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itty bitty LoA (Attn WY & WT and other Div's I rp in)

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor



A little unexpected but i'm going to be away for 2-3 days. I'll be around to post my new Amyrlin, but right now the house is in shambles from renovations and i never know if the power is going to be on or off. (I will be moving houses (again) at the end of October and we are fixing up and finishing this house so it is sell-able). I should be back once the Kitchen and the Livingroom are complete and most of the painting done. :)


If anyone needs me, i will still be available via PM, Email or anything else. Approvals and things I can also do, but for the most part i'm going to be concentrating my attention to relieve the stress of my family. ^_^


Email - arie.designs [at] gmail.com



WT People - Jaydena is in charged. be good to her. ;)


For those I owe posts, im sorry about the sudden disapearance. it's only for a few days, so i hope you will forgive me. ^_^ I'll be back before you know it!


Sorry for the randomess of this, it came unexpected to me too. :P




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Guest Arie Ronshor

Back. :) Still working.. but i'm hoping to post up my work schedule so people know my availability. :) I'll try not to take LoA's when all the other staff disappear. :P



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