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Scare the Scarry, Help the Chosen!


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Hi folks. :)


Ata recently informed me on the fact that a lot of the Chosen are sitting playerless, and without decent backgrounds/bios to them. What we thought would be neat was if any members would be interested in working on these bios and the history, and by doing so, earn points or skip requirements themselves. What're peoples thoughts on this? Are you interested?


Info needed for:










You know you want to. :D If interested, please post, and then we can figure out how we can award you in return. :)

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most of all its just collecting info and writing it up in bio format from around sg site and CotS intro side on DM


posible do some search on the rp's they done as of late before dying off in the psw here and the forums we just moved from

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futher some info to be found


in the history of the shadow on CotS info side



surely more here in their outdated bio's



some on the rp archive board



and for those really old ones there might be something in this section of info sougth out in ancient sites and archives, not all the info has been retrived so gold stars to those who is energetic enough to dig into them but not expecting that of anyone


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