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A Soldier’s Tale Attn Corlinny


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                                  A Soldier’s Tale


“So you are really going to go through with this, you are really going to marry her and settle down to a life of boredom and drudgery?”


Amon’s laugh filled the Smithy, the sound rolling off the walls and causing Rackhir to wince. “Yes my friend I fully intend to marry Corlinny and if the Creator smiles on us, have a family. Just because you have not found someone who fills your heart with joy does not mean I have not. She is good for me Rack, she wants me for who I am, not because my father has money and contacts, you of all people should know how rare that is for me.” Seeing the look on Rackhir’s face Amon shook his head in amusement. “One day you will find someone, someone that you really love, and when you do I will be there to say, I told you so.”


“That day will be a long time coming Tik Tik, I will run all the way to the blight naked to avoid that.” The thought of Rackhir running through the streets of Baerlon naked caused Amon’s laughter to spring forth again and this laughter chased Rackhir all the way out of the Smithy. He was not happy with the changes that had come over Amon since he had met Corlinny, he was no longer the happy go lucky, willing to do anything on a dare person that he had been. Rackhir missed that part of Amon and silently vowed to bring that person back, no matter what.


Weeks passed and Amon did not see Rackhir again, this was nothing unusual, Amon did not run with the same crowd that Rackhir did, and since Corlinny had come into his life Amon had not felt the need to visit the brothels and waste his money on strong drink and gambling. Now he was content to spend his free time with her, just enjoying her company and relaxing in the comfort of a future planned out with her. Amon also needed to save all the money he could if he was to buy his own forge and provide enough money not only for Corlinny, but for the family they both wanted, and this more than anything limited what he could do in his leisure time, such as it was.




Standing over the body, the anger and pain of having been deceived, coursing through him, Amon could only scream inarticulately, no words could adequately convey the betrayal he felt. Huddled in the corner, hoping not to be noticed, Corlinny hid her tear-streaked face behind her hands. She would not admit this, would not accept this, but this was her fault. The death of Rackhir would forever be a stain on her soul, one that would haunt her in this life and any life to come, the wheel weaves as the wheel weaves, and she now had to accept that. Her acceptance would come far easier than Amon’s, although she was the cause, he was the instrument. Hate filled eyes finally focused on Corlinny, although she did not see them, her mind had fled the scene and for a time she walked paths that could not be seen by a mortal eye. “I do not know how you could have done this to me, to us, ‘Linny. I thought you loved me, and yet the first chance you got you went and broke my heart.  I am dead to you now, the shame I feel is not mine, and it is yours. I may walk this earth but I am no longer part of it.”


If words could be said to be like ice, then that final pronoucement of Amon’s was a glacier, and nothing would melt their meaning. “If I ever see you again I will kill you on the spot, you are a cruel, heartless b.itch.” It would be several long years before they ever set eyes on each other again, and neither of them could foresee the circumstances that they next meeting would take place under.





It took Amon several months to get where he wanted to go, and several years before he realised he was where he needed to be. After leaving Baerlon, Amon had ridden north, towards the Borderlands and a place, a name on a map that would be forever linked to deeds of great daring, Tarwin’s Gap. If all the soldiers how claimed they had been there had actually been there, the battle would not have been anywhere near as hard as it was. But such is the nature of man to always claim to be somewhere were great deeds were done, deeds of such renown that they would be like a beacon to all that was good and wholesome in the world. It was here that Amon joined up with the Army that was preparing to fight against a horde of Shadowspawn such as had not been seen in decades. Some said a horde such as this one had never before been gathered in one place, for one purpose. That may have been true, or it may have been idle speculation, but the horde was not large enough to defeat the stout hearts and strong arms that opposed it over the course of that battle. Amon rode into the camp totally unaware of the coming storm, all he wanted was to forget the hurt that now held his heart in thrall, and he had hoped that If he ranfar enough he would leave it behind, but that was not the case.


The three days, and nights, that the battle was fought over, was some of the most intense, brutal and soul destroying days Amon would ever experience, as would the other survivors of that terrible slaughter.  Years late he would wake in the middle watches of the night, his body covered in cold, clammy sweat, the screams of the dying ringing in his ears, and for that infinitesimal moment, between dreaming and waking, he would be back there among the dead and the dying.


When the killing was done, when the injured had been helped from the killing fields, the survivors burned the Shadowspawn they had killed. The funeral pyres were many and large, the black, putrid, smoke reaching to the heavens as if trying to send a message to the gods, a mute testament to what had been done these past days. It took many days for the fires to burn, and during this time the many wounded were tended and allowed time to heal, and those beyond healing were allowed a dignified death and burial. When it was all over a new army arose from the ashes, one that took the name of a legendary force from the past. On that day the Band of the Red Hand announced their intent, and many flocked to their banner, Amon being among those who gladly pledged their honour and loyalty to this ancient force.




It was dark inside the tent, and the first warning Amon had that he was not alone was the hand that covered his mouth. He could feel the calluses on the hand, and knew that it belonged to someone who frequently used a weapon, but he was not prepared for the voice that went with the hand.


“Ehlana is that…………..”


He was not allowed to finish his sentence as lips pressed against his; stopping all chance he had of talking any further. It was a long time before he wanted to speak again, as Ehlana had something far more interesting on her mind to distract him with. That night was the start of a tumultuous relationship, one that flowed like a river, sometimes smooth, sometimes rough, but always interesting. Over the years that followed Amon and Ehlana became inseparable, until that fateful night she had attacked him and nearly killed him, so intense was her passion. She had tried to explain it to him, how it had something to do with her brother and the bond they shared, but Amon was not willing to listen and the gulf between them expanded until it was a canyon. Then she had died, and a part of Amon died with her. Alone, standing over her corpse, tears had streamed down his face and Amon had vowed to never give his heart to anyone again, he could not bear the pain that death extracted.




Time passed and Amon and the Band fought in many battles, against foes both common and strange, and he kept his word, he never did give his heart to another, the chains around it were strong and tight, and no one penetrated these chains. That is until one fateful day when the last person he ever thought to see arrived at the home of the Band, the newly built Citadel. It had been a day like most others, Amon working in his office, and then touring the training grounds, stopping to talk with the troops under his command. Exchanging jokes and quips with the non-commissioned officers and men before finding himself face to face with Corlinny. He was dumbfounded at first, and treated her with a harshness that was unusual for him. Many that were gathered close that day knew him well enough to avoid his company when he was in a mood like that. Those that knew him knew that there was something wild inside of Amon, something that came to the fore in moments of stress, or when in battle. Those who remembered Ehlana remarked that Amon had changed the day she died, changed not for the good, but for the worse. He had always been proficient in battle, but after that day there was recklessness in him, as if he sought death and did not care when or where it took him. Others said that death had no hold over him and that he would never be killed in battle because the day Ehlana had died he also had died. If Amon could have heard this he would have scoffed at such stupidity, but others who knew him did not, they had seen him fight, and knew to stay away from him when the laughter bubbled forth. That laughter signalled the fey mood was upon him and death followed in his wake.


Amon took a great interest in training Corlinny in weapons usage, an interest that almost bordered on the pathological, and he drove her hard, harder than any other recruit he had ever trained. To her credit she only asked him why once, maybe the explanation she got was enough, maybe she was scared to ask again, maybe she too had seen the fey light in Amon’s eyes when he had replied to her. Whatever she had learnt that day, it had been enough to change her, to finally make her understand that Amon was not the person she had known all those years ago in Baerlon and she almost gave up and returned to her home. But she was made of sterner stuff than that, and a inner steelwas uncovered that day and so she continued with her training, with such determination that even Amon came to be impressed, not that he admitted so to her. Then came the fateful day that Amon suffered the worst injuries he had ever had to endure. The physical injuries healed in their own time, but the mental injury took far longer to heal, and there was a time when neither Amon nor Corlinny thought his memories would return.  Return they did, though it was because of happenstance and not by design, It was during a game of stick ball that Amon received a blow to the back of the head, something that was quite common in this rough and tumble game, but this time the consequences were unforeseen. Amon did not think anything of the blow at the time; he was used to the risks of the game and so gave it no more thought. After the game he joined the other players in the bathhouse, joking around and exchanging quips with the players on his team and the opposition, before retiring for the night. The next morning though, upon waking he had one of the worst headaches he could remember and had made his way to the Infirmary where he was given a thorough examination. Apart from the lump from the blow, there was nothing obvious as the cause of the headache and so he was given a white powder in a mug of water and told to take it easy for he next few days and to return if he did not recover.


That night the pain grew worse and Amon could stand it no longer so made his way back to the Infirmary. As he entered the Infirmary he stopped dead, there tending to one of the wounded was Corlinny, all the blood drained from his face and his fists clenched, nails biting into his skin until drops of blood seeped through his clenched fingers. Seeing him there Corlinny smiled at him, moving across to where he stood. It was hard for her to make out the colour of his face in the light of the lanterns, but when she got close she realised that all was not as it should be.


“Amon what is wrong?”


“I remember now”


That was all that he said before turning on his heel and heading off into the night, leaving a shocked and shaken Corlinny standing in the doorway, hand held to her mouth, eyes following him as he disappeared into the darkness, an icy dread filling her stomach.

Amon (Tik Tik) Turamber


Under Commander, BotRH


Berserker for Life

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Corlinny tried her hardest not to cry but she knew it wouldn't work so she set herself to working hard in the infirmary.  It worked to a degree but she wasn't sure it would work long.  At the end of her shift Corlinny took a few things with her, a stack of papers and a packet of rather strong herbs. 


Corlinny found her room and set down at the meager table it held and took out the pen and ink and started filling out the form she'd taken at the top read "Discharge Papers".  It was the generic form the infirmary used to send people who were injured home or at least out of the ranks of the Band to live in the city.  Corlinny put her name on the paper.  She wrote in non-discirpt block letters.  There was a blank line before the word discharge, she wrote "dishonorable" as she was planning on leaving.  There was no reason to stay here after the look Amon had given her, it was not a place she wanted to be.


On the line after reason she wrote "Behavior unbecoming".  She signed her name in the approrpiate spot and dated the paper.  It would require the undercommander or commander's signature to be valid, but she didn't think that would be a problem.


She took out to separate blank pieces of paper and wrote a simple note to Jatasha saying she was leaving and she was sorry she didn't tell her personally.


The next was to Amon.  "I'm sorry I hurt you and I'm sorry your memory has returned.  I will no longer plague your existence, just sign the papers and make it official."  She signed her name and stuck the discharge papers and the note to amon in one packet and the letter to Jatasha in the other. 


Corlinny thought about taking the herbs with some alchol that night, but figured someone would save her.  She cried herself to sleep that night.


Corlinny woke early the following morning, while in the mess hall she inquired to Amon's whereabouts, it didn't seem too odd after the months they'd spend together.  They told her he was in a meeting and would be there most of the morning.  Corlinny thanked them and smiled. 


The walk to Amon's room was familiar by now and she slipped the packet under his door then did the same at Jatasha's.  Then she took her few meager personal belongings and stuffed them in a pack and walked out of the barracks doors forever.


Once outside Corlinny ran, ran as fast as she could through the city and out of the Citadel walls.  Why she decided to turn into the forset escaped her but that is where her feet took her.  Through the tears streaming from her red eyes she tried to dodge the branches and roots that littered her path.  She went face first into ground after tripping over one of the roots in her way.  She thought she heard laughter when she had done so but consciousness was soon lost.


She dreamed of better days of a life that could have been.  But Corlinny soon woke to men learing over her naked body.  A rabble of men looked over her and through her belongings.  Corlinny tried to scream but realized she couldn't something was in her mouth.  She struggled against her restraints but that brought the attention of one of the near by men.    "Our pretty is awake."


Corlinny wished then that she had never come through the woods.  The men pawed at her and hit her and did horrible things to her, things she never thought any man capable of, but these men were doing them, and doing them to her. 


Night had fallen and the men had left their helpless victim to die naked in her own pool of blood.  Corlinny didn't think she had any strength left in her body but she tried to get up, her arms and legs were pained but she crawled through the brush and the trees.  She wasn't sure how long she had crawled but she knew she was dead either way.  Corlinny collapsed on a flat patch of ground to the sound of hoof beats coming.  Of all the places luck would have it Corlinny saw the road but it was the last thing she saw as her body and mind raced into the oblivion of unconsciousness.


OOC:  Sorry not sure where we wanted to go, it kinda wrote itself.

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Amon was not in his room when Corlinny slipped the note under his door; he had been attending a meeting of his senior officers. There had been talk among the local populace of bandits having reappeared in the Two Rivers area, no doubt drawn by the lucrative trade from the mines in the Mountains of Mist that had flourished since the Band had helped to secure the area. Because of the Bands presence the bandits had become more organised but until recently had been keeping a low profile, it would seem that that had now changed and Amon had told the Officers he expected them to mount vigorous patrols to help defend the lucrative trade and the local populace. “It is no good us sitting behind our walls feeling smug with ourselves. These people helped us build this place and we now need to help them. I want to see a plan of action on my desk this time tomorrow, or I will know the reason why, good day to you gentlemen.”


Quickly the assembled Officers left the Command room and started to discuss various options. After completing his remaining paper work, including authorising the promotion of Corlinny to Corporal, Amon left his Office and went in search of food and some liquid refreshment. Once he had finished his meal, Amon made way to the stables to look in on his horse, he had not had chance to go for a ride for a few days and wanted to make sure the stable hands had been exercising his horse. On the spur of the moment Amon decided to go for a ride and he soon had his horse saddled, much to the chagrin of the Head Groom who thought it was bad form for an Officer to saddle his own horse. Amon ignored the man, he had a sneaking suspicion that he was the type of person who folded his stockings and arranged then neatly in a row.


Amon took his time riding through the Citadel, he was still building the strength back in his legs after his fall from the tower and he did not want a relapse and have to spend even more time in the Infirmary. As usual there was a crush of carts going in and out of the main gate, and Amon waited patiently off to one side until it was his turn Once through the gate Amon rode along the road, revelling in the beauty of the countryside around him, at this time of year the colours were brilliant and the climate in the Two Rivers lent itself to plentiful rain and sunshine. Amon alternated between trotting and walking his horse, keeping note of any pains in his leg or ankle and when they started to ache he turned back towards the Citadel, keeping his pace a lot slower to avoid causing any more discomfort.


Once back at the Citadel Amon allowed the Grooms to look after his horse and returned to his room. Upon opening the door, Amon saw a piece of paper lying on the floor of his room and stooped to pick it up. There was a faint aroma on the paper that he recognised instantly and his first reaction was to screw the note up and throw it away. But, then he realised it could have been something important and that he could not allow his personnel feelings to get in the way of discharging his duties. Opening up the note Amon wished he had screwed it up.


"I'm sorry I hurt you and I'm sorry your memory has returned.  I will no longer plague your existence, just sign the papers and make it official."


“Oh that bloody stupid girl what has she done now?”


Amon closed the door behind himself and made his way to the office of the chief medic to make sure this was not some stupid ploy by Corlinny to get back in Amon’s good books. After a quick conversation with the Chief Medic it became clear that there was no subterfuge here and both Amon and Jatasha went in search of Corlinny. Her room had obviously been cleared out in a hurry and this started to worry Amon, it was not like Corlinny to act in haste she was far more levelheaded than that. As there were four main gates in the Citadel Amon and Jatasha took two each and questioned the guards as to whether or not they had seen Corlinny pass. Amon got negative responses at both the gates he checked and hurried to meet up with Jatasha to see if she had had any more luck. Fortunately she had and Amon quickly returned to his Quarters and dressed in his leather armour, grabbing his twin swords he returned to the stables and surprised the grooms by demanding they saddle his horse and Jatasha’s. Not long after he got there Jatasha showed up and it was not long before they rode out of the stables and out of the Citadel.


“How much longer are we going to search for her Amon? It is almost too dark to see the hand in front of our faces as it is.”


“You can go back if you want, but I will continue until I find her, this silly girl has caused enough problems as it is, and if she thinks she can just walk out on her responsibilities whenever she likes she has another thing coming.”


By the time it was fully dark, Amon had all but given up of finding any sign of Corlinny and if it had not been for the superb training of his horse, he would have missed the broken and bloody body, in the dark. As it was, it was his horse that noticed it first, no doubt the stench of the blood spooked the horse, which stood in the road and would not budge. Amon dismounted and quickly saw the mound in the road, fearing the worse he went over to the bundle and then shouted to Jatasha to come quickly.


How they got back to the Citadel Amon could not say, thankfully Corlinny remained unconscious for the whole journey and Amon was grateful for that, as Jatasha said the girl had been badly raped and suffered quite a few other injures as well, no doubt trying to defend herself from her attackers. Once back at the Infirmary, Amon realised there was nothing more he could do left Corlinny in the hands of the medics who assured him they would do everything they could for her.


With a face like thunder, Amon made his way to the Commander’s office, the one that he and Jaem shared. Finding his Commander relaxing with a flagon of good wine, Amon’s entrance was not his usual calm one. “I tell you now Jaem this has gone on long enough. I want a mounted patrol ready now to scour the area. Corlinny, a medic of ours, has been badly beaten and raped, it is unclear if she is going to survive the night or not.”


Amon(Tik Tik) Turmaber


Under Commander, BotRH


Berserker for Life


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After a long night of speaking with the Command Staff, it was nice to relax at his own desk alone with some nice spiced wine. It was still a struggle to not drink himself into a stoopor, but he welcomed the challenge. It was proof to himself that he had a steel will. If he could control that, he could do anything.


When Amon walked in, Jaem had just finished his second glass. “I tell you now Jaem this has gone on long enough. I want a mounted patrol ready now to scour the area. Corlinny, a medic of ours, has been badly beaten and raped, it is unclear if she is going to survive the night or not.”


Jaem studied his Undercommander's face. It was twisted with pain and anger. "You're right, Amon. This negligance has gone on quite long enough. You can take out whatever scouts you need tonight. In the morning I'll put into place what I had been hoping for the last few weeks since I've been here. There are bandits and brigands in the Two Rivers. The Two bloody Rivers! Burn me, if theres no safety here, theres none left in the flaming world. Our patrols are thin at the very best. We have all our force concentrated in the Citadel, tomorrow this will change.


"I'm going to put a garrison at Taren Ferry and five camps spread through the middle slopes of the Mountains. No one will come in or out of the Two Rivers without me knowing. I'm putting a post in each of the other villages where we can always have a presence and we won't always have to ride all the way to the Citadel to get troops. I'm going to put mounted patrols all across the borders, and up the North Road.


"These brigands have a base camp somewhere, and until we find it, I want all fully trained scouts to search the forests and the mountains. We will find them."


He stood and put a hand on his former recruit's shoulder. "I'm sorry about the girl. It should have never gone this far. Sometimes it takes something like this, though, to set things in motion." Everything happens for a reason. He looked down at the stump where his left hand used to be. Suddenly he had an epiphany. Even this is giving me the drive to fight. He looked at Amon again, feeling as if he had just been punched. "Come. We'll send out the patrol and then we'll go see the girl."

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The hardest part of working with the Scouts was having the patience to let them do their jobs. Amon did not have a lot of patience at the best of times, and right now it was all but exhausted. However, he knew that in a situation such as this he had to let others take the lead and so he sat on his horse, watching the Scouts go about their work. They were combing the area where Amon had found Corlinny and would not leave until they were satisfied they had uncovered all the clues, no matter how small and insignificant they might be. After what seemed like an age, the oldest of the three Scouts remounted his horse and came across to where Amon was sat on his horse, idly fingering the hilt of one of his swords. “So tell me Ham, what have you found?”


Scratching at the week old growth of beard, Ham hawked and spat, clearing the dust of their frantic ride from his throat. There were more men here that attacked the girl, for some reason they hung back and did not take part in the rape. Altogether I would say there was a group of 20, maybe 25 here, but only four or five took part in the attack. Why the others did not I cannot say, but I know where they went and can follow their trail easily, they did not take any precautions to hide it.” Ham stopped speaking, he could just about make out the feral look that came over Amon’s face and it was not a look he wanted to see. Carefully he placed his hand on Amon’s arm, his grip sure but not painful. “I know you outrank me Amon, but we have known each other for some time now and I say this to you, if we follow them now there is nothing we can do against such a large group. I know your heart cries out for vengeance and retribution in this matter, so does mine. But, we cannot just charge in there, swords swinging and hope we come out the other side. I think this group is too well organised for that. For all we know there could be three times this number back at their camp. Let me and my two lads find this camp and then we can send word back to you and the rest of the men. You can then deliver the justice the girl deserves on all of these scum.”


Ham lessened his grip on Amon’s arm, but noticed his friend’s hand was still white around the hilt of his sword. Eventually, thought, Amon sighed and nodded to Ham. “You are right Ham, but make this quick, I want no other to suffer what Corlinny has suffered here this night. If you can find out who did this then we will not kill all of them, but if you cannot we will put the entire group to the sword and the Dark One can take the hind most. Be on your way now and I will report back to the Citadel and see what Jaem thinks of all this.”


Amon(Tik Tik) Turmaber


Under Commander, BotRH


Berserker for Life


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  • 4 weeks later...

Corlinny wasn't sure how long it had been since she'd been found by those horrid men.  She wasn't even sure if she was alive.  She hurt all over but her mind was in a fog.  She tried to open her eyes and only saw the blurred sight of Amon standing above her.  She thought she was dreaming and closed her eyes, Amon was angry with her he wouldn't be there to see her off to the next world.


Hours drifted by before Corlinny found the energy to open her eyes.  She was in the Citadel Infirmary, she could tell by the smell of it.  She didn't have to look around.  A firm hand touched her arm and Corlinny winced with our even seeing her friend Malcolm and fellow Medic tending her wounds.  "Nice to have you awake, Corlinny.  You've had us all worried."


Corlinny didn't try to talk but she took the water Malcolm offered her he helped her sit up and Corlinny felt herself pull away from him.  Malcolm gave her a weak smile as he left her bedside.  Her body ached and she was afraid of what that meant.  She was only vaguely aware of what the men and done to her, she'd given up hope more than half way into the situation.  She cursed herself for going off the road, even if she hadn't wanted to be found, but she was and found by the wrong sort of men.


Corlinny wasn't hungry but she drank the water given to her, she wondered if Amon had signed her papers and if this was just curtiousy or if he'd even found them yet.  She didn't want to see him again and as if her thoughts called him Amon walked through the Infirmary door.



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        Amon returned to his room, after his meeting with Jaem, but found that he could not sleep, despite the fact he had been up all night and it was now nearing midday. He did not blame himself for what had happened to Corlinny, well not entirely. To be honest he did not know what to think about the events of the preceding thirty-six hours. His memory had returned and with it he feelings of betrayal that had been buried deep within the amnesia. Now though they had come flooding back and he was finding it hard to cope with the renewed sense for loss and betrayal even more so as he could remember how happy he had been before his memory had returned. No matter which way he looked at it he could not find anyway out of the maze, the quagmire, which he found himself in. As much as he wanted to go to her and hold her, comfort her, and by extension comfort himself, there was another side that said if he did that he was just giving her another chance to betray him, to cause him pain and anguish. Not knowing anyway he could stop the contrary thoughts he was having Amon found himself sitting in one of the taverns that had opened within the Citadel’s walls, drowning his sorrows in the strongest brew he could buy. Amon had never been a drinker; it was something that he thought would eventually dull his reactions and cost him, or someone close to him, their life. Tonight though he did not care, there was no way he was going to sleep, no way he could rid himself of the thoughts that were running through his head, tormenting him. Yet, at some stage, it had seemed to him to be a good idea to go to the Infirmary and talk to Corlinny, where that thought came from he would never be able to explain.


        Entering the infirmary, Amon stood in the doorway, swaying slightly, allowing his eyes to become accustomed to the gloom in the tent. Finally he spotted one of the medical staff and made his unsteady way over to them. Without any preamble, Amon enquired where Corlinny was? Unfortunately the medic was too shocked to respond quickly enough, so Amon waved them away and informed them he would find her on his own. Eventually, after getting himself hopelessly lost, and finding himself in the morgue, where he had a most interesting conversation with one of the corpse handlers, Amon managed to find his way to where Corlinny was. She was in a room on her own such was the nature of her injuries and when he saw her Amon came to a standstill and just stared at her completely unable to say anything.


      Time seemed to stop for both of them, neither able to take their eyes off the other as if some force had stopped time and frozen in that one moment when their gazes met. How long they stayed like that they would not have been able to say, nor would they have believed anyone who told them it was only a few moments, to them it seemed like years passed.


Years in which they spoke volumes, and said nothing.


Years in which they shared emotions without feeling anything.


Years in which they held each other, without touching.


A hand touched Amon’s shoulder and he jumped like a cat on a hot tin roof. “You should not be here Amon, Corlinny needs her rest she has suffered badly and needs no disturbances. If there is something you need to say to her, or want to give her it will have to wait, do I make myself clear?”


With eyes that did not see, and ears that did not hear, Amon turned away from her and the medic, a piece of paper falling from his lifeless fingers. Without a word he walked out of the infirmary and out of the Citadel. Right now there was only one place that suited his mood, a place he had heard about but never visited, a place that went by the name of a hell, and he stayed there for longer than anyone would ever know.


Amon(Tik Tik) Turmaber


Under Commander, BotRH


Berserker for Life


OOC: The paper is Corlinny's discharge papers and Amon has scrawled across them one word....NO!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Corlinny watched the interchange between the medic in charge of her case and Amon and waited for him to come over but he left only dropping the paper he'd had with him.  Corlinny didn't know whether to sigh or jump with glee for not having to see him again.  She wondered why he'd been drinking.  He surely wasn't that upset over this.  He was a bigger man than that but she would never know, she would be leaving when she got the chance. 


The medic handed Corlinny the papers Amon had intended for her.  She vaguely remembered the packet and her heart began to flutter, her papers!  Corlinny opened them eagerly but her heart fell at the large letters scribed across them.  She sank into the pillows behind her and cried.  Why did he want to keep her around?  Why did he do this to her, but more importantly to himself?  She was confused and she cried harder. She cried her self to sleep, but she was sure that the medic and put something in her drink to ease the pain her body had.


Corlinny dreamt of things that should have been long ago.  She dreamt of Amon and her life if she'd not betrayed him.  But as their life got happier they changed into a re-enactiment of the chase and the men who violated her.  Corlinny woke up screaming and the male medic who tried to calm her down made Corlinny jerk so violently away from his touch she fell out of the cot she was laying in.


He tried to help her up but Corlinny shreked.  She was terrified and hardly awake, the images of the men violating her and hurting her ran through her mind, it was all she could see.  There was nothing else what the visions running through her mind.  No one could get close to her, no one wanted to get hurt nor hurt her. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

The wind drove the rain into the face of the man as he sloshed his way across the muddy track and despite the man pulling his hood lower the rain still lashed at his skin, thankfully though it was not a cold rain. Pushing open the log door he entered the smoke filled room, gasping slightly at the stench of tobacco and unwashed flesh. Not as much as he would have done at one time, but even now he found the smell of unwashed bodies to be one of the rankest he had come across. Pushing his way though the throng he approached the bar and ordered a tankard of what passed for ale in this hellhole. Grabbing his tankard from the bar, he left several coppers on the bar top and turned to scan the room, his eyes searching for a familiar face, eventually he found it and slowly made his way over to the table and sat himself down in the vacant chair.


“It is an evening that is not fit for dogs to be out in Ham, never mind people like us.”


“People like us Amon? We are the scum, and you would do best to remember that.”


A grim smile flitted across Amon’s face, quickly replaced by a grimace when he tasted the beer in his tankard. “I do not know how men get addicted to this stuff, you would have to be real sot to want to drink this all the time.”  Ham grinned at Amon before taking a large drink from his tankard and smacking his lips. “If I recall correctly your were kicked out of your last employment for liking this stuff too much.”


For a moment Amon did not respond, his gaze drawn to the far corner and the group of men that had gathered there, a slight curl to his lip and a narrowing of his eyes gave away his feelings for them. “If you continue to stare at them like that they will suspect there is something going on here, drop it Amon.” Ham emphasised his point by digging his elbow into Amon’s ribs, catching the half healed wound that Amon had received the previous week in a fight at this bar.


Sucking in his breath Amon cast a withering glance at Ham. “You know I am right Amon now drop it. If they are the ones then we will find out and if they are not there is no good us going looking for more trouble than we can handle. When it comes to a fist fight you are hopeless and you know that.” There was no denying Ham’s words, Amon was useless without a weapon in his hands, his temper always got the better of him and he would just swing aimlessly about, making himself an easy target for those who knew how to use their fists. However, with a weapon in his hands, any sort of weapon it was a totally different matter.


Later on that evening, just when Amon was beginning to believe that it was another wasted night a man approached the table he and Ham shared and without asking sat down staring straight at Amon. The man placed his tankard down on the rough hewn wood of the tabletop and lent closure to Amon. “Me friends be wondering if you are worth the bother of killing, they don’t like being stared at. Me, I just say we should kill you and be done with it.” Amon did his best to not pull away from the man whose fetid breath was enough to turn the stomach of the strongest man. Amon was not sure if it was the rotting teeth that caused the stench or something the man had consumed.


Amon placed his tankard with great deliberation away from the man’s, as if he was afraid the contents might get contaminated by the man’s breath, and then looked him directly in the eye. “Big words little man, can you back them up with anything but fetid breath?”


The ghost of a smile quickly disappeared from the man’s face, but as he went to stand up, Ham’s hand closed on the man’s wrist and forced him back down. “Look friend, we do not want any trouble, we are out of work and need a job that will pay our way. Work where no one asks questions about a man’s past and where the pay is good. Do you know of anything like that?”


Two nights later Amon and Ham found themselves being led down a small over grown dirt trail, two men in front of them and several more behind. They had been relieved of their weapons before they had set out from the meeting place and now their future rested in the hands of the men they were going to meet and whether or not Amon and Ham could convince these men they were as desperate as Amon and Ham hoped they were.


Amon(Tik Tik) Turmaber


Under Commander, BotRH


Berserker for Life


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  • 2 weeks later...

It had been several months since her day of leaving had happened, she had gone back to work and her co-workers were more pleasant than usual, and the men tended to avoid her.  She wasn't sure what to think of that but they were probably right in that.  She didn't want to offend them. She had not seen Amon in more than passing in those months.  Corlinny sighed and wondered if it would remain this way.  She found herself a new quarterstaff instructor and her own medic training took up alot of her time. 


She was hard pressed to learn how to do well in a bad situation, to treat her friends, and others on the battle field.  Corlinny drowned herself in her work, trying not to think of Amon and what had happened to her when she'd fled his life.  It was her fault she got hurt, but it was hard to make amends with Amon when he avoided her.  So she worked and worked until there was little time to even sleep.


She was not glad she was back in the Citadel for good, but she would live with it.  She would live with Amon ignoring her.  She had heard rumors that he was out in the field searching for her attackers.  It made her wonder why he cared so much to be in the forfront, but he was never around to ask not that she wanted to talk to him anyway. 




OOC:  Do you want them to bump into each other some place?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Almost a month had passed since that fateful night when Amon and Ham had been introduced to the leaders of the bandits that had been plaguing the area. It had taken some convincing on Amon’s part to get accepted amongst these men, although once they knew he could shoe a horse and take over the duties of a blacksmith, that acceptance came much easier, although he was still watched much more closely than Ham was. For some reason that Amon could not fathom, Ham had been accepted almost on the first night and because of this the two of them had not spoken much, nor had they wanted to be seen in each others company, just in case. As it was this worked to their advantage and allowed them to meet a lot more of the men who belonged to this group.


Amon had been surprised at the number of women that made their home with these men, even more so considering what he knew about the habits of some of these men. He had soon changed his opinion after witnessing a fight one evening between two of the women, it was every bit as vicious as a fight between two men.


Knowing that his ever move was being watched, observed, scrutinised, Amon kept himself to himself and only spoke when spoken to, and then only about the work he was doing. Occasionally he saw Ham about the camp, and from the casual observations Amon was able to make, Ham seemed to be having a much easier time of it than he was, which was not that surprising, Amon had never broken the law in his life and would have been hard pressed to do so without there being a very good reason.


In the evenings there was nothing much to do to help pass the time, other than gamble or drink, Amon was useless at the first and knew better than to risk drink loosening his tongue so he sat alone in the tent he had been assigned to when he had finished all the tasks he was given. Usually he fell onto his bunk and went to sleep almost immediately, although he did spend sometime wondering what Corlinny was doing and how she was coping with the after math of the attack on her.


As the days wore on and became weeks, Amon began to realise that he missed her, missed knowing she was around, missed hearing how she was impressing her teachers, or how she had had to work hard to accomplish something that had come easier to others. He had also begun to question his feelings considering how he had felt when he had lost his memory. When he had not known about the incident with Rackhir he had been happy, or would have if she had not reminded him of her infidelity. He had never fully understood why she had done what she had, and she had never been able to explain it properly either. Amon had been unwilling to give her a second chance, but now that she had come back into his life he wondered if he had been wrong to act in the way he had. Act in haste, repent at leisure had always been a saying of Schaduw’s that the man had repeated more times than Amon could recall. The truth of it, the bitter irony of it, was that now he was away from her, he was beginning to fully understand this.


One night, when Amon had been hard at work in the forge well past sundown, he returned to his tent to find a note stuffed under his blankets. When he unfolded it, there were only two words written on the paper.


All set


No signature, and nothing to suggest whom it was from, but Amon knew whom it was from and what it meant. Now all he had to do was arrange to get out of the camp for a day and get to the rendezvous point in time.


Amon(Tik Tik) Turmaber


Under Commander, BotRH


Berserker for Life


OOC Mat, Ham will show up in the Citadel and ask you to accompany him. He will leave the Citadel with a company of Cavalry and when all of you get to the rendezvous point you will find all the men who raped Cor. Amon will be there, so you can include all of that in your next post ok?


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  • 1 month later...

Corlinny hadn't seen Amon in many months and what happened the day they did see each other again was not a day Corlinny would soon forget.


It was mid morning when a strange man introduced himself to her and asked for her to accomany him.  Ham didn't give her anymore information only that her presense was required.  Corlinny sighed and went with him after telling her superior that she'd been summoned.


They left the infirmary with a lot of tension between them.  Ham tried to touch her and and herd her along but Corlinny kept moving out of reach.  It was a funny sight to be sure, but Corlinny did so unconsciously these days and had to remind herself these men were not going to hurt her.


Corlinny's mare was already saddled and she didn't need to take anyone to tell her they were leaving the citadel.  The ride was boring out of down but it became more interesting as they left the gates of the citadel.  Just out side of the gates the calvary waited.  And they fell in line as they came.  Ham and Corlinny were in the middle of a ring of calvary, as if their lives were most important.  Corlinny looked around from the men and women to her escort and wondered what in the world was going on.


They rode for several hours before they stopped at a small camp.  From the distance she could pick out only one figure, Amon.  What had he done, and why was she here, she wanted nothing more to do with him, he wouldn't speak to her anyway.  Corlinny tried to turn her horse around but the calvary unit behind her would not move. She sighed and moved with the rest of them.


With Amon stood men that Corlinny vaguely recognized and then the horrific memories came flooding back.  Corlinny tried to flee...



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  • 1 month later...

A figure emerged from the ranks of the Cavalry and made his way towards the group of ragged men, his gaze never leaving Amon’s face. Even now as he closed the gap to where Amon stood, others from this unit were infiltrating the area behind this group to surround them, no one was to escape this trap.


It had taken all of Amon’s skill and trickery to get himself assigned to this patrol, to worm his way into their confidence. As with many large groups there was always an inner core, a small group that only like minded individuals could gain admittance to. It was one such group that Amon had been trying, along with Ham, to gain admittance to over these weeks. Amon knew he was not trusted, but he persisted and finally had shown that he was worthy of admittance to this group. As soon as this occurred Ham had left the bandits and made his way back to the Citadel as had been agreed upon by him and Amon before they had left.


Thankfully it had not been too long after Ham left that Amon got his chance to get this group of rapists and killers away from the main group bandits. Promising them the two things there were always wanting, women and alcohol, Amon had lead them on a raid to a village that had so far escaped their attentions. However it was all a ruse, just one more desperate plan weaved inside other desperate plans, and all with scant chance of succeeding, but Amon was determined that the men who had raped Corlinny would face justice, even if it meant he would not see her again or end up dying in the attempt.


Amon did not move, nor did he acknowledge Ham in anyway, this was the most dangerous moment of this whole plan, and it could all go so badly wrong still. Ham pulled his horse up short of the group and after a moment started to address them. As he started to speak men on horseback emerged from the forest behind the group, bows and lances aimed squarely at the ragged bunch. “In case you do not realise it, you are now surrounded by a battalion of Cavalry from the Band of the Red Hand, you can surrender and face the justice that is coming to you, or you can all die here and now. The choice is yours, what will you choose?”


Amon did not move, nor did he speak, his eyes were focussed on one person who now had her head turned away and would have left altogether if it was not for the Lieutenant holding onto the bridle of her horse. However the men around him were not content to just sit there and a small group, six men in total, tried to make a break for it, but it was a vain attempt and the bodies of the six men soon lay in postures of agony, their bodies littered with arrows.


This was the sign to the other men that resistance was futile and it was not long after this little demonstration that all the bandits were disarmed and restrained for the journey back to the Citadel. All that is except for one, one man who Amon knew had been the ring leader and instigator of the brutal events that Corlinny had had to suffer. This man had his hands tied behind his back, his ankles crossed and lashed together and then Corlinny was brought to stand in front of him. Amon had no idea if the sort of rough justice he was about to meet out would work, but it was all he could offer.


Grasping the mans greasy hair, Amon reversed the grip on the dagger he held and smashed the hilt into the larynx of the bound man. Amon released his grip on the man and went over to Corlinny and stood by her side.


“Nothing can ever take the memories of that night from you, and you know if I could I would, but this animal will never hurt another soul again. It is all I have to offer you Corlinny, I hope it is of some help.” Corlinny’s face was an unreadable mask, but as the sounds of the dying man faded away, much as his life did, she let Amon lead her back to her horse.


Amon(Tik Tik) Turmaber


Under Commander, BotRH


Berserker for Life


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  • 3 weeks later...

Corlinny wasn't sure who had stopped her or how she ended up in front of a man she vaguely remembered.  Amon stood at her side, she hadn't noticed him before.  What was he doing with these men, and why had he brought her here.  She soon realized that Amon was out for revenge as he crushed the man's windpipe and he died in her sight.


As horrible as the sight was Corlinny couldn't look away.  When the last dying breath escaped the man's lips Corlinny collapsed into Amon.  He caught her and Corlinny asured herself it was only out of instinct.  She didn't really beleive he'd forgiven her or that he cared about her.  She'd done horrible things to him and she had been repaid in kind yet he still took it upon himself to find these men.  Would he have done it for any other?  Corlinny's answer was yes.  He was a good and honorable man, he was also a leader of the band.  It was his job.  Corlinny started to cry, feeling depressed and releaved all at the same time.  Depressed because he would never forgive her, releived that they would harm no one again, and some sort of justice was handed out.


She looked up at him with a tear streaked face.  "Why did you do this?"



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  • 2 weeks later...

The raw emotion in Corlinny’s voice removed any doubt from Amon that she still needed healing, and the slow fall of tears down her cheek were the other visible sign of this. Raising his hand, Amon moved to wipe away the tracks of Corlinny’s tears, but at first he head jerked back, but then realising that he was not going to hit her, not that he ever was, she held still as his fingers gently wiped away the tears. It was then that Amon realised just how dirty his hands were, as Corlinny now had two smudge marks on her face where the dirt of his fingers mixed with her tears.


“I would have done this for anyone who these animals had hurt, but because it is you it made it all the more necessary that for me. Why did you think I would just let you be hurt and not find those who did it? Do you really think I am so petty as to not try and avenge something like that?”


Amon did not know why she would ask him that, he was the Assistant Commander of the Band and as such was responsible for all those soldiers who belonged to the Band and would never allow any of them to go unavenged. “Why do you think I did this?”


Amon(Tik Tik) Turmaber


Under Commander, BotRH


Berserker for Life


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