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Jaydena Mckanthur


Captain General & ADL


Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:34 am

Posts: 650    Re: What I still need to do....

Tiassale Morobin // Andular Rojvas

Taya Gille // Eos Gaidin (INACTIVE), Stones Gaidin (TPC)

Eldrenne Ayschar // Neroin al'Ranach

Jaydena McKanthur // Raisa Gaidin

Kaylan Morin // Mercury Sansiria (INACTIVE), Calya Gille (INACTIVE), Jada Sellick (TPC)

Mandi Mubrylla // Alrok Gaidin (INACTIVE)

Tayline Jolryn // Kylen Ingresar, Petra Mirabal

Kara Bankshee // Meia Nahean


Bonded info as of Feb 2006



Stand Ready with the Green Ajah.



Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:19 am     


Jaydena Mckanthur


Captain General & ADL


Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:34 am

Posts: 650    Re: What I still need to do....

Green Ajah Traditions


- Battle weaves

- key to Rashima's Garden

- What happens upon a sister's petition to the Green (Der).

- who the captain general is

-tea at battle weaves

-hair pins at Raising

-presents at raising

-Introducing Warder to Ajah Head

-Flares during battle


And here are some suggestions for othr things she shouldn't be told:

- who the Keeper of the Vault is (or that there even is one I guess)

- recipe for mint tea


New idea, get personal history from each green and make tree on who relates to who in the Tower and how!



Stand Ready with the Green Ajah.



Mon Jul 30, 2007 4:18 am     


Jaydena Mckanthur


Captain General & ADL


Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:34 am

Posts: 650    Re: What I still need to do....

Eyes and Ears stuff:


I would like to propose the signal then - all Green Sisters in times of emergency should look to blacksmith's (Tia already has one E&E in Far madding whose a blacksmith)


A Green Agent will signal an emergency with the following - a tripod of swords outside the forge's door, one sword will be enameled in Green somehow and will be leaning more than the others.


Voting? or should the sitters and head decide this?



Stand Ready with the Green Ajah.



Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:31 pm     


Jaydena Mckanthur


Captain General & ADL


Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:34 am

Posts: 650    Re: What I still need to do....

The Vault: It's a set of rooms within the Green Quarters that is essentially a monument to all fallen Greens. Each Sister that has ever fallen in duty to the Greens or believes to have been fallen, is given a glassed cubby hole in which memories of her are stored. There is always a portrait of the sister, as well as her gaidin or gaidars, and memorabila of her lifetime, things that were special to her such as a favorite hair clip, her Green Ajah Bracelet, a favorite book, etc. The entrance room is round with a sunken floor, the glassed walls are raised up above the floor and there are stone pillars along the wall every few feet. Seating of comfy Green Chairs on inside the sunken area, so that we can take time to reflect on our fallen sisters. At the other end of the room is a exit that leads back into the other Vault areas, several sets of connecting rooms make up the Vault. This are serves to remind us what we are fighting for and that there are losses in every war



Stand Ready with the Green Ajah.



Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:00 pm     


Jaydena Mckanthur


Captain General & ADL


Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:34 am

Posts: 650    Re: What I still need to do....

Timeline updated in 05


601 NE: Gerra Kishar is raised to Amyrlin from the Gray Ajah

605 NE: Myriam Copan is born in Tear.

606 NE: Nadia Mirche born in Tear.

611 NE: Alarya Erduan born in Arad Doman.

620 NE: Myriam is tested and enrolled in the Book of Novices.

620 NE: Nadia is tested and enrolled in the Book of Novices.

628 NE: Alarya is tested and enrolled in the Book of Novices.

629 NE: Myriam is raised to Accepted.

630 NE: Miraina Veladar is born in a stronghold in Kandor, near the Blight border.

630 NE: Nadia is raised to Accepted.

635 NE: Alarya is raised to Accepted.

638 NE: Varuna Morrigan is raised to Amyrlin from the Green Ajah

638 NE: Myriam is raised to Aes Sedai and petitions the Green Ajah.

639 NE: [early] Nadia is raised to Aes Sedai and petitions the Green Ajah.

639 NE: [mid] Myriam is accepted into the Green Ajah.

639 NE: [late] Nadia is accepted into the Green Ajah.

641 NE: Alarya is raised to Aes Sedai and petitions the Green Ajah.

643 NE: Alarya is accepted into the Green Ajah.

646 NE: Miraina is discovered by a passing Aes Sedai, and is enrolled in the Book of Novices

672 NE: Emilia Bashan is born in Maradon, Saldaea

681 NE: Cemaile Sorenthaine is raised to Amyrlin from the Gray Ajah

689 NE: A Green Sister in the Borderlands tests Emilia and finds that she can learn to channel. She is enrolled in the Book of Novices not long afterwards.

697 NE: Emilia is raised to Accepted.

704 NE: Myriam is raised to Captain-General & Sitter for the Green Ajah.

705 NE: Marasale Jureen is raised to Amyrlin from the Yellow Ajah

706 NE: Daeralle Kasaya Verimal is born in Tarabon.

708 NE: Emilia is raised to Aes Sedai and petitions the Green Ajah.

709 NE: Emilia is accepted into the Green Ajah.

720 NE: Daeralle comes to the Tower to be enrolled in the Book of Novices .

725 NE: Miraina is raised to Sitter of the Green Ajah.

732 NE: Feragaine Saralman is raised to Amyrlin from the Blue Ajah

743 NE: Lanfir Leah Marithsen is born in Whitebridge, Andor, to darkfriend parents called Rendor and Leah Marithsen.

745 NE: Lanfirs parents are exposed and hanged on a square in Whitebridge by Whitecloaks. Little Lannie is being adopted by Marisah Candor, her neighbor.

751 NE: Emilia, Miraina, Myriam and Daeralle lead a successful campaign into Saldaea to fight the Shadow with minor losses aside from the death of Emilia’s warder Stephan.

754 NE: Myriam Copan is raised to Amyrlin from the Green Ajah

754 NE: Miraina is raised to Captain-General upon the raising of Myriam to Amyrlin Seat.

760 NE: Miraina Veladar of the Green Ajah tests Lanfir and brings her to the Tower to be enrolled in the Book of Novices

763 NE: Ryell Jagad is born in Shienar.

766 NE: Lanfir is raised to Accepted (her MON is Alosha Sedai)

775 NE: Taya Gille is born in a small town outside of Elmora, Tarabon. Her parents are Basen and Israna Gille, of House Andevaar.

775 NE: Lanfir is raised to Aes Sedai, the Green Ajah binds her to them, but she is not a Green Sister yet.

776 NE: Lanfir is accepted into the Green Ajah.

778 NE: Ryell is enrolled in the Book of Novices.

781 NE: Lyanna al’Ellisande is born in Caemlyn, Andor.

789 NE: Ryell is raised to Accepted.

790 NE: Taya is carted off to the Tower after an Aes Sedai recognises the ability within her to learn to channel.

790 NE: Kaylan Morin arrives at the Tower, she and Taya become unlikely friends.

792 NE: Nadia Mirche resigns as Sitter after the death of both her warders and makes way for Emilia Bashan.

795 NE: Ryell is raised to the Shawl and petitions the Green Ajah in full battle regalia. She is denied and sent to learn battleweaves.

796 NE: Ryell is accepted into the Green Ajah.

796 NE: Lyanna is tested and brought to the Tower to be enrolled in the book of novices.

797 NE: Zeranda Tyrim is raised to Amyrlin from the Brown Ajah

800 NE: Taya, now aged 25, is Raised to Accepted under Mistress of Novices Sabine Ross Sedai, and thus bound to the White Tower.

800 NE: Taya and Tania form the Gruesome Girls' Guild, a group dedicated to causing trouble.

801 NE: Lyanna is raised to Accepted (MoN is Sabine Sedai)

801 NE: Taya Gille meets Ryell Jagad of the Green Ajah, a woman she has heard stories about. Ryell sees glimmers of greenness in Taya and starts to train her, at first in very subtle ways.

803 NE: Taya's training at the Warder Yards begins.

808 NE: Lyanna is raised to the Shawl, and petitions the Green Ajah. The Ajah binds her to them, but she is not a green Sister yet.

809 NE: Lyanna is accepted into the Green Ajah

814 NE: Taya Gille is Raised to Aes Sedai, and petitions the Green Ajah. Miraina Sedai, Captain General, tells her that she cannot be Green until she has faced yet more tests.

815 NE: Taya Gille is accepted into the Battle Ajah, knowing that she still has a lot to learn but feeling a great sense of accomplishment.

815 NE: Alarya Erduan dies peacefully in her sleep, so Daeralle Verimal succeeds her as Sitter.

817 NE: Parenia Demalle is raised to Amyrlin from the Gray Ajah

820 NE: Lanfir is raised to Sitter and replaces Emilia Bashan after her disappearance on a mission to the Borderlands.

832 NE: Taya and Mierin Sedai head off to Illian in the company of Tania Sedai and Sephirael Sedai, as well as Ryell's Warder Shoar and his mentees. There they face stalking by Darkfriends and attacks by the Shadow.

836 NE: Miraina Veladar (aged 206) dies after a fall down the stairs, Lanfir is raised to Head of the Green Ajah at age 93. Ryell Jagad (73) takes over the Sitter position that is left vacant.

856 NE: Arenya Abril Dasarno is born in Andor.

866 NE: Kathana Sedai is raised to Amyrlin Seat from the Brown Ajah.

875 NE: Lanfir bonds Jaksyn Gaidin after the death of his Aes Sedai

885 NE Eleanor al’Raim is born in a poor farmer’s family close to the city of Caemlyn

892 NE: Vira Demarcias is born in Arafel.

896 NE: Carena Bermin is born in Arafel. (was just thinking, chances they’ll be friends, almost same age, same ajah and same place of birth)

899 NE: Lanfir bonds Souvan Gaidin and they maintain a romantic relationship for many years, even though they never marry

899 NE: At the age of 14 Eleanor is found by a party of travelling Aes Sedai, including Swaniana Sedai and Arette Sedai, tested and found to be able to learn to channel. She travels with them to the Tower and enrolls as a Novice, Aya Renae of the Green Ajay becomes her mentor and rolemodel.

903 NE: Taya is matched with her first mentee, a young novice named Querida Farene. Querida shows very strong signs of being suited to the Green Ajah.

904 NE: Taya is matched with another mentee, this time Tylin Quintara, a novice.

905 NE: Taya's mentees, Querida and Tylin, discover that they are in actual fact half sisters.

906 NE: Vira Demarcias is tested and sent to the Tower to be enrolled in the Book of Novices

910 NE: Eleanor is Raised to Accepted.

911 NE: Daeralle tests Carena and sends her to the Tower to be enrolled in the Book of Novices

912 NE: Jaksyn dies in Cairhien, Lanfir is heartbroken

913 NE: Fal Dara asks for assistance from the White Tower for a battle against Shadowspawn, Lanfir rallies her sisters to join her on the campaign which is not lost, aside from some heavy personal losses, including her warder Souvan and Green Sitter Ryell Jagad. Lyanna joins Lanfir and others on the mission to the Borderlands. She is almost assassinated by an unknown force in the Keep, and later finds out that it was her sister, Lilliana who has forsaken the Light. The two Sisters fight each other, with Lyanna winning because of greater skill. She cannot bring herself to kill her Sister though. Taya, Lyanna and Lanfir almost get themselves killed while trying to heal the warder of a Gray Sedai called Gytta Tarkene. Instead, Gytta and her Jerad die.

913 NE: [late] Taya Gille meets the man who will end up being her first Warder, a Shienaran warrior who upon seeing her immediately pledges himself to her. He accompanies her back to Tar Valon following the battle, and she bonds him months later.

914 NE: Lanfir resigns as Head of the Green Ajah and leaves the Tower

914 NE: Lyanna leaves the Tower in the company of Lanfir Sedai, on the search of Souvan. They never find him.

914 NE: Mandi is made temporary Head of the Ajah, and eventually the title becomes permanent.

918 NE: Lyanna returns to the Tower without Lanfir and starts building her Eyes and Ears network

919 NE: After nine years as Accepted Eleanor is Raised to Aes Sedai and petitions the Green Ajah. Mandi shocks the young Aes Sedai by telling her that she needs to do more before she can become a true Green.

920 NE: [early] Eleanor is now fully Raised as a Green

920 NE: After only being just recovered from a head trauma, which caused her to lapse into a short (24 hr) coma, Eleanor bonds her first Warder, her good friend Corwin.

923 NE: Eos, Taya's future bondholder and love, is born in Emond's Field, Andor.

924 NE Five years after they had met the last time, a few days after Eleanor had been Raised to Aes Sedai, Eleanor sees Teslan again. The two were in love with each other already then but never said so. They go on a trip to find Elle’s first Warder Corwin, who went to see his family. They fight frequently with words, and finally on the third day confess that they love each other. During the night they get attacked, Eleanor kills her first man. After the fight is over Teslan is seriously wounded, the only way Eleanor can save his live is to bond him.

929 NE: Taya Gille is raised to Sitter of the Green Ajah.

928 NE: Sirayn Símeone is born in Heartswood, Andor.

935 NE: Jaydena Restona Mckanthur is born outside of Caemlyn to Jenaveve and Ohandra Mckanthur

937 NE: Calliste Lara le Fey is born in Arghos, Andor.

937 NE: Eldrenne Ayschar is born in Maradon, Saldea

940 NE: Tiassale Morobin is born in Far Madding

943 NE: Lyanna bonds Mikalen Teselin as her Gaidin.

943 NE: Sirayn is tested in Caemlyn and sent to the White Tower.

945 NE: Taya Gille and Eos Gaidin are bonded in a beautiful ceremony in Rashima's Garden.

950 NE (mid): Vira Demarcias takes the Three Oaths and petitions the Green Ajah, only to be told she is not yet ready and must face further trials. Vira is so astonished and infuriated that she verbally and physically attacks her Captain General.

950 NE (late): Vira Demarcias completes her training and is accepted as a full-ranking sister of the Green Ajah.

951 NE: Calliste comes to the Tower and is enrolled in the Book of Novices.

952 NE: Sirayn is raised Accepted of the White Tower.

952 NE Jade's mother becomes ill and the Healer tells her that she thinks Jade can channel, Jaydena heads to the tower and is tested, proving to be a channeler and becomes a Novice

953 NE: Daenara Siltha is born in the Cairhien Foregate, the youngest of 7 siblings.

954 NE: Eldrenne Ayschar goes to the White Tower and is tested by the Mistress of Novices and written into the Novice book

957 NE: Tiassale Morobin arrives at the White Tower, hoping to train as a Warder, submitted to testing it is discovered that she can channel.

959 NE: Seiaman Kera is born in the summer time.

962 NE: Calliste is raised to Accepted

963 NE: Taya's distant relation, and future Warder to Kaylan Sedai, Calya Gille is born in Elmora, Tarabon, where a branch of the Andevaar clan resides.

963 NE: Eldrenne is raised to Accepted

965 NE: Tayline Jolryn is born in Baerlon.

965 NE: Eriya Marithsen is born in Kandor.

966 NE: Jaydena is Raised to Accepted of the White Tower after completing her arches.

968 NE: Tiassale is raised to Accepted.

969 NE: Daenara runs away from home in order to become Aes Sedai, and enters the White Tower as a novice when she tests true.

971 NE: Eldrenne is Raised to Aes Sedai and is accepted to the Green Ajah

971 NE: Calliste is Raised to the Aes Sedai

972 NE: Eldrenne is fully accepted as a Green Sister

972 NE: Calliste is fully accepted as a Green Sister

975 NE: Eldrenne goes to the Borderlands and is in her first battle. After this she spends most of her time there and is sometimes away from the Tower for long periods of time.

978 NE: [early] Tiassale is raised to the Green Ajah, or is she?

978 NE: Sirayn meets nineteen-year-old Seiaman Kera in Tar Valon. The infamous dagger incident happens.

978 NE: Jade meets Corbin LaGosse and Seiaman Kera during this year and becomes lovers with Seia.

978 NE: Dae is raised to Accepted

978 NE: [late] Jade is Raised to Aes Sedai of the White Tower

979 NE: Calliste leaves the Tower to go to Andor and help out her family

979 NE: Eriya is tested and sent to the Tower, to be enrolled in the book of novices.

979 NE: After battle weaves Jade is raised to Green Sister, the day after her raising she meets Jared Damodred

981 NE: Sirayn makes a truce with Seiaman after violent quarrels. Seiaman breaks that truce by telling her she isn't worthy to be Aes Sedai, which Sirayn takes to heart.

981 NE: Jaydena bonds Corbin and Jared in a double bonding ceremony

981 NE: Tayline is tested and enrolled in the Book of Novices

983 NE: Sirayn is raised Aes Sedai, petitions the Green Ajah for acceptance & is turned down. She petitions again after a few months and is accepted.

984 NE: Ebou Dar happens. Jaydena and Seiaman break up. Sirayns twins are born in Heartswood.

985 NE: Eleanor is raised to Sitter of the Green Ajah.

986 NE: Aya Renae, Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and Taya's former mentee, returns to the Tower after a prolonged absence. She and Taya take tea and have a chat. Taya recognises that Aya won't be around long at all. She is made for the road, not dawdling in the Tower. Aya bonds a new Warder, Keiji Gage.

988 NE: Mikalen dies in a mission against shadowspawn in the Borderlands, leaving Lyanna in despair. She does not return to the Tower and leaves not word of her whereabouts, thus causing the Tower to presume her dead.

988 NE: Daenara is sent to the farm for punishment.

989 NE: Kathana Justinia Trevelaer dies, Karana Majin is raised to Amyrlin Seat. Arette Nenatiar becomes her Keeper.

989 NE: Tayline is raised to Accepted.

992 NE: Sirayn takes a couple of Accepted to visit a Stedding. One of these Accepted is Tayline.

992 NE: Lanfir takes over the Green Nature Tavern in Tanchico

992 NE: Dae returns from the farm, more determined than ever to become Aes Sedai

993 NE [late] Eleanor is asked by Nyneave to replace her as the Mistress of Novices while the Yellow Sister goes to visit her Warders parents.

995 NE: Jaydena is raised to Sitter for the Green Ajah

996 NE: Eleanor bonds her third Warder, Dayne.

996 NE: [late] Tilana Sedai of the Green Ajah departs the Tower with her Warder, never to be seen again.

997 NE: Dae is raised to an Aes Sedai of the White Tower, yet to complete her Battle Weaves.

997 NE: Lyanna arrives in Tanchico, a shadow of her former self and a drunkard.

997 NE: Lyanna meets up with Lanfir in the Green Nature and the two resume their friendship

997 NE: Lanfir heals Lyanna of the physical aspects of her addiction, and Lyanna works herself up to her former self with meditation and exercises taught to her by Mikalen

997 NE: (mid) Mandi Mubrylla Sedai leaves for Caemlyn and names Taya Temporary Head of the Green Ajah. Taya is still a Sitter.

997 NE: [late] Tilana Sedai is deemed at risk, for nobody has heard from her in a year.

998 NE: [early] A note arrives from Tilana Sedai, but it is clearly old. It becomes clear that Tilana is dead, but there is far more to her story to be discovered. As the truth unfolds about Tilana's activity, the Green Ajah realises they have been led to the greatest discovery of their age. They take the information they have to the Amyrlin Seat and ask if they might organise a group of Aes Sedai to go and investigate.

998 NE: [early] Eldrenne takes a break from the battles and in the White Tower she is persuaded by Taya to get new experiences and is sent to the Arad Doman. She is captured by Seanchan and made Damane. Among them she learns to create a'dam, a ter'angreal, and thus discovers she has a Talent that was believed to be lost.

998 NE: [early] The Namandar expedition is launched, and the party heads from Tar Valon to Tarabon. Taya feels strange arriving in her old nation, and particularly so in the capital of Tanchico. At the palace Taya is met by two ghosts from the past, Lyanna and Lanfir. The party is thrown into some turmoil. Taya is acting as Temp Ajah Head but thinks Lannie should be put in that position instead. She doesn't realise that Lannie herself is a bit flustered with all the changes. Jaydena bonds Coran, and Lyanna bonds Lukas Talinko right before the Namandar campaign.

998 NE: [early] The Battle for Namandar happens. The party uncovers Namandar but the Shadow is already there and a vicious battle erupts. Sirayn's Earth Singing Talent is revealed as with Jaydena's aid she controls the earthquake for long enough to let the others escape. The dome caves in and the city is completely obliterated. Casualties: Elle’s youngest Warder, Dayne, dies in the earthquake. Jared Damodred, Jaydena’s warder, dies at the hands of a Dreadlord. Daeralle Verimal, ancient Green who has been losing her mind in recent months, dies at the site of Namandar at the hands of Raeyn Sedai, Aes Sedai of the Brown/Black Ajah. Nobody realises she is gone until they are back in the Tower, and then begin putting the pieces together.

998 NE: Calliste returns to the Tower.

998 NE: [mid] The Namandar party returns to Tar Valon and Taya learns that the Green Ajah has been attacked by the Hall. The animosity between Taya and Arette begins. Taya starts plotting.

998 NE: Lyanna is rebuked by the Amyrlin and the Keeper for hiding one of the Seals from them. She makes an enemy out of both of them.

998 NE: [late] After Namandar, Taya is still a little bit odd as a result of Lanfir's presence. During a Green Ajah Emergency Meeting that is initiated by Taya because of the new Tower Law, Taya is named Head, and she is shocked. She resigns as Sitter to make way for Lanfir.

998 NE: [late] Tiassale and Jehanine journey to Far Madding

998 NE: [late] Sirayn goes out on the Black Ajah Hunt with thirty-eight-year-old Seiaman. Her other warder, Losyn dies after a quick descend into madness.

998 NE: [very late] Sirayn departs to Far Madding to meet Jehanine.

999 NE: [early] Tiassale journeys to Stedding Madan with Jonathan and Herman

999 NE: [early] Jehanine is brutally murdered within the halls of the Green Quarters, taking the blade for Sirayn Sedai. Lanfir bonds Jerad, Jehanine's warder. Sirayn is raised Sitter for the Battle Ajah the next morning during an emergency meeting of the Green Ajah, after Eleanor has fallen into a deep depression because of the death of her warder Dayne in Namandar.

999 NE: Tayline is raised to Aes Sedai and petitions the Green Ajah for acceptance. She is turned down and starts studying Battle Weaves.

999 NE: [mid] Eleanor is found dead in her quarters, presumably murdered.

999 NE: [mid] Tiassale bonds Azarith Kibagami.

999 NE: [late] Sirayn's fifteen-year-old twins arrive at the Tower. The daughter tests false and both twins train under the Warders.

999 NE: [late] Tayline is accepted into the Green Ajah.


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Cemarillinin 230+ means she is the age of Jaydena, would have been to the tower around the same time, and initiate and all


Bonded Nuitari dunno 999 NE i guess


basicaly i think i got a set up for her on my bio board at www.shayol-ghul.com/z-members/boards if you want it


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