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Ajah Websites

Guest Arie Ronshor

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It's really cool that Ajahs have their own websites but currently only 3 Ajahs (Red, Green & Gray) Ajahs have a write-up on the WT Div site. The other Ajahs could also create a short 'Ajah Mission Statement' blurb and list 'Concepts most likely to join' so we could have your ads on the Div webpage too :)

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Actually they all have them if you go to the Aes Sedai and Ajah section.  I don't know how I put those links on there actually.. but I put the new pages up last night.  I haven't updated the sitters yet because I was waiting to get all the websites updated at the same time.. but I figured it was a start...

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Never just an rp'er Andrea... you know that  :-*


And just so you ladies know.. i've made a new Yellow Ajah site.  I didn't have access to the old one and I wanted to be able to update things, so here it is:




Let me know what you guys think.  I still have a fair number of things to work on, but it's a basic :P

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