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New GL for the PotD


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It gives me great pleasure to appoint Arette to the GL position of the PotD. Many of you know her, and i would hope you can all help her settle into her new position and give her any assistance she requires as she familiarises  herself with various Divs under her control.....good luck Arette!





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Congrats Arette! I have been eagerly awaiting to see who Owen would appoint. I can make one recommendation for getting to know the Divs well - Make characters in them! Nothing worse than a leader who doesn't know the inns and outs of the divisions ;)


If you need anything, I'm more than happy to help! :D



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Thank you for the welcomes and good wishes :)


Jocelyn, that is a very good advice and I intend to take it. I have a month before school starts so I can pile my plate full until that :P Already started with the Wolfkin, now I am trying to catch brain waves for the rest of the characters.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

*pokes Reetta* If you burn out, dear i'm going to haunt you for life. ;)



Congrats! You will do a fabulous job! *snuggleS*

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