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Guest nephitess

Any ideas for more Brown Ajah activity? Ajah Leader ship should RP i think but i'm not sure what. Lets show the tower we live!!

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Guest Arie Ronshor

There was that lovely murder mystery that happened.


Anouther idea I thought up the other day is to Mimic an old Shakespeare play, like Much ado about nothing, or Taming of the Shrew (You would be perfect for that Raeyn! ;)) .. Or anouther old classic and just add a bit of history to it. :) That would be great fun.


Or even have them sucked into a book via a weave to learn some deep dark secret only to be kicked out again once they lived the story. I know there are a few thigns that still need discouvering and that may be one way of doing it. :)

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Guest nephitess

I was thinking a IC haunted house...it being Halloween and all. :)


I love the Book thing, Maybe a sister finds an unknown ter'angeal?

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I think that's sort of the insinuated idea; someone is testing a ter'angrael in one of the offside rooms of the Library, and the book that happens to be open next to her sucks her and anyone in X radius in as well.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

A ter'angreal that maybe when activated does not alow any Skimming or Travelling.. (or) rigns when shadow nears. (with a chosen in the ranks, and Black Ajah that can get difficult though.. )

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Couldn't there have just been a weave/spell placed upon a book so that when a thread of Air touches it or when someone with the ability to channel touches it, it activates the spell?  The spell being all within X radius is sucked in.


A Black Ajah plot of some sort?  Or even a mischievious Accepted messing around with Saidar and protection/keeping/ward weaves and it goes horribly wrong.


I do like the idea of maybe an area in the library, which isn't used often, possibly being haunted.



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Guest nephitess

Sounds good to me :) I can volunteer Veria to be the one find the book. unless there is someone else who wants to.


SO what would happen in the book? A nightmareish experience, a glimpes into the future?

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Guest Arie Ronshor

ooo!! What a concept!


A girl touches a book and the whole of the library (ot those in a certain area) is sucked into some haunted story! (Can't reveal the BA, i'm afraid. :()  They can see everyone esle as they go through thier way of life but only end up walking through them, becoming (for all intent and purpose) a ghost to the other world. (Perhaps the book is something called "The Science and Theoretics of Ter'Aran'Rhoid" by Aremaila Corfleur Nalemar Sedai (a name i had lying around. XD))


But they are very real in the existance they are in. Dangers of other un natural beasts from different books that have come to exist.

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Then the question is, how the heck do we get out of this place and back to reality?


Oh and Andrea, none related question, but can you think of any interesting side effects or benefits to two dreamwalkers sharing a bond?

Trying to decide whether Shaneevae and Covai should remain bonded. ??? ??? ???

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Guest nephitess

Maby it could be turned into some sort of labrynth and they have to find the end...at which point they are spit back out. they could experience alsorts of things in there...the beasts that Andrea mentioned...People they know...ect.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Maybe when everything is dead it reverts to normal? or there is sunshine.. a limited time.. and no one knows this?



And i really have no idea on those sort of side effects. i'll have to think on it. ;)

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I have an idea. Why not have to transport us into a Portal Stone World-like place.  An alternate reality of sorts and how about in this world the taint did not affect the male half of the Source, but the female half.  All of us running for our lives and trying not to be tamed i.e. gentled?


Could be very cool.  Get some NSW male Aes Sedai or even some active ones. What do you all think?

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Read this Andrea, tell me what I need to change and who I need to forward it to for approval since it is interdivisional.


Place: Tar Valon/White Tower – Alternate Reality




In a "Voices in My Head" RP all of those within a certain radius within the library will be sucked into an alternate reality by tripping a ward that has been laid upon a book. This alternate reality is very similar to the one in which we all live except there is one major and disconcerting difference.  In this reality the taint did not affect the male half of the Source, but the female half.  The Breaking was not caused by male Aes Sedai, but FEMALE Aes Sedai.  Those sucked into this reality will now be the hunted and our sanity will be questionable since in this world the taint starts to affect us.  It will be a race to find our way back to our own time and keep our ability to channel intact without being tamed




Who & How:


The threads will be completely OPEN to any that wish to join. It will be a TIMELINE CONSEQUENCE FREE Rp and 100% up to those that join what time in their characters lives they wish to join (only if you have reached full status, i.e. Aes Sedai/Tower Guard/Warder can you RP as one), be it Aes Sedai, Trainee or a simple Tar Valon wanderer. It is open to ALL divisions and any is welcome to join. You can join with your novice, Accepted, Aes Sedai, warder, trainee OR play your Asha’man as Aes Sedai.  We could also use some NSW male Aes Sedai.




The Voices in My Head RP will run from November 15th thru December 15th.




Be realistic! Don’t kill, maim or hurt anyone without his or her permission. Novices, Accepted, and Trainees should remain Novices, Accepted and Trainees in this RP.  It is preferential that PCs be used as far as who comes from the Tower.  Those characters that are from the alternate reality can be whatever and whomever they want. (Andrea, do we need NSW bios for this?)




Shaneevae el’Edware – Brown HoA/ Boss woman of said catastrophe!


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Guest Arie Ronshor

I think if people are submitting NSW bios, a simple paragraph witht he usual physical description is only needed. It wouldn't need to go through approval process as it's for the RP alone. Other then that, I like. :) I'll point Crista for her double thumbs up and you can go ahead and post and run it. :)

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