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Sasha's Progress and Planning (3-4 complete)


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WS 1-2 Finding a Light - Your Training Starts Here Done


WS 2-3 New Roads to Travel -  Fighting is no good Done


WS 3-4 Philosphy Discussion - learn about both the void and the spring in verbal terms then choose based on her learnings. Learning to control emotions I think one of the threads I had was eaten I can't find it but it doesn't matter much.


WS 4-5 On the Open Road - Suvival Training gone bad??


WS 5-6 Spar/City Survival/Chore??


WS 6-7 The Road Splits - an important mission?


WS 7-8 Road of Their Own - in addition to the essay will explore the different paths and disciplines available to Sasha.




WS 8-9 TG Ceremony


WS 9-10 In the Town


WS 10-11 Create own RP and Bruising Time


WS 11-12 Path Training and Road Trip


WS 12-13 Betrayal  and Longest Yard


WS 13-14 Cunning and Wake Up Call


WS 14-15 Leadership and BM Ceremony


WS 15-16 Duty and Path Training


WS 16-17 Create own RP, Bond Studies and Know they Self


WS 17-18 Grand Master Spar, Failure, Disciplines, Studying Fighting Styles

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