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new RP coming [fight sequence]


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Looking for one to three of yall who would be willing to have a fight picked with you. We can decide on the details beforehand and etc. My character is in Altara [south] and somewhere in the future she will need to get some sort of injury so she can manage to meet up with one of the Kin. Otherwise, she is floundering.


PM me, or post here, if you are interested. [at the moment, still waiting for my bio to be fully approved].

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Hello. I am the second of the CotL. It wolud be a relative pleasure to injure your character, but we would need to work out some reasons for said injuring. On top of this I would be able to bring another 2 rookies with me I am sure. However, I would not partake in anything, as Kuros is a high WS character. I hope this can be the start of something amusing.

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