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Organised Games Announcement!


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We have a new player murderer game up in the Organized Games thread atm and it has 2 spots left that have been open for a couple of days! if anyone wants to learn how to play now is the perfect time!


as the games get bigger in 4 player increments (12, 16, 20) typically then if we have 6 players post saying they want to play Talya, who will be moding the game, can pull in any players off the wait list! So even if the 2 remaining spots fill in, if your interested make sure and post so!


They are very fun and I'm sure you'll all enjoy them! (if any kin members have enjoyed the games before feel free to post so to encourage people!)


And don't feel you have to read the whole thread! only the first post by Talya is important, the rest is spam^^

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And here is a link to the actual forums:



If interested feel free to participate in Ilgross' Diplomacy game or Sinister Death's Trial game.


And feel free to post your own games! if you have a list of rules then post that and we can get people together who are interested! If you don't have the rules then all thats required is your willing to lead the first game and have enough knowledge of the game to lead it and answer any questions.

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There was a battle. Some called it Tarmon Gai’don, some called it a waste of resources. Others caught the highlights of the battle during the halftime show. (Backstreet Boys? Is the superbowl seriously that short on cash?)

The battle ended, and humanity was finally able to do a decent job of mending the Dark One’s mansion. He is pleased with the mortaring job by the way.


Want more? Check out page 5 of the Welcome to the Nuthouse thread. It has the makings of a game that shall be riveting for players and spectator's both!


Any game you choose to start there requires 2 very small things.

1. Some level of skill, however minimal.

B. That multiple people can play.


Hope to see you there!

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