be in this office with me than I with you, so we might as well get this over with.â€


She took the novice book out of one of the drawers to her desk. “I will need your name, your place of birth and raising, and your age.†It was time to make Twyle’s stay at the tower official. Faerzyne smiled again. She also had just the right mentor in mind. It was obvious that a girl like Twyle would need a dedicated mentor. A strong willed, elder Aes Sedai who had all the time in the world to teach her, to make her understand that Aes Sedai were not quite as evil as the girl thought. Faerzyne would put her in the care of a freshly raised queen, who had a reputation concerning her interest in men. Someone who wouldn’t be able to help Twyle as well as an older mentor would.


WT - Nyssa Deschain, Gray & Black sister

WY – Rosheen Than Sakhr, TG & Ginae Auvriani, MoT

SG - Nona Doronas, DF

FL - Suraya






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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 2:19 pm Post subject:




Twyle had barely enough time to regain her outer composure. She had faced menace upon menace in such a short lifetime. She had yet to face herself, and it wasn't something she was planning on doing.


When you pass a test, it means you can do something. So when you were tested, it was not the… what did you call it? Black Magic of an Aes Sedai being used on you. It was you, using your very own Black Magic.


Twyle couldn't help but smile. Lies you Witch, voices hissed. They explained it to us. Arianna told us. We know what it mean Witch! they were whispering now as if others might hear. Even if we have Black Magic doesn't mean we are like you. No we will keep our promise but never.. NEVER... be like you. Twyle surpressed her rising laughter. No this woman wasn't worth it, no need to look the fool


Sit. You have no more desire to be in this office with me than I with you, so we might as well get this over with.


Twyle awkwardly stared at the chair for a brief moment. If you don't want us let us go. She edged toward the chair as if she were edging toward her doom. This place makes us ache. Please let us go. She didn't know how to satisfy the pleas. We promised Arianna. We cannot go. We must learn.


She felt a chill pass over her as she sat down. This room looked so different than it had moments ago. It seemed more threatening, but less powerful. She knew several ways to kill. She knew how to protect herself. Keeping her promise now seemed easier. She world learn the Witches ways and then cut them down where they stood.


I will need your name, your place of birth and raising, and your age.


She looked up quickly. She knew it was coming but she hadn't been ready for it. So they don't know everything. She had thought they could read thoughts, read minds. How shall we answer this time? She hadn't thought of twisitng lies until this moment. She had thought a Witch would see straight through that. Shall we lie as we have taught ourself to do? Or shall we utter some truth to the Witch? The thought stood in the lull and Twyle grasped it.


"My name is Twyle," she said and tried to leave it at that. She could tell that wouldn't suffice for the woman. "I do not know much of the rest." She sounds weak. But she also felt weak. Thoughts of her mother flashed before her, thoughts of Rygani and the Children, and a final thought of Arianna. She was a Child of the Light. Her home was in Cairhein with Arianna. But she had lost who she was years ago, when the fire had engulfed life into ashes.



Child of the Light (at heart)


"I like to pretend I can hear the audience. It drowns out the voices telling me to kill."






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Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 1:23 pm Post subject:




There were so many things wrong about the girl, Twyle as she called herself that Faerzyne didn’t even know where to start. Or if to start for that matter. Insanity was a dangerous thing to let loose unwatched, especially in places of power. In people with power. And yet that was exactly what Faerzyne was going to do. What she had to do. Besides, the girl wouldn’t be completely unwatched. There would be eyes following her everywhere she went. She just wouldn’t see the watchers. Faerzyne smiled a little when she thought of how paranoia would be added to the already grand insanity that filled the young woman in front of her.


The girl still looked reluctant to be where she was, sitting in a chair in front of the large desk. She wouldn’t run though… There was a grim determination within the girl that made it obvious that she would stay right where she was until Faerzyne told her to leave. She looked down at the almost empty line in the novice book that indicated the arrival of this young woman. “Twyle.†She mused, reading her own handwriting. Twyle and nothing more. Nothing aside from the insanity, and the tendency to call Aes Sedai witches. She’d have fun with that during her first years as a novice. After another glance at the girl she wrote down Amadicia as the place of birth. She might as well be from that wretched country. She had the attitude down to a tee. And the insanity, which was something shared by every single whitecloak. Faerzyne never really believed that, but there were plenty of Novices and Accepted who did. Indeed, this girl and her issues would fit in wonderfully.


She scribbled down a note, summoning Christine to her office. She handed it to the first novice that passed her office. “Your mentor will be here soon.†She said. “Her name is Christine. Unless she indicates otherwise, you will call her Christine Sedai, or Aes Sedai. Never just Sedai. I’d avoid calling her witch as well. Many Aes Sedai don’t take kindly to it.†She walked over to one of the cabinets, and pulled two pure white novice dresses out if it. With a smile she handed them to Twyle. “There you go. These dresses are your responsibility. Mend them when they’re torn, and clean them when they’re dirty. You must wear these during your novice years.†After that she settled into her chair again, telling Twyle about the rules of the White Tower. The girl didn’t look as though she was really paying attention. It didn’t matter, as Faerzyne expected to see the girl in her office quite often even if she did understand the rules.


Ooc: Your mentor should join us soon


WT - Nyssa Deschain, Gray & Black sister

WY – Rosheen Than Sakhr, TG & Ginae Auvriani, MoT

SG - Nona Doronas, DF

FL - Suraya






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Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 8:36 pm Post subject:




Twyle didn't care anymore. She saw the Aes Sedai write down more than she had spoken. She didn't care. The Witches could call her anything they like. She was there for one reason. Slowly she felt like the reason was the only thing that would keep her safe.


The Aes Sedai handed her some robes. White? Maybe that meant something, but she didn't seem to care. Her eyes felt heavy. Her heart felt barren. But no her clothes were white, her home had long passed, and she was being kept by a promise and the fear of leaving too soon.


Slowly the Witch kept talking. Rules maybe? Twyle didn't know. She felt her mind racing and thinking of things that it had not thought of.


Shall they ask us to be Darkfriend? her voices were calm, wondering not angry. Perhaps they felt the heavy of the load, the burden of being held in a Tower of Black. How could we fight them? Truly there Black Magic would be too strong. We would die, and then we would break our oath. When does it become too much? When can the promise be shattered?


Twyle felt her throat filling with tears. She hadn't cried in years. The last time she could recall was when she had run from the Children. Still she had been waiting for these tears. She hadn't wanted them to come infront of this Aes Sedai, this Witch.


Twyle looked at the clothe on her lap. It is lovely. That would please Arianna. She smoothed out the robe, at the same time trying to think of something else. What would she be doing now? Twyle couldn't help but let the voices wonder, yet she wanted to stop it for all the world. Probably marrying Malik. It hadn't come as a threat but the other voices spoke no more. The thought was a fact she didn't mind facing. Malik loved her, and Arianna loved him in someway.


When the woman had stopped talking Twyle raised her eyes to look at her. She let out a sigh trying to keep her tears as shallow as could be. Twyle felt her grip letting go. Her eyes began to fill with tears. She sniffed and held them back.


"Please," she pleaded. "I don't want to be made a Darkfriend. Is there another way?"


ooc: Christine is on an LoA. But I'll talk to her and try to get her to come around.



Child of the Light (at heart)


"I like to pretend I can hear the audience. It drowns out the voices telling me to kill."





Christine Sedai

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Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 4:20 pm Post subject:




Walking down the hallways, her shortsword on her hip, Christine Sedai, sister of the Green Ajah, was in quite a good mood. Her tight, tan breeches and her flowing white shirt, along with the brown work boots and leather vest put together no image of an Aes Sedai. Her clothes looked worn, and her belt was about to pieces, but when she was training, the prim and tidy woman disappeared behind a hard warrior. Of course, her hair was perfect, preserved in little ringlets and the front pieces up in pins, and not a drop of sweat appeared on her face. Even still, without the Aes Sedai ring, no one would ever believe she was an Aes Sedai.


A novice ran up to her, a note held out. As Christine had been on her way from her offices, and walking on the main novice hall in order to access the Training Yards, it was no wonder the girl did not seem so tired. She noted that the pen resembled that of an old friend, but she would look at it in a moment. "Thank you, child." The girl and nodded and made as if to run off. "Smile a little more, my dear, and the world shall smile back on you." The girl grinned, and Christine winked at her before she ran off. To this day, she loved being the friend of all novices... just because all other Aes Sedai were a pain to them didnt mean she needed to be. As long as she got the proper respect that was demanded for an Aes Sedai, they too would recieve respect.


Opening the note, she read it softly, and turned back around, walking to the office of Faerzyne, the Mistress of Novices. Apparently, there was a new novice that needed her. Her dark brown eyes scanned it quickly as she read the few words.


There is a new novice, who I would like you to mentor. She has the mind of a Child of the Light, and will not be an easy task. Please, come to my office as soon as you can, and perhaps you can show her that not all Aes Sedai are mean, and that none of us are Dark Friends.




Nodding to herself, Christine burned the note in her hand as she walked, channeling Fire as if nothing had happened. Knocking on the door lightly as she reached the office she had spent so much time in, she entered, hearing a voice say, "Please, I don't want to be made a Darkfriend. Is there another way?"


Laughing, Christine nodded to Faerzyne, taking the time to answer this herself. "By the Light, child, you certainly are gutsy. Saying that you dont want to be a darkfriend... what do you think we are, Demons? I despise them as much as you do, girl, and believe me, I am no DarkFriend, nor am I a Child of the Light."


Winking at the Mistress of Novices, she introduces herself. "My name is Christine Sedai, but please, call me Christine... all of the formalities are not important to me. You give me respect, I give you respect... sound fair?"


The look the girl gave her proved that this would be no easy task...


Christine Segretto~Sister of the Green Ajah~WS2

Deniera l'Spada~Trainee WS4

Carsane Evera, High Seat of House Sadma


How much odder can life get?






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Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:26 pm Post subject:




It was all starting to become a little confusing. On one hand, Faerzyne could see that the girl sitting in front of her was obviously not quite right in the head. She had indicated so herself, by speaking of we, instead of I. In Faerzyne’s mind, insanity was one step away from being on the same side as she was. Yet on the other hand, the girl was spouting nonsense about all Aes Sedai being darkfriends. And now she even asked Faerzyne not to make her a darkfriend. That earned her a raised eyebrow from the Mistress of Novices. Just when she was about to say that there was little that could be changed now, with her name already in the book, she was interrupted by a knock on the door.


The door opened before she could answer, admitting Christine Sedai into the room. Faerzyne smiled at the young Aes Sedai. “Welcome, sister.†She said, putting extra emphasis on the word sister. It might as well have been child. Faerzyne frowned slightly at Christine’s garb. Did she not know better than to go before an elder sister garbed like a ruffian? She would have to talk to some green sisters about Christine’s attitude someday soon. In the meantime she would allow the young Aes Sedai think that she could behave this way. It would no doubt be interesting to watch her try it on some of the more fiery Green sisters.


She listened to Christine talk about respect, and she couldn’t help but smile. How amusing it was, to see the girl ask for things that she had not been so eager to give when she was a novice herself. “You may show Twyle to her new room now, Christine.†She said. No Sedai attached to the name. Christine herself had just said she didn’t think such formalities were necessary. It was obvious that the young woman had never heard a lecture from a Gray sister.


Before the pair had left her room Faerzyne had already immersed herself in paperwork again. Reports had to be made, and people had to be informed. The girl would be watched closely, as she obviously had so much… potential.


~Faerzyne Grigory.

Gray/Black Sister

Mistress of Novices.


WT - Nyssa Deschain, Gray & Black sister

WY – Rosheen Than Sakhr, TG & Ginae Auvriani, MoT

SG - Nona Doronas, DF

FL - Suraya






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Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:37 pm Post subject:




Twyle's eyes flashed as the woman entered the room. She was feeling anxious now. Not knowing how to handle two powerful Darkfriends as once.


By the Light, child, you certainly are gutsy. Saying that you dont want to be a darkfriend... what do you think we are, Demons? I despise them as much as you do, girl, and believe me, I am no DarkFriend, nor am I a Child of the Light


The woman sounded arrogant but Twyle almost liked the tone. She wanted both to huff and cry at the same time. Not Darkfriends! Blood and Ashes, how well they can lie! Twyle smiled but tried to let the voices calm. The last words the woman had spoken had held her with a sting. She had mentioned the Children as if they were ridiculous. The Witch had made it sound like they were comparable to the Darkfriends! Twyle was getting ready to rise from her seat and show her anger. She is ignorant. Do not take her words with meaning! We must stay calm, we must stay steadfast.


Twyle shifted in her seat uncomfortably and tried to hide her dissatisfaction.


My name is Christine Sedai, but please, call me Christine... all of the formalities are not important to me. You give me respect, I give you respect... sound fair?


Twyle grimaced. We are not a child. voices hissed. We will follow your rules and we will show you RESPECT, but we not be made to look foolish. Twyle shifted and tried to look anywhere but at the woman.


She shifted her eyes back to the Mistress in hopes getting a different answer. She wanted to know her role. She needed to protect herself against the darkness. Twyle shivered, she felt evil in the room. Even if she was just imagining it, or letting her fancy wander Twyle sensed something about this place wasn't right. She wished she could have remembered everything Arianna had told her about the Tower. She wished she could recall all the reasons she had come. But the voices only remembered what they wanted to, fragments.


The Witch didn't seem to notice Twyles gaze. You may show Twyle to her new room now, Christine. Twyle felt her eyes open wide. There were so many things she didn't understand she couldn't leave now.


She felt her body pull up from the seat and follow the Witch out the door. Twyle didn't like her, she stepped littly trying desperately to walk as far away from the woman as she could without it being noticed. The woman definantly didn't look respectable, or smell it either. But it told Twyle something else about these women she hadn't truly known, they were warriors. She wasn't exactly sure if she could pose much of a threat to any of them, even with the training she had.


Twyle stepped quickly and kept up with her. "I'm very grateful Christine Sedai." Twyle said the last word harshly. If the woman wanted respect she would get it, but Twyle wasn't about to offer her any kind of love. She hated the word Sedai, to her it meant Darkfriend, Witch. But to them it meant everything, and she had promised to follow their rules.



Child of the Light (at heart)


"I like to pretend I can hear the audience. It drowns out the voices telling me to kill."





Christine Sedai

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Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 10:25 pm Post subject:




Christine knew that Faerzyne did not like her that way, or her methods to how she delt with novices. "You may show Twyle to her new room now, Christine." Christine nodded to the elder woman, and turned to the girl. Walking out the door, Twyle followed her.


"I'm very grateful Christine Sedai." Smiling, Christine turned back to the girl, and stopped for a moment. She made sure she wore an earnest smile, and laughed softly. "Child, did I already not ask you to call me Sedai? I am just like every other woman, except that I can channel, and some cannot. Just because I have this gift doesnt make me different."


Thoughts seemed to be going through the child's mind, as though she was trying to keep her mouth shut. Something was bothering the girl. Winking, she whispered softly, "Of course, dont say that aroudn the elder Sedais; I dont think they hold the same idea i do."


They walked a bit, and Christine pointed out things as they walked. "There is the halls to the kitchen. The library is up a floor, and i suggest you respect the Brown Sisters. Lets go up to your new room." They went up a flight of stairs, and Christine turned to the girl, asking a bit of background.


"So, tell me about yourself. How old are you? Where are you from? Ever channeled before?" She wanted the girl to open up some.


Christine Segretto~Sister of the Green Ajah~WS2

Deniera l'Spada~Trainee WS4

Carsane Evera, High Seat of House Sadma


How much odder can life get?






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Joined: 30 Dec 2005

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Location: Canada

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 10:47 pm Post subject:




So, tell me about yourself. How old are you? Where are you from? Ever channeled before?


Twyle wasn't sure how many times she would have to go through this. Explaining a history she could barely recall. But the woman's humour had only excited her anger.


"I am a Child of the Light! Witch! I do not wish to channel!" she said the words with conviction but without raising her voice. "I am bound here by a promise. That is all."


Calm down! Voices hissed in unison. Rage will only reveal us. Anger will only tell what we do not wish to tell.


Twyle shook her head. Of all the things she wanted, she wanted to keep herself secret. "I'm sorry ," Twyle sighed. "I have a..." she didn't know how much she could say. She didn't like this woman, but she didn't seem evil. How many Darkfriends seem to be Darkfriends? a voice whispered. Twyle looked at the woman. Still we must have a story, she must stop asking! "I have a troubled history. I am not here because I want to be."


She paused the Aes Sedai seemed to be digesting this. WHY WOULD WE WANT TO BE HERE! WHY WOULD WE WANT TO LEARN THIS BLACK MAGIC, FROM THIS DARK TOWER?! Twyle sighed and continued quickly.


"But I am here and that is all that matters," she said trying to hush her voices and concentrate on her words. "I shall do what you ask as my mistress. I shall perform my tasks and I shall learn. But do not ask me to become like... like you... I am a Child... that is all my history you need to know."


Twyle tried not to walk fast in her rage. She tried to show the woman the same respect she would show a mistress. She tried to act humble and not the angry child.


She sighed quickly. "I am sorry mistress. I spoke to freely. Please forgive me." She looked at the ground and kept pacing. Aes Sedai as Mistress? Darkfriend as teacher? Twyle sighed she wasn't sure how to keep going. She wasn't sure how she would manage. We will stay the course. For Arianna, that is why we take these mistresses and that is why we take a new mother. Twyle looked at the ground. Yes life was changing, even if she became one of them... yes it was worth it. "I'm sorry."



Child of the Light (at heart)


"I like to pretend I can hear the audience. It drowns out the voices telling me to kill."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am a Child of the Light! Witch! I do not wish to channel!" Well, the idiot girl certainly did have spirit. It was too bad the girl would be sent to the Mistress of Novices the first time she called a Sitter or Elder sister “witch.†Christine was a firm believer in showing love to her students instead of hatred. Others just demanded respect, never taking the time to teach and listen. Perhaps it was the child in Christine, but she felt pity for the girl. â€I am bound here by a promise. That is all." A promise? The girl certainly didn’t have to come to the tower. Idiot child… but it was a good thing she had.


"I'm sorry ," She sighed. The girl sighed a lot. "I have a..." Problem, perhaps? Something was certainly odd here. After a few moments, she looked at Christine. "I have a troubled history. I am not here because I want to be."


She picked up her story after another sigh. "But I am here and that is all that matters," Christine nodded. That did matter. "I shall do what you ask as my mistress. I shall perform my tasks and I shall learn. But do not ask me to become like... like you... I am a Child... that is all my history you need to know."


Another sigh was heard. "I am sorry mistress. I spoke to freely. Please forgive me." She sighed and looked at the ground. "I'm sorry." Christine nodded. She had been a little… afraid when she had first come to the tower.


Looking at the girl, she stopped where she was, holding the girl still. Looking into her eyes, Chrsitine paused a moment, then spoke. “Do you want to learn to heal people? Or perhaps you would like to stop battles. Or do you like history? Or maybe a weapon. Girl, I am not telling you that your life has been a lie, but the Children… they do not take a moment to look at us before they judge us.â€


Christine chose her words slowly as she continued. “Aes Sedai have been around since before the breaking. Our gift is from the creator, not the dark one. The only ones that are not with a clean gift is the men, and if you are against men channeling, you can study that too. We are not evil. We just want to make this world better.â€


“We all do it our own ways. The Children of the Light hunt down darkfriends. The Queen of Andor protects her people. Blue Sisters look for justice. A fisherman trys to feed the people. We all try to make the land better. The Sisters of the Tower just have a power on addition to themselves. We aren’t cursed. You can be one of us too.â€


Christine waited a moment, then turned and walked to the girl’s rooms, still speaking. “I don’t want you to be afraid here. I will always listen to you, and always here to talk. But may I suggest, do not call Aes Sedai “witch†unless of course you like the Mistress of Novice’s office.†No one ever did…

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  • 3 weeks later...

FOOL GIRL She had been arrogant to act like that. Talking the outburst down had only made her seem more insane. She didn't bother to wonder at the Aes Sedai's reaction, she knew it wouldn't be good. Of all the things she was hoping for the least of those was to end up in an infirmary with these Witches studying her every move. SHUT UP! DON'T SPEAK! AND DON'T ACT! Hissing voices were attacking her. She had forgotten what had driven her to the outburst, she wondered if she had truly acted or if she had been forced there.


"Do you want to learn to heal people?" the Aes Sedai asked. Twyle's eyes shot open, she wasn't bewildered by the thought, she just didn't want to think it. Evil has no place in our world... came the whispering tones she was used to. They will try had twist what they are. Do not forget. Arianna has warned us, we know best. "Or perhaps you would like to stop battles. Or do you like history?" the woman continued. "Or maybe a weapon. Girl, I am not telling you that your life has been a lie, but the Children… they do not take a moment to look at us before they judge us"


Twyle almost laughed but she stopped herself, she had already been rash. The Children had been right hadn't they? It wasn't something they had jumped to. Aes Sedai were known as Witches, Darkfriends. She knew too much to deny it completely. Arianna did warn us... a voice muttered through the echoes of chaos. Not all speak truth. She taught us what the Children did wrong and what they did right. She smiled, yes they weren't always right. We of all people should know what they do. They are not evil, but they can be harsh. She knew it was right, knew too well. Of all the memories she could hold onto that scene of torture was one, whether it was real or created it had caused both her fear of the Children and her loss of a home. DO NOT THINK THIS MATTER LIGHTLY!!! loud voices joined in a chorus. DO NOT ACCEPT THEM! THEY ARE DARK! EVIL... BEWARE THE WITCH! She shook her head. She tried not to think on the matter, it was all too soon for worry.


"...the dark one." She suddenly heard Christine say. She looked up at her worried. "The only ones that are not with a clean gift is the men," That she had heard, and didn't care for. Still being broken as she was she couldn't help but feel she were lost, like them. If anything she sympathized with the men. She did not know why, but to her they weren't as dark. "...and if you are against men channeling, you can study that too. We are not evil. We just want to make this world better." She held in her smoke. THE WORLD WOULD BE BETTER WIHTOUT YOU!!! She shook her head once more. Without us.. a small voice corrected.


"...The Sisters of the Tower just have a power on addition to themselves. We aren’t cursed. You can be one of us too..." She tried to echo through the voices some form of rage, but she couldn't form words. Of all the things she had wanted from life she had not wanted to end up here. This was what she was though, Darkfriend, no matter how she tried to fight. "I will always listen to you, and always here to talk. But may I suggest, do not call Aes Sedai “witch†unless of course you like the Mistress of Novice’s office."


She looked at the woman squarely. Christine Sedai had a power, one Twyle could not place. Where the Mistress of Novice's had made her feel weak and Dark, Christine made her feel alone. While some might find that unnerving there was comfort in it. Still the woman made Twyle shiver, all the things she never wanted to be were so close in the woman's eyes. As though just by looking she was losing all the things she had strived for and was being moved down a path she did not want to walk.


Twyle lowered her eyes quickly, realizing what a danger it might be to address her mistress in such a way. She was supposed to make some kind of response. Short would be best. She had caused enough havoc with words.


"I will try my best," she answered. She was so unsure of herself. But the servant did not as the mistress for instruction. She would have to find another of her standing so she might know how to properly act. She bowed deeply. She sensed Christine's instructions withering in the back of her mind, lost. Soon she would be muttering mistress and falling to the floor in reverence. Time could only cure her wounds. Stand as the fool girl. We must not do this. To be humble is one thing, to be stupid is quite another. Voices were screaming and cursing before she knew what was going on. She lost whatever grip she had and nearly tumbled over ramming her bend over body into the Aes Sedai.


She steadied herself quickly. Trying to find some balance. The voices did not quiet but she was able to focus on her mistress. The woman was standing of course, Twyle thinking it would take much more than that to knock the woman to the ground. Still the look in those eyes troubled her deeply. She blushed in horror and tried not to act the fool all over. "I am sorry mistress," she muttered looking quickly at the woman, then lowering her eyes knowing she had no right to look up. "I do not know what has come over me. Please forgive my offense." She could not think further through the shouts and screams of her voices. She could not make one voices from another, just loud and terrible.


This day was too much. She could not last here. Silence was not always good and her outbursts were worse. If she couldn't manage to control her mind swiftly she might become as lost as she was when she wandered the streets. Arianna had calmed her, made her whole. Now all she had were Witches and Darkfriends. She was their servant, and to her terror she dare not leave.


"Please do not make me go," she began without knowing. "I want more than anything to keep my promise. Please I am sorry." Her voice was a whimper, there was too much to hold in and not enough to let out.

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