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Laman's Legacy: Phase 3


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Who would have guessed it would finally get written? :)  Battle time, chance for Aiel to wreak some havoc and ruin upon the Cairhienin, and in turn for the Cairhienin to thin out some of the finest that the Aiel have to offer.  The RP focuses on one particular segment of the battle, in Caraf Street.  Ghaul is leading this particular group into battle, and has been pushing it forward to tempt the Rogues and Sons of Cairhien to send their best, to break the enemy in Caraf.  The Rogues and Son's of Cairhien entertain the same aim, to break the heart of the Aiel by loping off the head of the serpent.


Go wild, just remember that enemies will be on par and matched for skill and ability here, unlike the earlier raid on the Sons of Cairhien :)

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