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Home sweet home... [attn Andular]


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ooc Cyrain is my rewrite of Tanitsja keeping as much posible of her history...so for those who knew tan and want to use that as a link history to Cy go ahead...bio can be found on bio board btw


Cy left the reins of Chalinda to a stable girl after entering the yards, the name of her horse was ironic, and as always a smile flashed over her lips thinking of it. The dun mare with the dark mane striped with lighter coloration, had been seen as such a cute foal by one of the farming neighbours wife, that was untill she had sunk her teaths into the woman's hand. Cy still smiled of it and how she had come across the name she had used on her mare in a book in the towns inn.


Cy took in her soroundings and then took a deep breath, she would have to send a note to alert those in commands that she was back. But first she wanted to have some time to let it sink in, after droping off her stable bags in the barracks second floor, she went outside and walked slowly into the yards, leting the sun caress her face...

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The early morning sunlight greeted Andular as he stepped into out of his office and into the Warder’s yard.  Taking a moment to breath in the crisp air he smiled as he looked out at the groups of trainees and Warders busy practicing on the hard earth.  The day like most would be filled with reports and more reports a task the Grand Master found tedious at best.  Deciding to leave the paperwork for the time being he set out across the yards toward the stables.  A morning ride into the countryside was just what he needed to take his mind of the upcoming monotony that would occupy his day.


“A trip to the blight border is what I need.”  He mumbled to himself as he passed armory and approached the barracks.  A door swung open and a young woman emerged.  Andular stopped in his tracks surprised to see the face that greeted him from the doorway.  Cyrain his old trainee who had left the tower many months ago was the last person he had expected to see this morning.  His surprise quickly turned to pleasure as she smiled at him in greeting.


“Cyrain, I must say I did not imagine seeing you here this morning.  It is good to have you back in the tower, come lets go to the mess hall and have a bite to eat.  I am eager to here of your time away from the tower.”


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Finding herself face to face with Andular was a shock at first, what he said barely graced her ears, her head swirling, of all the people she could have met. The next moment she was moving, and found herslef slinging her arms around his neck, she was home, regardless of all other strugle she was home, and all doubt left her mind.

"Andular, how have you been, and yes a piece of food sound good" she smiled as she steped back, then a thougth resurfaced, what would he think if he knew, well he didnt.


She let her old mentor lead the way to the barracks, and as she entered she realised she had missed the food, food back home tasted differnt from here. She spooned up a healthy potion of stew, and put a couple pieces of bread beside it. Filling up a water glass she walked to an empty table and sat down. "You have to fill me in on all ongoings of late, its so good to be back and i fear everything i missed out on"

Cy diped her spoon into the stew and blew on it  before leting the food find its way to her mouth.

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