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Double Elimination Tourney


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Sign up thread is:  http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,21326.0.html - You are free to sign up at anytime.  If you've already been through the double elimination, you will have to wait a full round to sign up again.  We will keep this thread rolling as long as people want to participate.


RP Thread: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,22038.0.html


Rules:  You are free to post watching the tourney, however please do not have any conversations with other people, this is mainly a thread for those sparring but I'm not going to limit it to that, just try to keep the talk down.  Participants, lets try to wrap these up in 3 to 4 posts each to keep this moving, we aren't counting but we don't want to have this drag on either.  A one week limit will be set, if there isn't a new post to the current spar with in one week of the last post made by that person we will move on.  If the person happens to be the winner they will forfeit that rounds.  Please give a leave notice if you can't post with in a week of your last post, please.


First Set:  Cairma & Rosheen (Winners will be PMed to the pairs so watch the thread to see who wins)



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

i'll be on much later (i'm heading off for a whil to catch up on some much needed writing and plotting. but since everything closes at midnight i 'should' be home around then.. unless the battery in the laptop dies. :P) PM me any joint Rp such.. ;)

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  • 1 month later...

And Sana and Cairma is finally done and posted!  Sorry about the wait everyone!  So.. who's next?


And Mat, do you mind my Yellow Sister being in the Yards for healing in all this?  Would love to get her down here and playing with the boys and girls :p  let me know if it's OK...

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