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Making an acquaintance (attn: Jatasha)


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The seven roomed apartment in the barracks of the Harbour Guard was filled with bustle as Arette tried to get herself, her daughters and the place presentable for the guest for a lunch. Jatasha Danica wasn't a noble or even very influental person officially but she seemed to be involved with one of the leaders of the Band of the Red Hand. Her husband was overseeing her weapon training so Arette had decided that she should meet the young woman too and for her own pride the lunch had to be the best she could make it at such short notice after inviting Jatasha on a whim. She had wanted to be alone with the woman so she had asked Con to eat with the men today even if it pained her to not spend every possible moment she was home with him. Light knew that her may duties kept her away too much.


She gave a last stir to the simple looking fish soup and inhaled the smell wafting with steam with pleasure. The food was spiced carefully, laced generously with cream and the materials were the very best so the girl should have a better meal than most military cook's could provide. Rana was sulking and complaining about having to wear stupid clothes and not being able to play with her cousins like usual. Arette sighed and schooled herself to patience as her daughter was just hungry. Usually she opposed giving children sweets just to quiet them but she wasn't going to let Rana to make a bad impression so a bribery was necessary now. Good impressions were important even if the woman was a former prostitute. Not of her own will though and she was so horribly young that Arette's heart ached for her more than anything.


Hearing the knock from the door at exactly the agreed time, she quickly carried the soup kettle and the linen-covered basket with fresh bread to the table. She gave a smooth and tug to her simple dress before heading to open and greet the quest.


"You are a timely one, Jatasha", she said with a smile. "Welcome and come in. Rana and Cina, greet our guest as well." She beamed as they gave awkward curtsies. "I hope that you don't mind if we eat right away." It was quite a rhetoric question and she motioned toward the table where her daughters were already climbing on their chairs. She thwapped expertly Rana's fingers that were reaching for a roll as she took her own seat. "Guests first, dear." She offered the basket for Jatasha and filled her plate with a dipper with her other hand before serving her daughters and herself last.


"How has your day been? Did you and Con do some training today? And how have you liked it so far? I have found that he can be a bit demanding teacher but he is always fair and willing to explain if you don't understand."


Arette Stavros

Advisor to the Queen of Illian

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It was too much really.  Although Jatasha had come with the Band of the Red Hand to offer information she knew, she wasn't really one of them though she had friends among them now.  She was really just a whore who happened to grow up in this area.  That was all she was.  And yet her lover was a man with high rank among the Band as was well respected.  She was getting training from Lord Con Stavros himself.  And now she was having lunch with the Lady Stavros.  The Aes Sedai.  The Aes Sedai who now sat as councelor to the Queen whom she herself had met.  It was too much in just about every way to think. 


When the door opened she had hardly had time to take everything in when they had been whisked away to the table.  She pulled at her dress hoping she was presentable enough.  She'd bought it in town the week before to have something nice to wear.  She'd hoped to talk Carnhain into taking her out someplace but had as of yet failed miserably.  It was a pretty dress though and quite fashionable to boot so she felt her features were well played off.  It made her look young, but sometimes when she looked at herself in the mirror like that she remembered what it had been like to feel young and not have so many things pressing around her. 


The children were behaving quite well though Jatasha wasn't very sure about children.  Oh she'd played with them in the streets and all, but she wasn't used to having them underfoot all the time and she sometimes wondered if she ever would.  Light only knew when she'd find a man that thought well enough of her to want to stick around.


The questions came out of the blue and Jatasha took a quick drink so her voice would be clear as she spoke.  "Yes My Lady." She said.  "We did train, but I do no find him demanding."  She wasn't sure what his wife meant by that but when she had offered to repay his training with the only trade she knew he had denied the need.  Most men would have demanded the payment before even starting.  "He do be a fair teacher and though I be sore and tired after, I do feel I be learning more each day.  It do be more than a girl like me do even be hoping for to be honest."


Jatasha Danica

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After cautioning the girls about the soup that was quite hot and showing them how to stir it and cool the next spoonful, Jatasha had the full attention of Arette. She'd have to set the Illianer straight about the title thing or it would be a serious hinderance to really getting to know each others. "Please call me just Arette. I am no different woman than I was just few weeks ago before my husband was deemed worth the title. As for being demanding, I mean that he wants you to push yourself past your limits and what you feel comfortable doing naturally." Surprisingly often she did manage to squeeze that extra effort out of her but she wasn't slacking with her training even if he sometimes made her feel like she was. But she was easy to be made feel guilty and he had only her best interest in mind beside wanting her to stay alive.


"I have understood that you have had... difficulties in your life", Arette said carefully. "That can make people to try not to hope too much but sometimes the world is like we see it. If you expect good things to happen to you, you spot opening doors and opportunities everywhere but if you are certain that nothing good will ever happen to you and you don't have confidence in yourself, you can ruin wonderful things in your life." Just like she had almost brought her and Con's relationship to an end once. It felt like an eternity had passed since but she had really wrested a victory of her fears only a little over year ago.


Shaking free of her introspection, she realised that Jatasha likely had taken her comment entirely the wrong way. She hid her chagrin to trying to wipe a soup stain from Cina's dress. It was expected as she had to have her daughters change clothes every day and on worst days twice a day but these were one of their better outftits. Ah well, it was just fabric. She gave both girls a loving caress that they didn't really react to as they were too focused on eating and babbling to each others quietly. Smiling to the Illianer woman, she tried to mend her earlier blunder. "What are you hoping for then, Jatasha? You left Illian some time ago but is here something for you again or do you wish to stay with the Band now?"


Arette Stavros

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Jatasha wasn't sure how to take the Lady.. Arette's words.  She had never been one to see the bad in the world.  In fact she had always been an optimist.  She thought it was because of her mother's teachings, having learned the Way of the Leaf from her even though she had never lived it.  Still, it was true that people saw the world according to their own beliefs.  If she had been left to her own devices she might never have found the Band.  It had been Carnhain that had taken her in and helped her then.


She smiled at the thought of him, even as Arette asked about her place.  "I do be... happy being with the Band of the Red Hand." She said, not knowing what the woman expected of her.  "I did leave when my Da died to try the world and I be found by the Band.  They do be taking me in when I be in trouble and they be a good people to be with. Carnhain, you did meet him L- Arette, he be finding me in trouble and he do be trying to keep me out of it since." She added with a small smile.  "I be making friends there and they be the kind that stick I think.  I can no be saying that about too many I knew on the streets when I do be living here." She said.



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Jatasha's story had luckily a happy ending. Arette wondered briefly why she didn't have any other family beside her father considering the normal number of children in the Perfumed Quarters but maybe he hadn't been a native. She nodded in acknowledgement that she remembered Carnhain, a slightly temperamental young man. From the look on Jatasha's face, she at least seemed quite eager to be getting into all kind of trouble with him. But she really deserved that kind of happiness too as the poor girl hadn't had many friends to stand by her beside the Stavrosi boys. She wondered if they had really understood what she had been doing for her living.


"Loyal friends are worth their weight in gold. I am glad to hear that you have found your place and people, Jatasha." She quickly attended to her daughters, giving Rana more soup and fishing a roll off Cina's plate with a tsk and drying it to a napkin before she handed it back to the child. "I feel the same about Illian and the Stavrosi. I was happy enough in Andor but this is the only place for me and Con." The Whitecloaks would not bother him here and if only the White Tower revoked the stupid warrant, things would be quite optimal as he could meet his sister again.


"Just make sure that you will never be stuck in a situation where you are expected to be too many things and fill many roles at the same time. But I suppose that it is easy enough to take a break from soldiering if you want to do something else." She had of course family in mind. Four years ago she would have never imagined that life like this could be for her and that she would be advertising the joys of motherhood to others. A silly thing as there was really no need to convert anyone. She would have also laughed at the conservative family values and roles she had adopted without much issues. At least tending her family wasn't the only thing she did or she would have grown frustrated. But then wanting, no, needing to do other things too was what caused all her problems. She just couldn't stop being an Aes Sedai, especially now when she had finally understood what it really meant.


"So how long is the Band staying in Ilian? And do you know yet what you want to specialise into? I have understood that there are several possibilities in the military. Cavarly, archers, healers... And why military? Was it just because the Band took you in or do you really feel like it is your calling? I don't doubt that you have it in you but despite being married to a soldier, I still sometimes find myself wondering how they can keep doing it." And it had bore heavily on Con but there was no need to disillusion the young woman. Likely she wouldn't have believed her anyway despite participating the battle against Serashda. "Have you ever taken a life?"


Arette Stavros

With killing count of 5

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Jatasha took a sip of water as she listened to Arette speaking.  A lot of questions and some that she had been mulling over herself.  She might not seem like much of a thinker to others, and in general she lived by her heart, but having been sitting around with the Band for some time now and still not having made a decision was making her confused in both mind and heart. 


"There do be death all over the streets and I do no know anyone.." She looked at the girls and changed her words slightly, "who be doing what I do, that do no know it.  There be times where it be you or them.  I do never be willing to let it be me."  She shrugged.  She didn't know how many people she had killed on the streets.  It wasn't a lot, but even one was hard to deal with.  If she concentrated hard enough she could see the face.  Years of conscious will had kept her from seeing any of the dead, or remembering how many of them there were.  "And I did be in the battle, though I do no really belong in any place in the Band.  I just be lucky enough to make it through without much notice."  And that was the truth no matter how she looked at it.


"But I did no want to be in the military.  I did go to the Band because I be hurt and need a place to stay.  Carnhain did offer me that.  I do be making friends and working to keep my own... but then in time you do be hearing what they are and what they fight for.  I do no want to join an army that fights for a King or Queen to put people down when they rebel or to fight off enemies.  I do be wanting to join the Band though.  They do no be having any business in Illian, except it do be the right thing to do.  For that, I do be finding my place... somewhere.. with them."


Light she hoped she could.  Her initial lesson with Con had given her far more hope that she would have realized, the belief that she truly could become something more than what she was.  That she could really be a valuable member of the Band without having to sell herself.  She realized even now that part of the reason she was always sabotaging her lessons with Carnhain was the fear that she wouldn't be good enough.  Though to be honest, it was something in the back of her mind, and it wasn't exactly her mind that had her wrapping her arms around the man whenever he got within touching distance these days.  She found herself blushing slightly at the thought of Carnhian and took another sip to try to hide it.


Jatasha :P 

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Jatasha clearly moderated her words on behalf of Arette's daughters and she smiled and nodded at the young woman appreciatively. The smile turned symphatetic when Jatasha spoke of the dire situations she had been in the streets. She and Con worked to change things so that no one in the Perfumed Quarters would have to be subjected to a life like that anymore but it was a long process. Truly profound change always took time but that was the only way to make sure that the results would be permanent.


She could definately see why Jatasha wasn't so keen to serve any ruler with the issues with the impostor on the throne of her own home country. The life the former street girl had been living also didn't encourage for great patriotism and desire to serve the country in the military. It made sense that she had made her home with those who had welcomed her warmly after all her troubles and the Band certainly championed a good cause. "It sounds to me like you have found your place already, now it is just about specifics of how you will serve and training to get the needed skills which is well under way also."


Jatasha turned briefly inwards and seemed to be reliving some memories. Good ones judging from the blush and Arette smiled knowingly. She had likely appeared just the same in the first months after the wonderfully unexpected hook up with Con when she hadn't been guarding her looks.


"So who is he?", she asked softly even though she had her guesses from the way Jatasha had mentioned the name of a certain Bander. "It is such a wonderful feeling, especially when it is mutual. And it is in this case, isn't it?"


Arette Stavros

Queen's Advisor

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Jatash's eyes widened at the mention of a man.  Light, but she didn't think she'd been that obvious.  Well... she never meant to be, but sometimes things just seemed to happen when Carnhain was around.  Like some rather public displays.


She looked at the other woman hoping that her face wasn't flushing even worse.  She hated when it happened and considering what she was there were few things that really caused it.  Carnhain and the emotions that seemed to pop up whenever she thought of him seemed to be one of them.


"I... I do no know what he be feeling." She looked at the girls again before speaking.  "I be what I am and maybe that be it... but maybe... Carnhain..."  She shrugged.  "I do no know what to say around him."  she finally said, unable to put anything into words.  How could she?  She felt strongly for him, but she didn't let herself think on it too much.  Someday he would learn what she was doing and it would be over.  Unless that's all it was for him and if that was the case she'd rather not have examined her feelings to closely.  She didn't want a broken heart from the one man that had been really good to her.



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Bah, youngsters. They were always surprised when someone noticed their feelings that they had tried to be discreet about, Arette thought with amusement. But love and cough were almost impossible to hide and since they were both the Wisdom's trade, she had become somewhat keen at noticing the signals of warm emotions and sickness. She tapped her lip thoughtfully as she listened to Jatasha's stammering explanation and wondered what she should say. Encouragement was always safe and since she had gotten involved already by prying, she had to say something.


"I'm sure that you have an inkling and I think that that frightens you. The possibility that it might actually work and then not when he finds out about... well. But he cares for you and I believe that he cares enough to not get stuck to it. And you shouldn't worry so much about what to say. Everyone is nervous at first around that special person and stepping lightly because you don't want to make mistakes and give a bad picture of yourself and reveal what you really are like. It will pass with time as you get to know each others better and glimpse more and more the real yous... and when you encounter your first crisis and get through it... and then the next one. That is when you and your will to make it work are really tested."


She cleared her throat with embarrasment when she thought back at how many snags she and Con had to have worked through and mainly because of her deeds and issues. "You just have to have faith. When it is the right one, they won't give up on you even if you behave idiotically sometimes... or even often." Sigh. Like her. "And even if you manage to do something really outragous and alienate them like I did, they can still be won back." But admittedly she and Con had been together for years by then even if they had been apart for almost as many. And the fact that they had children had been an incentive that would have forced them to work out things somehow sooner or later.


Well, that hadn't been as encouraging as she had intended it to be. "And with those strong silent soldier types, actions often count more than words", she added with a wink and from the look on Jatasha's face she could deduce that they hadn't waited for the wedlock either. Although from what little she had seen from Carnhain, he certainly wasn't quiet and very considerate in what it came to his words. So likely he and Jatasha would have some spectacular arguments ahead of them but the making up was always sweet even if she appreciated quarrels never occuring in the first place. "Still, I think that the most important thing is honesty to yourself and him. If you really want the relationship to become something that weathers anything, you need to give of yourself fully no matter how scary it is. The rewards are worth every risk."



Knows very well the do not's of a relationship

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Jatasha listened attentively, surprised by the interest this woman was showing in her.  And the kindness.  It had been a long time since she'd had a mother figure in her life and listening to Arette was like listening to what her mother might have said.  If her father hadn't killed her so many years ago.  She sighed at the final words.  Worth the risk.  She wasn't so sure about that.  If she came clean he might never want to see her again.  If she didn't, he was bound to find out sooner or later.  But she was hoping for the later and at least then she would have more memories of him to hold her as she went about the world.


"You do be a wise woman." She said with a smile.  "I do no know if I have that sort of courage, but I do be trying."  At least she was trying to learn more about the man she cared about, she was trying to understand who he was and what things meant to him.  She had a long way to go to reach that, he seemed almost foreign to her sometimes, but she had always known that her world was slightly off kilter.


"He do be a good man, and brave."  Her smile grew as she thought of him and not her fears over him.  "He did no be happy that I be in the fighting, but in some ways he be like any other man and easily distracted by the right things.  But he is good to me.  For me, I think."  She looked up and realized she'd been babbling a little.  "Sorry, it do seem that even when I talk about him he be making me like that."



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Jatasha's praise made Arette shrug wryly as she did not feel so very wise even after all her years. If she had learned anything, it had been through many mistakes more than anything. But some people just had to climb to trees bottom first and she seemed to be one of them. She let Jatasha finish again, hiding her smile at the way the young woman looked and sounded like when she spoke of Carnhain. She certainly was head over heels and from what little Arette had heard, he seemed to be treating her well as he ought to. She could certainly understand why the man hadn't been happy to hear that Jatasha had been in the fight, she wasn't happy about it either because the woman simply wasn't skilled enough with her weapons yet to keep herself safe against a trained opponent. But there was no use for her to bring the matter up again as she certainly knew it now. And she was learning so it would be a different situation when the next occasion rose.


"There's no reason to apologize. That is just how you ought be feeling and behaving like in this situation." She was about to reply Jatasha's comment about courage when Rana who had been squirming on her seat for a while now pushed her chair back and was about to leave the table. It was a sign to Cina that lunch was over even though she still had food left.


"Stop it there, Rana and you too, Cina. You both need to thank for the food. And Cina, you should first finish your plate."


"Thank you", Rana piped and from the way she was standing, she had to obviously go.


"You are welcome, sweetie. Do you need any help?", Arette asked and Rana shot her an indigant look before dashing off. "I no be a baby, Mama. I be doing it myself."


She sighed wistfully at how fast the children grew and scooped up Cina giving her a kiss to her forehead before she planted her back to her seat. "You are going to always be my baby, Cina. Even when you are as big as Jatasha here." The girl thought it for a moment before she decided that it was a funny mental image and giggled. "Now eat everything. If you eat well, you might one day be so big girl that even your father can't lift you up." That would have to be quite a giant from the ease Con sometimes flung her over his shoulder, Arette thought with a smile at the pleasent memories.


"Sorry about that, Jatasha. Where were we? Ah, the topic of courage. Do you know what is the basis of that? Self-confidence and believing in yourself and that you are worth his love. And you are, Jatasha. You are just as good for him as he is for you if you just let yourself to be. I know what I am talking about because as happy as Con and I are now, it wasn't always so. I didn't have much faith in myself and therefore our relationship so when it really came to test, I failed miserably and we were parted for some time. I really hope that when your test comes, you won't falter like I did."



Hoping that others can learn from her mistakes

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Courage was something she knew nothing about.  She'd spent her life as she had, never daring to be anything more, always afraid that she would fail if she tried.  She would do what she could though.  She had to.  She wanted to be with Carnhain, wanted it more each time she was with him.  Talking about him with Arette made her realize it even more.  She had to do something... when she could.  Illian wasn't the place to get started.  When she got back.  Or after things settled back to normal...


"I do be hoping there be no tests, but life do no work like that too often." She said with a smile.  "Speaking of that..." She hesitated not certain what to say, but needing to do this anyway.  "I do be in your family's debt and I wish to be paying that back.  Con do be giving me lessons and he be telling me to ask you what I can be doing to work that off."  It wasn't the whole story but it was all she was going into.  She wasn't about to admit to attempting to pay off the debt in trade when Con had turned her down so completely. 



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The Wheel weaved as the Wheel willed and everyone would encounter trials and tribulations during the course of their life. Usually they taught lessons that you needed to learn. And even though you likely wasn't thankful when the event occurred, later you might be when you looked back and saw how you had changed and hopefully for the better. Jatasha's life hadn't been the happiest and it certainly felt unfair and wrong that anyone had had to go through what she had but it was past now and she would have a happier future in front on her if she just gave Carnhain and her the chance.


Her next words openly surprised Arette and she frowned in thought. Con would never have expected any payment for teaching, in fact she was certain that he had told Jastasha as much. But even if the people of the Perfumed Quarters didn't have much, they had their prides. One manifestation of that was that many parents whose children she and Helena had taught had insisted on giving them some kind of a favour in return. It would have been impolite to refuse even if the families really would have needed the resources more themselves. So seemed to be the case here too.


"Well, I could always use help with the house. My kinswomen do chores together on each others' houses but I have been more a taker than a giver lately." She sighed with frustration that there just wasn't enough time to do everything that she wanted. All things seemed equally important so too often she had to see where she could make the biggest difference and it was the family who lost. "But if you have some other skills, please tell me and I will gladly utilize them. For example can you read and write? We really need more teachers."



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"I do be able to read." Jatasha said, pleased that she might be able to do something that the family actually needed.  "My ma, she do be of the traveling people and though she did no learn with them, was fascinated by written words.  When I do be younger she be learning and be teaching me what she learned.  As I do be on my own, I be learning more.  She did ask it of me once, to learn more when I could and it be the only thing she be asking of me that I can be doing after she was gone."


She realized she had said more than she probably needed to, but she felt the need to explain.  She didn't want them to think she was getting ahead of herself, a little whore from the Quarters after all, learning to read and write? "If it do be of help, I do be able to read and write.  I do be told I have a fair hand, though nothing as elegant as a Lady like you be having."



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It was good thing Jatasha was literate or otherwise she would have found herself receiving lessons in reading and writing too. Arette held adamantly that they were important skills everyone should learn and even though even some of her relatives were doubtful of their usefulness and necessity, most children of the family got some kind of tutoring currently. Arette was surprised to hear that Jatasha's mother had been a Tuatha'an and she wondered how she had ended up living with a man from Perfumed Quarters. Tinkers rarely entered large cities after all.


"Excellent, reading and writing are important skills. And I am sure that your handwriting is beautiful. If mine is any good, it is because of alot of practice. I used to be a Brown Sister and the Brown Ajah is all about gaining and preserving knowledge. Books are marvelous things. And for my last ten years in the Tower I was essentially a glorified clerk and accountant." In her opinion Keeper's job was mainly that and it was the only part of the work she had excelled at.


"Your mother would be proud to know that you have honed your skills and otherwise too, Jatasha." An idea crossed her mind and she wondered if Jatasha had received any teaching in it. Con would surely appreciate it even if the lessons would likely be awkward and embarrassing. "Did she ever teach you how to dance tiganza? I... well, I might be perhaps interested in it." She hid her slight chagrin to helping Cina exit the table after she had said her thank you. Of course she could always ask Telcia to teach her but that was pretty much stillborn idea because she did never want to compare herself to her friend in matters like that again. "But about teaching, if you train in the mornings with Con, maybe you could attend your young pupils for few hours in the afternoons."



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It was a surprising thing, to be asked to teach someone else, but Jatasha found the idea both frightening and exciting.  She almost refused for fear that she wouldn't have what it took to teach.  "I..." she thought about what she owed Con though and decided there was no way around it.  He wouldn't take her preferred trade, so she was going to have to try something else.  "I do be able to teach in the afternoons. At least as long as the Band do be staying in the city.  I can no make promised on anything more than that.  When they do be going, I be going as well."


She felt a strange urge then, pulled between leaving with the Band and a desire to make something more of herself and help her home.  She could learn to teach and then she would be able to make good money at something else.  She might even be able to find some of the girls who had been almost kind to her and help them.  She shook her head of the idea quickly though.  She was just a whore and staying here would only prove it further.  At least before she moved on this time though she would be able to show them that she was capable of something more.  If only for a short time anyway.



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Jatasha stammered and looked apprehensive enough that for a moment Arette thought that she would refuse. But finally she seemed to make her decision and accepted. "Excellent then. And of course it is only for as long as you ar able. That is how long you are training with Con too after all. I will come with you for the first time tomorrow and introduce you to everyone. There are eight younger nieces and nephews who are learning the basics currently so you can attend them. I will be helping few of the older ones with their assignments." She laughed. "It can be really confusing in the beginning. The Stavrosi like to name children after relatives so there will be a few kids with same names. There are for example four little Cons in the family currently." The thought of a little boy they would never have that could have been named after someone sombered her for a moment.


And Jatasha had evaded her question about tiganza. Maybe it was for the best as it would be awfully awkward. And she wouldn't likely be a graceful dancer anyway and Jatasha's help was needed more with the children. "But you know, I have been dominating the conversation so far. Old habits die hard. Is there something you would like to discuss?" If not, Arette didn't really mind taking the reign but it was polite to let the other woman direct the talk if she wanted to.



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  • 2 weeks later...

She couldn't imagine anything she'd have to say that the Lady Stavros would find of interest.  But then again, the Lady was very kind and seemed to take an interest in things Jatasha wouldn't have thought she would.  "You do be too kind my Lady." She said, having nothing really that she wanted to reveal about herself.  "There be little enough in my life that do be of interest and most of it be happening right here where you be seeing it, so I don't suppose there be much I can add to the conversation."


She wasn't trying to be modest or anything.  She didn't know what sort of things a woman like her would discuss and she had already talked about Carnhain though she was sure she could talk hours about him and not grow weary of the subject, nor learn enough that would keep him once he learned of her trade but she didn't think now was the time of place for that.  Certainly not with a Lady Aes Sedai who would think her a child for bringing such things up.  Again.


Jatasha :P

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