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Hi there everyone!


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So I am Jaydena, most everyone here knows me. I am the new DL here in the WT. *Laughs* That's nothing something I expected to be saying or last week wanted to say overly much. However things are the way they are and sadly they can't be changed. It's been a really hard week on all of us and because of that we have lost more valuable members than we could afford to lose. They will be greatly missed as they were great people and wonderful rpers. I have been in this division a long time, and I have been through drama and upset feelings and rage before. My hope is that we who have chosen to weather the storm can bring this Tower back. I know that is really hard to imagine, after all we have lost a huge amount of our rpers, almost all our staff positions and ajah heads. I do however believe that we can pull out of this and we will.


So what I plan to do, the staff is currently working on restructing the way things are handled so that something never again happens like what has happened with Andrea. I apologize for the pain all of us, including one of my best friends has gone through. I can't change it but I would if I could. Once the staff decides on how future problems will be handled, I will let all of you know. I am working hard on making sure communicatin is a top value with myself and the staff. Next, I plan to bring in a new staff if possible, anyone is welcome to apply, unless you have been told by Owen and Raeyn that you are banned from staff you can apply, any rank can apply but you must have a WT character. I am pregnant and I have some problems, I am not going to make promises I don't know I can keep but I will tell you that for six months I have worked hard on the division with the other staffers and I will continue to do so. I am hoping that those who have offered to help will apply for staff positions or ajah head positions. What I also will tell you is that I love this division, I have stayed through lots of stuff and I want to see the good work Andrea has done continue. If at any time you need to contact me, my pm box, email etc is always open. My email is jaydenasedai[a]roadrunner[.]com


For those of you that have decided to stay, thank you so much, you don't know how much I appreciate it. If you left, I ask you to please consider coming back, we are trying to fix the wrongs made and make things better. If you do come back I will not ask any questions nor comment on the fact that you said you were leaving. I also ask that if someone comes back all of you do the same, it's a positive thing if any of them come back and I don't want anything thrown back in their faces. Thank you so much for reading this, your more than welcome to comment, I am always open for changes and I listen to people. Some of the best things that have ever happened to me have happened when I listened to someone else. *hugs*


Jaydena Mckanthur

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