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the White Tower Tags site, in Photobucket format:




Everything is sorted into subalbum for ease of finding exactly what you want.  If you do decide that you want to use an image - please download it to your machine and upload it somewhere else - IF YOU HOTLINK, I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL >:|


For those of you that are newer - the White Tower Tags site project is something I took over from Sabine Sedai in... 2001?    One can think of it as an archive of White Tower related arty-bits from the past 7+ years that various individuals have contributed for general usage here at the Dragonmount White Tower.


Which gets me to the next bit - you are NOT authorised to use these at any old Wheel of Time site without permission from either myself or the original artist.  You are not permitted to alter the actual artwork, as it's not your creative property to damage.  If you do want to use a tag at another site, please message me for permission.  I bring this up due to an issue we had several years ago with members here starting their own site, taking art from the Tags, and altering it.  Of course, it took a bit for them to understand we were asking them to take down things they didn't have permission for vice playing as Aes Sedai at their own site (they were N&As here; was funny for me after the air cleared!).


And if you happen to be one of the original artists lurking around here still?  You rock my nuts <3 <3

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Guest Arie Ronshor

OMG! I remember these.. and Loved them! ^_^ I think i almost went Gray because i loved the avatars for them.. ;)  *shhhh*  Thank You!

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There's always room for new additions :D  Though I do prefer receiving them in set form; love all the Ajahs, and maybe spend a little extra effort on the one you love the most ;)


If anyone does want to whip up a set, zip 'em up and mail them to raeynsedai@yahoo.com - no using models, or I won't put them up.  Seriously.    Hate the models, 'cause we're not all perfect and pretty (though most people here are quite attractive!), and they aren't you, so it's misrepresenting. ::nods firmly::  Historical art is okay, any range of fantasy art (minus Jonathan art - sick to death of it), anime, etc.


And I think that reminds me that I might be short a Gray tag in the bucket; I'm going to have to check that when my brain isn't fried jellystew.

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