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My problems, pregnancy related...


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Warning: This could be considered graphic and gross to some people!!!!





Ok I am going to post this and you may see it somewhere else as I don't have enough time on the comp to write it up 10 different ways.  :D As you all know I am going to have a baby in June and my pregnancy started out with some very strange problems, I already can't lay on my tummy, I have had cramping and pretty severe pain when I stand up or sit in scrunched up position. So they did a ultrasound and I found out on the 20th what was causing the strange problems I was having. I have a condition called Placenta Previa, which essentially means my Placenta did not form right and it's blocking the babies way out and causing some serious problems. The biggest fears for the condition are miscarriage and possible death by hemmoragging in the mother. However, in many cases, about 90 percent the Placenta moves up out of the path and since the condition requires a c section and I have to have one anyway because my daughter was born by that, everything there looks fine. So I am trying to get on the comp when I feel up to it, but I have had bledding already and much more and I may be on bedrest, and right now I am pretty stressed. I went from losing 200 lbs and walking 4 miles a day and being very active to being unable to get out of the bathtub by myself or vaccum my floors. It's a humbling experience to say the least. I am going to try using my husbands labtop when he will let me, I may have to beat him down to use it, but I am hoping that being able to sit on the couch with the labtop will help me out. We shall see. If you need anything from me please pm  me, I have a hard time keeping track of things right now and pms help remind me.


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Jade, luv, if there is anything at all we can do other than continuing out cheerleading out here for you and your baby... don't hesitate to let us know.  I was so very worried when I read your first few sentences there, but it's good to hear the odds are in you and the baby's favor. 


As has been said already, take it easy, don't worry about us... we'll miss you but your health and the baby's comes first!





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