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Looking for mentors


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Hey guys we have a ton of New Novices coming through with the new reqs and I would love to see as many people as possible taking mentees. If you don't I am going to have about 15 myself, so if anyone could help out I would love you forever!!

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You've got it Jaydena, you go girl :)


Already got one at the moment, I can help others with theirs intermittently but it doesn't fit too well with Lillian being in and out of the Tower all the time.  Siemba's an exception :)

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Mae also isn't bing on Mentoring.. too busy. When i figure out what I will be doing with my third Character slot i'll let you know and then I'll take on Mentors.. I'm mostly mentoring in the WY (not actively though... *hand slap* bad me.. )

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Haha. I redelegated Tirzah to Arette Sedai (thanks!) and Big Mac (hahaha!?) at the moment, so I could help out with another Novice.


Hopefully this girl's better behaved, but after Rory the Taraboner should be able to handle it.


Besides, it's for Jaydena's love. How cool is that.

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Wait you gave your mentee to someone else?? LOL hun if you do that you have to pm me and tell me you are doing it so I can update the records. Let me know for sure if you did so I can change it. *G* I will be hitting you and Estel up for mentors next. *G*

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Err, no, just given for Intro, since Tirzah has a block and Arette Sedai could help (besides, it's funny). We just put up a post having Saline discovering Tirzah's block to-day actually, but Arette Sedai's more experienced with breaking blocks. Same thing happened with Rory, as Lillian Sedai took care of Rory's intro. Saline will mentor/arrange the rest for Tirzah, if that's okay.

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