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Intiate Mina Daemeau


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•Training with the Power: Training with the Power to learn basic flows, to recognize all Five Powers, and to make the Power come when you wish. These are the things you must do before you can be safely sent to study on your own.


The Power of the Five: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,20347.0.html (2 posts) UNFINISHED


Optional modules


• Rivalry (*) – Your character develops a rival, whether it be in the aspects of the One Power, popularity, or skill with a blade. RP out the beginning of this rivalry.


Puppy Love: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,18353.0.html (12 posts) DONE


• Social Interaction (*) – Your Acolyte, as isolated as she is likely to be, will obviously interact with other people from time to time. This is a simple interaction with another person/s sworn to the Shadow, and how your character’s personality has changed after becoming an Acolyte of the Shadow.


Carving the evil out of me: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,18537.0.html (8 posts) DONE


• Pointy End Bad – A basic training class with any training master, or retired soldier, you can find. This class goes over the basic aspects of many weapons, and how to use each. This class should raise you to WS 3, enough to handle a weapon with reasonable competence.


Forging a weapon of myself: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,19920.0.html (9 posts) DONE

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