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Prelude in C [ATTN: Eqwina]

Guest Estel

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Tonic major, first inversion.  Subtonic chord with raised seventh.  Dominant chord with raised seventh resolved by tonic in first inversion.  Repeat first four bar theme.  Swell.  Submediant, first inversion.  Subtonic minor, resolve with dominant first inversion…


~We used to use this song for wedding ceremonies~


‘I thought it’d be below your abilities’


~It is, but it’s a beautiful song nonetheless~


‘And if it’s beautiful music…’


~…Who cares about the skill level needed.  Exactly~


‘What do you mean by submediant?’


~The sixth note of the scale~


‘And this is set in C?’


~Yes, which makes the submediant A~


The song continued, though the lesson was unseen to any watching eyes except that the large, ungainly musician seemed to be muttering a running conversation with himself barely audible above the flow of music drifting from the harp’s strings.


The sounds wafted through the nearly empty house from Isha’s upstairs study.  His students were training, Light alone knew where Linten was keeping his Aes Sedai and only his own Bondmate was left in the house.  As it were, Isha was too content with the equilibrium he and Abrem had reached in their conjoined mind.  Neither fought against the other, instead sharing equal parts of the brain and learning from one another.


Was this madness?  Isha could hardly bring himself to care any more.

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