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HoA Expectation and Discussion

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor


With the changes in Ajah Heads as well as speculated Sitter discussions, I was approached my more than one person as to my expectations of what I want to see from Ajah Heads and possibly Sitters as well.


Months ago I wrote up something simple :


5.1 - Heads of Ajahs & Sitters


- Report to the DL once / month the number of the members in the Ajah and the RPs the members are in. (Template and Boards provided)

- Archiving all Ajah-Related Topics and threads.



1) Reports are not all that actively done. I do not do them so much with the Reds b/c as DL and HoA I k now what's happening in my Ajah. (That and it's small and very easily managed).

2) Archiving isn't all that much done. Seems to be more of a COMM thing than an RP thing. :)


That just cuts everything to nothing. Previously the WT had a slightly more expanded version of how things got done.



1.2 Roleplay planning (internal)


- Main Plotline roleplays for the White Tower

- Tower wide roleplays

- Ajah roleplays (mainly duty of Ajah Heads and Sitters)

* Tower vs Ajah

* Ajah vs Ajah

* Sister vs Ajah

- individual roleplays for members

* Sister vs Sister

* Tower vs Sister


1.3 Social activities


1.31 Creating community spirit in the Division overall


- start discussions in the OOC boards


1.32 Forging relationships with members (aka chatting with WTers you didn't know yet)


1.33 Maintaining relationships with members (aka chatting with WTers you know)



My expectations?

  • Be Actively involved in both the RP and Ooc community of the White Tower
  • Actively develop RolePlays in and out of your Ajah
  • Maintain a relationship with all Ajah Sisters
  • Encourage roleplay Ideas!! I'm pretty easy going on RP approvals. I look for Big AND Small RP Ideas. It's about fun after all. Not everything has to be plot driven
  • Ajah Pride! This is a big one! Those that take pride in their Ajah show it more and this is appealing to those in and out of the division. The DM COMM is a perfect example of this.
  • Rp. If you can not RP you can not be HoA. This rule applies to WT Staff as well.
  • Have Fun. If it's not fun than how can you make it fun for your Ajah?




Does anyone have any comments to add to this? Or am I expecting too much? As far as I see it i've been too easy about a lot of this. However, it is the slow season and RL does get in the way. There are exceptions and I understand this and I do take this into account. :)

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