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Dear all: I am bored off my NUT!


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Anything ridiculous?  :-\ *Looks at all the Wikipedia links*


Umm..I have this:



This one's quite interesting:



Just in case you ever wanted a name generator..



That's about it, unless you want to know about philosophy, greek gods, Latin, or youtube videos of 80's music.  :-[ :-\ :D

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Naeann, you kicked my butt in Brad! ;p


I checked out the first one Jelly, got this:


Your Unconscious Mind Is Most Driven by Reserve.



You approach the world with reserve because unconsciously, and perhaps consciously, you like to be in control. You keep your emotions to yourself and you may seem mysterious or enigmatic to others. You're often very cautious about truly expressing yourself.


Even people who have known you for some time may find it hard to get close to you. Your psyche is very deep and rich; the more you learn about it, the more you will understand who you really are...

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Hmm...Jelly has philosophy and mythology links in her favorites?  *Starts hypnotizing for the White Ajah*


*ponders* Jelly's got a great mind. She might be a good White. 8)


As for the Brad game... that was weird. 16020.


And if you're still bored, Taya, this random link from my pile is as thorougly interesting as it is pointless:


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But I need my nut for when I'm less bored!!! damn...


Will have to go out & get a replacement!


Thanks for the extra link Shendare... the other ones I haven't checked are gonna be real useful tomorrow when I'm back at work ;)

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Well i sucked at the brad game..only got 422 points  :-[


On the bright side though apparently I'm a poplar tree! *shrugs* using that second link you posted Jelly.



People tend to look up to you, and it's a bit lonely at the top.

Inside, you are not always self confident, but you show great courage.

Mature and organized, you are reliable in any situation.

You tend to have an artistic or philosophical outlook on life.

You are very choosy in love and take partnership seriously.


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I'm a Weeping Willow.



You are a dreamer, and you're into almost any kind of escapism.

Restless and capricious, you love to travel to exotic places.

You are easily influenced by others, as long as they don't pressure you.

You tend to suffer in love until you find that one loyal, steadfast partner.

An empathetic friend, you love to make others smile and laugh.

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You Are A Cypress Tree 


You are strong, adaptable, and striving to be content.

You're good at taking what life has to give - even if you don't like it.

A passionate lover who can't be satisfied, you are quick tempered at times.

You hate loneliness, want love and affection, and need to be needed.

A bit of a live wire, you love to gain knowledge any cost... and you can be careless at times. 



Umm yep that would be me :D


and Dwyn, did you see the neat quote under Jelly's sig? and she is in WK as so many Whites and White Warders are.. I swear there is a connection ..


*lures jelly with chili to the White Halls* .. and we have milkshakes to cool your tongue when you finish the chili  ;)

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