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Riding in on her date Mr. Ed


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Myst sits high and pride on her date, Mr Ed, and rides around the campments of the Band, showing off her prize for all to see while the horsie keep yapping and yapping like a gossip aunt on a sunday fair.



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cuz that was bachelor #1 the one I choose in the Green Ajah dating game. *nods*


Corks, this horse of yours is worse than a woman on a market place, it just won't shut up!!


[Mr. Ed]: My Dear, you would benefit greatly by listening to the shere wisdom of my words and drawing in the timeless value of my advice. *hinnicks*


uhuh..... Sure, Eddy.... sure hon.... *patpats Mr Ed*



Chip off the old owner? *arches eyebrow at Corki*

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and people think I'm weird..... Flanked on the left by Green Souvra's that hook me up with a horse and on the Right by an MG who happens to own the horse that has ideas of activities in haystacks and the likes when thinking of a person with a horse. And they call us Infants bad... No wonder those warhorses run so fast, they're prolly trying to get as far away from that haystack as possible, the poor things.

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whatya' gonna give the girl for her birthday? A barrel of hay? *rolls eyes*


Northy!! I really really REALLY would like you to box his ears for me. Now in which 'context' you do that is totally up to you.... But Box 'em REAL good!


I should send Greenpeace on his Greek ass, abusing animals like that.... tsk!


*patpats Mr Ed and gives him another carrot* Don'tya' worry, hon. I'm not letting you get anywhere near a haystack.


*hops on Froix* Now you on the other hand..... *licks lips*

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