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This is maybe redundant...


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...I'm finally starting my introduction thread, though I've been a Bander for almost eight months. Just introducing myself. I'm Ben (or Benny or Benedict) and I'm from the wonderful city of Minneapolis. I dance ballet six days a week, and hope to pursue it professionally. I'm a Junior in High School and I'm usually swamped with homework during the weekdays, though occasionally (like tonight) I have a light homework load. Pretty much it...

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If you ask Estel nicely she probably would consider counting the req as done given how long you've been with us...but either way, it's nice to do get to know you threads. :D


Never would have picked you as a dancer, that's very cool. If you're that dedicated as to do it 6 days a week, I'm sure you will do well pursuing it as a career! :)

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