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Welcome to Narg's new Home


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You are welcome to have fun, enjoy, and party like its 1099.  *CAN'T GET YEAR OUT OF HEAD*


All Narg ask is that you bring gifts for him.  Doesn't have to be anything fancy.  Watch, Bob there will show you all how it is done.


*Bob walks forward*  Great Narg, Bob bring you body of dead chipmunk!


Dead Chipmunk?  You think Narg wants a dead Chipmunk???  *chops off Bob's arm*


OOoooo... Great narg!  But it is Alvin!


Alvin?  As in Alvin and the Chipmunks? 


Yes Great Narg!


Oh, well then.... excellent!  You may carry on!  Next!



False owner

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steals back bucket of paint...no no don...like this *turns bucket over nargs head*


he is used to it...look how pretty he is now


(old internal joke lol...we where a bunch of newbies with some help of oldbies who used to either tar and feather him, or dye him in chat when i was new...ooo the good old days)



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Ack!  Rainbow Narg!  At least it isn't bows... *mutters about bows*


Oooo... Janine... *wonders who janine is... but sounds cute*


Thank you quibby.  She will go nicely with tonights dinner.... MMmmmmm....


*looks at the room*  Rainbow?  Really?  *Paints Ata's rear pink* Ha ha!  Trolloc you are!




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Quibby is Janine??? ACK! *runs away* Now why wouldn't narg want Estel? Stomach ache?  Please, he has a stomach of cuillandar.  Seriously, it cost him a fortune to put in!  *wonders where all his shadowspawn are*  Where is Sar'eve???  Slacker...


Ok, who else would like to offer narg they profound gratitude.... and soul?  *paints some more people for the fun of it*  Bring in the blight walker!



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...waitaminute...  *switches into Mehrin mode*  Oh, hell no!


*switches to Ayrik mode*  I agree with the Lightblinded fool there.  She's mine.


*Mehrin* Stay out of this.


*Quibby* Shut up, both of you.


*Mehrin and Ayrik* Fine.

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*Kills all the fighting men*  Now now gentlemen.  She DID offer herself to me.  You will just have to wait in line till I am done with her.



*Pulls out his bleeding sword*  Wait... this looks like spaghetti sauce!  Who stole narg's sword!!!




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Who you callin a limp noodle?  It isn't limp... it is, saucy!!!  Don't make me stick the Great lords foot where the sun shines! 




If you knew he was the foot of the dark, that sounds even worse!

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