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A Wayward Storms Arrival (Attn MoT) Open


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The sights of Tar valon were many. But none so grand as the tower itself. Arturus Logres was unsure if he really could attain the level of skill to become a Warder considering that the few weeks of training with Sanje Gaiden and Adoni, Marwyn Sedai's companion, had not improved his skill much. But still he managed to surprise them with the amount of strength and speed in his attacks... when they struck something other than air... and his ability to move in combat... when Sanje Gaiden didnt level him in the first move. Sanje never commented on either, he seldom commented on anything, but Marwyn Sedai had told him that he forced Sanje to change his tactics and adapt and that said a lot. All that aside Arturus tensed as he stepped into the grounds of the Tower. Already he heard comments from the other students such as "My is this one a pretty one." and "Fresh meat for the Greens." The latter of which earned the student a sound thumping from his instructor. He had just stepped on the grounds and already Arturus wondered if coming here was a mistake.


Marwyn Sedai had told him to go ahead and take a look around, she would have to report to the other Greens to report events in Andor. Sanje would personally tell the Mistress of Trainees of Arturus's arrival. Sanje also told him to go eat with the other students and since he was not the Warder's equal he obeyed. He was hungry anyways.


After a quick meal Arturus began to wander around a bit. What could be taking so long?! He still wasnt sure he was going to make it here. He had been here a few hours and already hurt two students. They both deserved it. One made a comment that he should go back to the farms if he fights with a rod, refering to the heavy solid iron practice sword Arturus carried,... that students hand required the assistance of a yellow or so it was said. The other well... he would have full range of vision back soon... The lunch line was a dangerous place indeed...


Arturus eventually found his way to the training yard where many students were locked in combat and others were sitting in nearby grass listening to instructors. Arturus was focused on everything but the student who came crashing in to him.


Arturus stands up "Sorry about that. I am Arturus, nice to meet you." The other student looked him up and down with a look of disgust. Arturus felt the practice sword on his back was at an odd angle and so reached to readjust it when the students eyes went wide and he attacked! The scramble out of his swords path was less than gracefull and caused him to bump into yet another student who turned and saw only an unknown, out of uniform man drawing a weapon on him and attacked as well. This was clearly getting out of hand. Arturus fought back, when he lost his practice sword/rod somewhere in the melee which somehow ended up with half a dozen or more students against himself he turned to fists and whatever else was close at hand. He recovered the rod with just enough time to strike a student on the ribs... he was aiming for his head... and send the student flying far enough to clear his field of vision enough to see Sanje Gaiden walking with someone else who was quickly obscured with another student... neither looked happy.




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Thera was in full boil by the time arrived in the yards that morning. Too many of her days started with her in a fury, but for now there was no easy fix. She pushed Serena from her mind and tried to focus on the task it hand.


Her mentee was progressing well in his training, but he was still far from being trusted alone with a blade. When Sanje Gaidin approached Thera saw her way out. He informed her of a new trainee in the yards, he just failed to mention where. Leaving her young trainee in Sanje’s capable hands Thera set off in search of this new trainee.


As she crossed the yards commotion seemed to spring up before her. First she found a young man who’s hand looked as if had been trampled by a team of horses and she was diverted from her path to care for him; thank the light for healing or the young man may have had to spend the rest of his life with only one hand. When she found who had inflicted the blow he would pay dearly!


Her simmering temper had boiled over and trainee’s and tower guards alike stepped wide out of her way.


Another boy laid near unconscious surrounded by a team of trainee’s, his eyes more than a little askew. It seemed the Yellows would be busy this day.  From the description she had been given it was her new trainee that had caused all this destruction.


Just ahead a small cluster of 10 to 12 trainee’s had surround a young man and the boy seemed pitched to fight his way clear if need be. Thera took a moment to calm herself or this boy would not live through his first encounter with the Mistress of Trainee’s.


Without out fear of being struck Thera drew her blade and placed herself between the group of trainee’s and Arturus. “Do any of you dare to raise your blade to me?” Her voice held some amusement but white hot fury governed her tone. Slowly one by one the practice swords were lowered and everyone stared at their hands abashed. Thera’s temper was becoming a thing of stories and all these boys would find out the extent of its truth. “I will see each and everyone of you in my office at first light and not a moment later, be prompt. NOW GO!” Her voice rank loud and every single boy took off at a dead run.


Her caramel eyes were a blaze when she rounded on the cowering Arturus. “So I finally meet the boy who has reeked havoc in my yards. “ With her sword still raised in front of her Thera swung, stopping only inches from his face and planted her sword tip down in the dirt. “You are new here which allows you some leeway, but I do not take kindly to a stranger coming in and abusing my boys. Explain yourself child and you may avoid the strap!”


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Arturus had more bruises and cuts than he ever had before. Would the Mistress believe that he was the victim of misfortune? Not likely, as that excuse has probably been given more than once. Arturus was at a low stance... well more like fighting on one knee, but despite gaping wounds, some quite deep, and bruises from head to toe, with great effort Arturus turned and once again fell to one knee before the Mistress and lowered his eyes to the ground, offering his neck to her already unsheathed blade. It wasnt an easy task just turning ever so slightly. Still quivering from the fight and blood loss he was sure he  was shaking like a shaved kitten in a snowstorm with Darkhounds closing.


"I offer no excuses for my inability to diffuse the events I have been involved with peacefully. Nor my inability to defend myself properly to avoid harm to myself and the other students. I will be honest with the Mistress that my father Nathanol Logres, the blade trainer of the Queen's army of Andor, has trained my pain tolerance beyond the works of a strap. I will willfully submit to whatever punishment you deem worthy."


Arturus looked up only because he was having difficulty breathing but his gaze met hers, eyes the color of the sky surrounded with the gray of a storm meeting a beautiful brown that reminded him of the tall trees back on his father's estates. He became aware with a single moment of clarity of the devastation he had caused, some of the other students though he knew were eager for blood and to prove they would take a life for the tower, in that fight he was defending his very life. But meeting the gaze of the Mistress he was aware that she had already realized that as well, and she was certainly no stranger to over zealous students. But something in those eyes said that seeing him fight for his life against impossible odds and submit to her so willingly, that she had the same thought that he now had looking up at those eyes and that perfect stance and conditioned body. "Beautiful"


Of course, neither would never admit to it, him for being painfully shy and clumsy around women and her for being hardened and maintaining her image. She looked down at him for what felt like forever and he was only just starting to become aware of the amount of attention the two were attracting. Already whispers were going around about the recruit who bested a dozen students even though that was blown way out of proportion, they would have had him in seconds had the Mistress not arrived, but most of the students were too hurt or unconscious to argue. Worse still it would be when Sanje went to the smith to repair the circular shaped dent in his sword that matched Arturus's practice sword, a unique circular rod of heavy iron, and put two and two together. It would be pointless and a waste of effort to disprove the rumors by having him duel a blade master or whatever as the students he did beat would surely try to save face by saying Arturus is only posing as a student, and who wouldnt believe he wasnt told to lose the duel? But it was not just students talking, there were women also making comments about his submissive stance and being on his knees. Arturus blushed, he was surprised with all the blood loss there was enough to fill his face, and the last comment was enough to bring the Mistress out of her deep thoughts.


"Follow me Arturus and dont think you are not going to be punished!"


"Yes Mistress." Arturus began to rise and suddenly became aware of the amount of pain he was in. First he thought his arm hurt the most so he said aloud "Ouch my..." but as he stood he realized his legs might have felt worse... or maybe his head? "most of me."


He began to follow the Mistress and stopped only for a moment to help up a student who just woke up, one of the students he noted who was trying to kill him and looked startled that Arturus was helping him without asking rather than trying to finish the job. A look of regret was painfully obvious on the student's face. Arturus turned to follow the Mistress again who was standing there silently staring...




OOC I hope you dont mind me taking a little liberty with your character. If you dont like it I can edit it based on what your character would actually do.




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Thera’s lips quirked into a smile, quickly suppressed. Courage could be taught with time, Strength and Skill could be built, but honor was something that was ingrained deep within everyone. It was something taught and honed from birth, by the time most of the young men and women reached her their honor was already deeply imbedded. The scowl that covered Thera’s face said more than words that she found many of them lacking.


Her smile had been quick but she hoped the young man had seen. Her smiles were few, but to find a young man with honor enough for 10 warranted a grin, however small. As she stared down at him, his face beaten and bloody and his limbs shaking like a leaf in the wind Thera felt a twinge of respect bubble up within her. Respect..and something more…


Very few men held the courage to withstand the brunt of Tower justice and even fewer had the honor to submit to it so willingly. As his grey eyes met her brown she felt a spark, and for a moment she saw him as something other than a trainee. His honor and courage had made him beautiful in her eyes, if only for a moment.


A murmur caught her ear and Thera turned to face the growing crowd. A few trainee’s still lingered in the back, hoping for a glimpse of the “boy” who had caused so much destruction. Thera’s eyes quickly set them running, but unfortunately the Novices, and Aes Sedai were not so easily dissuaded. With a fluid movement she sheathed her sword and made a measured bow to the Aes Sedai on hand. A few nodded, and a few others murmured something that could have been a greeting, but most still just stared.


Thera turned and arched a brow at the still kneeling Arturus. “Follow me Arturus and do not think you are not going to be punished”

Turning on her heel she stalked across the yards seemly lost in a furry, but her mind raced trying to process all the feelings that swam within her.

She became aware that the stamp of another pair of boots had stopped and she turned to find Arturus helping up another boy; one he had just moments before assisted in bloodying.


Another bubble of respect sprang to the surface and this time Thera did nothing to burst it. She tried hard to keep her voice firm, but she had the feeling she missed her mark. “It is good to know you can show compassion to those you defeat, but we have other places to be” Thera linked her muscled arm around Arturus’ and could not help but give it a squeeze before gripping it tight a pulling him along. She ended up supporting the trainee more than pulling him, but she did not slow until they were into her office with the door closed tight.


Thera tossed her sweat soaked coat on a chair and motioned him to another. She instructed him to remove his coat, but offered him no assistance.


“Your as weak as a lamb, sit and I will see what I can do for the rest of you” Thera filled her pristine basin with cool water and threw in a dash of soap and a rag before taking it to rest by his chair. Then she bent and dug deep in the bottom of her desk searching for the kit of bandages she had stored there. They seldom came into use with so many Aes Sedai on hand, but she kept it tucked away for instances such as this. “You have already shown you are brave, I expect you will continue to be so. I don’t want to hear any cries.”


Trying to be as gentle as her callused hands would allow Thera sponged the blood and dirt from Arturus’ face. When she was able to get a clear look as his face and his wounds Thera was a bit taken back.


He was young but his eyes spoke of wisdom and strength, and surprisingly the beauty she had seen in the yards had not faded.


The cut that marred his forehead was not deep, and luckily would not require healing. Reaching into the small pouch she opened one of the many vials and spread a salve on his head, up to his scalp. “This may burn, but it will help it not to scar.”


Standing she stepped back and inspected her work. It was not as neat as one of the Sisters or a Wisdom could have done, but it would do. “Stand.” Her voice was commanding but it held none of its usual heat. ”Can you move your arm? Does it feel as if anything is broken? As he stood she could see that the pain that gripped him but he did not make a sound. For what felt like the hundreth time since meeting this young man Thera felt a bubble of respect rise. It seemed Thera would discover many layers to her new trainee.







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Arturus sat as the Mistress of Trainees doctored his wounds. He remained silent and did not wince at the burning salves. Arturus was surprised at how gentle her hands were though he did not show it and wondered why she didnt send him off to be bandaged by someone else. "Stand" she told him. Pain wracked his body now that the adrenaline had left it. He swore he would black out. But he didnt make a sound. "Can you move your arm? Do you feel as if anything is broken?" Arturus met her eyes for a moment, a small grin formed at the corner of his mouth and quickly left. "No Mistress. You took good care of me. Thank you."


Thera set about to picking up shreds of bandages and things and Aturus quickly grasped her hand and took the little bits away from her. "Allow me. Its the least I can do." She made eye contact for just a moment before the tension caused Arturus to look away, or at least he thought he felt tension. But he quickly dismissed it as being in his head. He set about to cleaning the mess she had made healing him and she only stood there watching him. As he spoke to her he smiled, though he would only meet her eyes for brief moments.


"My father married a Shieneran woman who he met when he went to fight at Tarwin's Gap as a boy. The border landers have an interesting culture. They train all day in war but at night a man's training becomes something else. Border landers do not know what day will be their last, they only know it will be soon and it will be painfull. So they do not argue."


Arturus noticed this Thera's office needed a sound cleaning and since he was already cleaning he kept going with the crumpled papers on the floor and various pieces of dirty laundry he found.


"Instead a man spends his nights learning to serve a woman one day, or serving her if he has found one, to better show her how much her time and love means to him. He cooks, he cleans, he thinks only of pleasing her with every thing he does. She in turn makes every moment a memory worth keeping and fighting for, and makes his life good so that he will fight harder to come back to it, or die with a smile on his face."


Arturus stopped and noticed that there was no designated spot for dirty clothes. He ran a hand through his short black hair and noticed that Thera had taken a seat. She only watched him but Arturus felt her scanning him and reading in to him. He also realized how warm it was in the room and that he was covered in sweat. Reaching into his bag he pulled out the iron backed shield gauntlet which he sat on a chair. He then pulled out a new shirt for himself and a smaller burlap sack. He turned and pulled off the remnants of his own shirt. He was sure Thera had seen a shirtless man before but he was still shy enough to not face her. He pulled on a new one and turned again. The smaller burlap sack he used to hold all of Thera's laundry. He left the bag on the floor by the chair he was using before and sat back down. It really was hot in this room.


"I am sorry. I got carried away with the cleaning. I just feel you deserve clean quarters is all, and I dont know any other way to show my thanks."


Thera seemed as though she was going to say something but her breath came out with no words. A firm look marred her otherwise beautiful face.


"You can start by not getting yourself killed in my yard."


Arturus seemed taken back a bit and lowered his eyes. He nodded "Yes Mistress." Arturus's face changed too. He had never really made friends easy. Being from two cultures and looking like neither would do that. But he didnt realize how truly alone he was until that moment. He also realized that he needed to not sit so close to Thera. She was covered in sweat but even that seemed to smell good on her, and even looking down and not meeting her gaze he was too aware of her strong legs. Something stirred inside him. Inside he was begging her to punish him and be done with it.


"Since you have made yourself at home in my quarters perhaps I should allow you to continue."


Arturus looked up at her, half pleading inside yet at the same time happy he would see more of her. Though he did not know why.


"Yes... I think that will do nicely. You will be laughed at on the yards for doing it but it will be a perfect lesson to avoid further fights. You will cook for me, clean for me, and do any task I assign to you. And you will make your bed roll here on the office floor at night until you learn to play nice with the other students."


Thera was breathing hard, even for this heat.


"Yes... that will do."


The next morning Arturus spent on the yards. But if he thought he was bad at aim before he was worse now. His mind never left the day before. He would meet his mentor today and start his real training and that would be good. But Thera was not kidding when she said he would be laughed at when the other students found out. They laughed alright but a scowl quickly shut them up. Thera walked the yard, and he could feel her eyes on him (Making sure I dont get into more trouble.) he thought...

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That friendly spar Lyv had been invited to by the Mistress of Trainees had a very different background than the tower guard had expected. Thera Trakelyn had asked her that evening to do a spar and train the skill they honed. Lyv never backed out of a nice challenge and took her quarterstaff, placed her katana in the sheath against a fence and set to work. They warmed up quickly with a few strikes in mid air and then a few rounds of quick moves. After a good hour, Lyv felt that they could use a quick break and she found her water skin, near her sheathed blade.


“So tell me Lyv, do you have this much time for sparring because your work is already finished?” Thera said with a smile but it did not sound anything but serious. “I am no longer in staff, my hours no longer last from morning to just before the next, you should realize that Thera,” Lyv had added with a wink. But it was not the comment the other woman was waiting for as it soon became clear that she had a mentee for Lyv who would take a little more time than most of the trainees around the Yards. Being an old MoT seemed to lead to the more interesting cases and Lyv felt that she did not get all details from Thera, but enough to know that this would be a bit of a challenge.


She nodded at Thera, “It’s not that boy who came in fighting this morning is it?” she asked and looked at Thera sideways who only nodded. The look on Lyv’s face changed, indeed a challenge she felt. “Good, tomorrow,” she nodded and then took up the quarterstaff and tapped it lightly on Thera’s upper leg. “For now another round,” and they set off to a spar again. Moving fast and light on her feet, Lyv allowed the Spring to burn away the thoughts of this new trainee and what she would be teaching him.


They worked for another hour and then Lyv headed to the bath house as she had a midnight shift to head off to on the wall. Captain Ralleigh Taj may have left the Yards, his replacement hated his guards to be late for duty even more. With a sigh, Lyv stared out into the darkness that enveloped the grounds around the Yards and thought of her student. She tried to wait until morning, tried not to think up what would have brought this boy to a fight with people he had not even met yet, in a place he hoped to grow up in. She could not understand and was not sure that she ever would, as Lyv Tylin had lost her heart in these Yards, many times over.


That morning she found Arturus looking over some trainees who were practicing their forms. Lyv had eaten a light breakfast, after a very short sleep and was focused on the young man, she had been studying him for a while now, watching him as he watched those around him. Seeing how his eyes sought and found, how he watched the trainees move, the Mistress of Trainees watch over them all yet he did not seem to notice the redhead who was tangling a thin braid around her finger and leaned against the fence across from him. Finally, she set into motion and walked up to Arturus, “You must be Arturus Logres, my new trainee,” she said. Then looked him over again, this time focusing on the way he stood before her, his attitude and the way he held his hands. She was ready to size him up for what he was worth and decided that perhaps a different sort of first lesson would be nice.


“My name is Lyv Tylin,” she said and nodded towards the two trainees who were practicing their defensive moves. “If you want to learn to be like them, you follow me and you work hard on what you are taught, both by me and other teachers. Show what you can do and you will learn more, that is how I teach,” she watched him. Her green eyes sparkling at the thought of this first test. Being a Path of Water Blademaster meant that she was used to tests and so would this mentee become used to them. “We start with an assessment of your physique, I want to see how well you run,” and pointed towards the second row of trees behind the training ground. “Pass those trees three times, then come over to me and we will do some ground exercise,” before he started she asked him one more question, “Can you swim Arturus?”


Lyv Tylin


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Arturus looked his mentor in the eyes, sizing her up as much as she was him. Arturus was fluid but his mentor's grace made him look as though he moved with stones in his breeches. "I can swim" he answered quietly. Mentor or not he was still shy around women. The trees he was told to run around were a good distance off. He took off at a full sprint,and only made it a hundred feet before another student purposely tripped him, sending Arturus into the ground with a less than perfect roll that left road burn and  blood on his back. He rose up and the student was waiting, looking him in the eyes. The student had his hand on his sword and Arturus just told him "I forgive you." and continued his run. He didnt bother to dust off.


Running can be relaxing if you learn to control your breathing. It was a little more difficult in the heat but it also worked well to rid him of his adrenaline and frustration at the other student. Running itself was not enough however so he pulled the thick iron bar off his back as he ran and began to swing it in basic lateral and horizontal swings, that got the sweat pouring out of him and he enjoyed the burn in his arms. He was almost disappointed when the run ended in front of the Lyv. Still, with the way the first two days had gone so far he still believed he had made a mistake coming here.

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Lyv had her back turned for a second when she heard someone calling, but it was not for her. When she turned back, her trainee was apologizing to another trainee, dust on his clothes and a scowl on his face. She watched as Ewan stared after her new trainee and decided to pay close attention to how this would go. Ewan stayed watching there for a bit when he found the tower guard staring back at him and Lyv nodded for him to leave, now or he would find himself in some trouble. She still had that old look that MoT’s had and it came in handy from time to time.


In the meantime, Arturus was increasing his training by adding sword forms, or at least swings in the air to his running. He was enthusiastic and she liked that as he was running towards her. However, she was not sure that he would not hurt himself with the swings and paid close attention as his legs moved and his hands swung the blade from left to right. When he reached her she merely nodded, then started to walk. “You can swim, then you’ll be fine,” she added with a grin on her face.


Together they walked down to the river near the waterfall where Lyv enjoyed her training on an almost daily basis. For over ten years now this was her place, where she meditated under the waterfall, where she worked with trainees and even some Aes Sedai on using the water as an opponent for forms practice. It was one thing to know how to hold a sword, how to move and parry of an offense but it was quite another to do so in the heat of battle and the raging river pulling at your legs and making you fall down was as good as she could get it in the Yards.


“If it’s alright with you I would like to do some training in the water,” she started by removing the katana from her hip and took her boots of. Lyv had no intention to show Arturus the way, he was smart enough to figure it out and she showed him how the current ran in the water. “Be careful where you land your feet, if you fall then swim back to the shore and try again. And now a lesson started where Arturus had to combine his legs and his arm strength to keep standing in the water. First he was to run down the river, on the sandy shore, barefoot and fast as he could, then he had to run back upstream through the water. As Lyv watched him go, she thought about another exercise and took up a thick branch that lay near one of the trees by the river. Arturus had to run up and down the river a good many times, he could decide when to quit as Lyv gave no instructions on the number of runs.


The next exercise she would put on him was to do the same but this time holding the thick branch with both hands. Then his legs would have to do all the work, unless he found a way to use the branch for his stability. A test of strength and balance, she was curious to see how he would do and kept close to him in case he overexerted himself and forgot to swim.


OOC: Just see how you do with these exercises, PM me if you have any questions ok? :)

After this post we will head down to the next class about weapons choice & care/handle of weaponry.

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Arturus grinned at the sight of the river. Most of his training at home had been in water. It was why he carried the thick iron rod as long as a bastard sword and many times as heavy. When swinging it in water, there was no edge to make it flow through smoothly so there would be resistance. Resistance would build strength and speed for your strikes, and that was really all Arturus had to offer at this point. He didnt worry about stripping down to breech cut offs. He was never shy of his own nudity, just when a female was nude. He gazed at the water, slightly faster than the water at home but also cleaner, that would mean less slick rocks but more strength required. Rivers where the reason he was trim and cut but not bulky, rivers were how he spent his summers, rivers were the only interesting training he knew.


He set off at a full on sprint, more to get into the water faster than for the actual exercise. He didnt hesitate to jump in the cool water. As he ran back he used his iron rod against the current. Lateral strike from the top to horizontal strike from the left to lateral from the bottom and so on, changing it up as he felt the need. His lateral strikes causing the bottom of the river to be visible for a moment and his horizontal causing bried whirlpools. (Why arent my strikes this accurate out of the water?)


He was clearly having too much fun with this and Lyv clearly had another plan for a exercise. Seeing her stand on the river bank with a branch he went under. He was new yet and she might not have figured out that he was more than likely a better swimmer than runner. She seemed rather unamused when he popped out of the water in front of her, soaking her a good deal. She shoved the branch in his hand.


Running with a branch wasnt too much different. No arms for balance if needed but Arturus trudged along the water with no complaint. He even practiced a few basic foot movements like he used to at the river at home. He had left when he became aware that he was making mistakes right when he left so he was careful only to do it when Lyv wasnt watching. He was sure he might hear about getting her wet but she didnt seem to mind the water either.

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The test went very well and Lyv studied her new trainee’s movements, he had clearly been in the water many times before and seemed to understand how to use the flow, the motion of the river rather than be scared of it or be driven away by it. There was much to learn for him later on, but for physical exercise training, perhaps the water was not their best option. She waited until he resurfaced to tell him that he could get dressed and have some food in the mess hall when he appeared and with a splash soaked his mentor wet. She just stood there, trying to do her best not to look amused or happy as the cold water reminded her of her own training, a thought that only lingered these days as work was with training more students now. Her own training was sent to dawn and early evening sessions but it would certainly be a lot of fun this evening when she would think back on a good training with the new student. She had completely forgotten the story that Thera had spoken of, how he had arrived and what the Yards first impression had to be when someone came in fighting.


“Go and get dry, dressed and have something to eat in the mess hall,” she turned and started to go for her weapons and boots. The sooner she had her work done, the sooner she could return her for some practice on her own skill. “Try not to kill anyone this afternoon so that I can see you again tomorrow morning in front of the Armory,” she was not looking at him just now, but turned to show him that she was happy with his performance. “The river is open for all who feel the need to train in it,” with that she sheathed her katana to her hip and started to walk back to the Yards.


OOC: New post on the way!


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