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To Spark an Interest (ATTN Shaneevae)


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Melianna strode down the dark dusty Hallway. Only the odd candle was lit for light. She still could have easliy tripped over her skirts if she had not been told that the package she carried was easily breakable. It didn't seem heavy, but not light either. It was just a package wrapped in brown paper. She wondered what was in it, but she had orders.


"Take this package to Shaneevae Sedai's laboratory in the basement. Do not open it, or there will be consequences" That's what the Brown Sister told her, and she certainly didn't want obe on any Sister's bad side. The hallway carried on for a long ways. She seemed to remember that she was suppossed to turn by a certain rusty lamp. She saw it and turned down a hall and saw a door with a small light coming from underneath. That must be it. She gave a little knock on the door and said "Shaneevae Sedai?"




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Leaning back with her hands covering her face, Shaneevae struggled to get the dark haired young man from her thoughts. Images kept dancing through her mind distracting her from accomplishing anything.  When a timid voice calling her name, interrupted her thoughts, she sighed, “Thank the Light for small miracles.”  Standing, she hurriedly made her way out of the office and into the laboratory anxious to see who was calling her.


A young woman dressed in novice whites stood before her.  She was taller than Shaneevae with lovely dark features. Not knowing much about cultures, Shaneevae would guess the girl to be Seafolk, but there were so few at the Tower these days that she knew she couldn’t be correct in that assumption.


Using the acquired skills of her ajah, she observed the youth unaware.  It was then that she caught the tattoo on her hand.  If her studies served her still, it was a clan symbol. Tilting her head, she grinned and winked, “Yes, child.  What can I do for you on this very unproductive day?”


Shaneevae el'Edware

Brown Ajah

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Melianna jumped as the door opened. Aes Sedai still made her jumpy, which was odd. She had never been jumpy before coming to the Tower. She looked down to the Sister, which surprised her greatly. She didn't seem very intimidating, like most other Aes Sedai did. In fact, she actually felt quite safe around this one. Maybe it was the height.


"Pardon me, Aes Sedai, I have a package for you. It came from the library." she said with a more confident sound to her voice. She handed the package over to the Brown Sister.


Melianna Hollmen




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Pardon me, Aes Sedai, I have a package for you. It came from the library.


Shaneevae clapped her hands in glee and directed the novice to put the package on the workbench. “Oh goody. Isn’t receiving packages the most exciting.  Never knowing what’s inside or how it might affect your day or even your year.”


Following the young woman over, she laid her hands upon the brown wrapped parcel turning it around several times in thought as if weighing it or guessing what was inside. “I like to take my time.” She explained winking at the dark haired girl. “The anticipation is as thrilling as what is inside. Shall we?” Looking at the slightly taller girl in expectation, she smiled and nodded when the child enthusiastically shook her head.


Ripping into the package, Shaneevae chuckled when she found what was inside. There she found the ter’angreal she’d lent to another sister who’d just returned from the Blight. Removing the Nightingale, she swung the leather braided belt low onto her hips, the metal arrows that hung from leather strips did not make a sound as the bounced off one another. 


“This,” she said adjusting the belt around her hips, “Is the Nightingale, an amazing little gem I recovered from the Great Holding in Tear. It has the most unique power of any item of power I’ve ever seen. These lovely little arrows will chime when Shadowspawn come within a certain radius, very helpful to an Aes Sedai that campaigns in the Blight every few years and has no warder to speak of.” She stated pointing a thumb to herself indicating of whom she spoke.


Gathering up the wrappings, she walked to the bin and asked over her shoulder, “Tell me your name, child and which clan you belong to? I recognize the tattoo as clan markings, but which clan is beyond my knowledge.”


Shaneevae el'Edware

Brown Sister


OOC: Shaneevae is most likely just Aes Sedai during this time period.  She is not raised as First Chair until near the main plotline.

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A Nightingale. That must be aone of those ter'angreal that she had heard about. Not how she pictured one. She had expected something fancy, that sparkled and glowed with bright colorful lights. Of course, if she had her way, everything would sparkle and give off colorful light. She was about to reach out to touch it when the Aes Sedai spoke.


"Oh, my name is Melianna Tsunami Hollmen. I do not know what clan I am in, as I grew up with my Father in Arafel." She replied and gave her story about how her parents met and was left with her Father. She thought back to the ter'angreal around the Aes Sedai's waist. Oh, how she wanted to touch it! She didn't have the slightest idea as to why, but she wanted to just touch it a little.


"Aes Sedai, the Nightingale is a ter'angreal, right? If it pleases you, could you tell me a bit more about ter'angreal?


Melianna Hollmen




OOC: Noted, Shan.

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Oh, my name is Melianna Tsunami Hollmen. I do not know what clan I am in, as I grew up with my Father in Arafel.


Shaneevae listened intently and with much interest as the child relayed the story of how one of the Sea Folk came to be raised in Arafel outside of the clan. It was quite amazing really. The Brown Sister did not know much about the culture of the Atha’an Miere, but she knew that it was a matriarchal society and struck her odd that a woman of that society would give up her child.  Then again, maybe not having a man to raise said child would hamper her progression in the ranks. It was interesting to ponder to say the least.


Admittedly, her personal knowledge of the Sea Folk was limited to the few pieces of porcelain she’d pick up over the years and even that was minimal. Shaneevae also knew that with a little research the origin of her tattoo could be discovered in less than an hour. The Tower Library held more information within its walls than the world as a whole.


Aes Sedai, the Nightingale is a ter'angreal, right? If it pleases you, could you tell me a bit more about ter'angreal?


“I can do better than that.” The Aes Sedai said smiling and removing the belt from her own waist. The curvy little woman moved to sling the belt around the Novice’s waist.  “You see child, it seems little more than a belt even when it’s worn.”  Looping the end of the belt around so that it hung loosely upon the darker woman’s hips, she stepped back and smiled, “There is no indication that it is a powerwrought item until Spirit is applied to it by a female channeler.  Our understanding is that it does not work for a man.”


Tilting her head, she smirked, “Not that I’ve had a male channeler in my grasps to act as a guinea pig.”




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Melianna's heart almost exploded. To not only touch a ter'angreal, but to be wearing one. It was like Heaven! But what was stranger, is that she didn't know why she felt that way. She ran her hand over it. To her, it was almost like pure bliss.


She laughed at the joke. "I suppose you probably won't ever have the chance to try it, seeing how the Red Ajah is."


She titled her head."What other kinds of ter'angreal are there?"



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I suppose you probably won't ever have the chance to try it, seeing how the Red Ajah is.


Shaneevae smiled and nodded as she watched the girl fondle the belt wistfully before swishing around like a little one with a new petticoat. The Brown Sister almost sighed with envy at her naiveté.  Such youthful exuberance, she’d like to say she remembered when, but honestly, she was still a bit exuberant herself when learning new things. Light, she was more exuberant than even the fresh faced child wearing the Nightingale when discovering a new find.


Busying herself with returning used books to the bookshelf, she was surprised when the novice asked, “What other kinds of ter'angreal are there?"


Snorting, Shaneevae then laughed, “Light Child, there are more ter’angreal than I have hairs on my head.  I could not even begin to tell you about them all.”  Grunting as she worked diligently at squeezing in a rather large book that did not want to go she continued, “I dare say there are more ter’angreal than even I know exist.”


Giving up, she put the book back in its place on the floor and turned to give the girl a stern look, “And don’t you be messing around with them. Some of them are dangerous items and you could end up getting hurt or worse.”


Removing the Nightingale from the girls hips, she looked at her seriously, “Until you are more experienced with Saidar its not even worth considering for ter’angreal are fickle animals.  They’ll purr for you one minute and scratch your eyes out the next.”


Returning the Nightingale to its rightful place in her office, she turned back around calling over her shoulder, “Do you understand, Child?”



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"Yes Aes Sedai." Melianna said almost droningly after the mini-lecture about the dangers of ter'angreal. She knew she couldn't keep it, but had hoped the Sister may have forgotten it on her when she left.


"Pardon me, Aes Sedai, but I must go back to my dities, now. Thank you very much for the information on ter'angreal. Nice to meet you." She said with a curtsey and headed out the door back into the dark, drab hallway.



Objects of the Power Obsessed Novice

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