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CoL privy boards - Access


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There are 4 CoL Privy boards.


1. Staff board - Acces to yours truly, Coren and Kuro.

2. Hand of the Light

3. Army of the Light

4. Whisper of the Light.


Whoever stated their affiliations, got access to the privy boards. For instance FDM stated that she would like to choose Whisper when she becomes soldier, so I already gave her access. I'm permitting access before you reach the stage RP wise where you have to make a choice because I want you to get to know the inner working of the group and mingle a bit :)


So if anyone doesn't have access to one of the CoL factions and already knows which group his character will be joining in the near future...post here and i'll give you access. If you're not quite sure what direction your character will choose, wait for it. I wouldn't like to give access and then have to change it cause you ended up choosing another faction...It will be done if a valid reason is given....point is...I don't want you to choose a faction only cause you want access to one of the privy boards right now :p


So...think before you declare your choice here *wink*


Have fun :D


and whoever hasn't joined the DF hunt on the east board yet (titled by good vs.evil) please do so now! It's going to be fun ;)







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