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White Tower Gallery

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor



Taking a page from Raeyns book, I have created a public Gallery for the White Tower. Since i despise adds with a passion and i no longer host actively used boards (other than my own) my bandwidth should be good. ;)


So, without much further Ado - http://dmwhitetower.arie-designs.net/gallery/


Know yourselves out, Ladies and Gentlemen. Hopefully i'll be able to add in the stock images as well as basic avatars and such for each Ajah. If anyone still has a link to the old Gallery so i can transfer what is left there i will love you forever! ^_^






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Guest Arie Ronshor

There is that.. I found the old WT Gallery (the one after your linked one.. ;))





I'll start transferring things over hopefully sometime this week after i've caught up on RP's. :D (Unless someone else wishes to do this.. ;))



I think I forgot to add a category for Gaidin and such. I'll go fix that....

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It's so great to have that all up and to find for everyone!


Does anyone else remember the poolboy? Was that not Olli, Lannie's hubbie? :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

i used the grey for loading all ajah type avatars in that old one though, and the links of those also should be up on sig board up under the illuminators


something i did one time i was bored pretty much, some are bether then others

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