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RP White Tower Proudly Presents...

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor

A Bubble of Light RP


<b>Place</b>: Tar Valon / White Tower / (Warders Yard)




In a "Bubble of Evil" Rp many bad things happen that would not normally occur in a regular every-day thread. These bath things have ranged from Zombie Novices, the inability to use Saidar, plans gone very wrong to creatures of the shadow within the very White Tower corridors. These bubbles leave you nothing but cold fear and wet breeches at the mere thought of their occurance.


A "Bubble of Light" RP is quite the opposite. What would not normally occur will occur, enemies falling in love, strangers blessed with uncommonly good luck and old flames reuniting. It can be anything that your mind would wish for. Good luck within the city of Tar Valon and a picnic within the very grounds of the White Tower. Novices & Trainees sitting on blankets with Aes Sedai & Tower Guard alike without consequence of rank. Anything can happen, from bondings to marriage to a simple rememberance of a good day.


<b>Who & How</b>:


The threads will be completely OPEN to any that wish to join. It will be a TIMELINE CONSEQUENCE FREE Rp and 100% up to those that join what time in their characters lives they with to join, be it Aes Sedai, Trainee or a simple Tar Valon wanderer. It is open to ALL divisions and any is welcome to join.




The Bubble of Light RP will run from November 1st to November 30th. This is during the month of NaNoWriMo. For those that are not participating, or those that are participating and need something on the lighter side of writing to stretch out a little. There are no expectations, no demands, just simply a thread of goodness. :)




Be realistic! So no power wrought swords falling into their hands, or someone learning a talent (unless they are already approved for one) or someone learning how to travel or skim or balefire etc.  For example, no Trainee will Best a WS 20 blademaster in a spar. The idea is to be fun and creative in other ways. :)




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